The Ideal Life For Me Is: Good Friends, Good Books, And Good Coffee.

in life •  9 years ago  (edited)

So, what is your ideal life? A sleepy conscience? 1 million STEEM dollars? A pet ferret?
I'd love to know. Please leave your comments below.

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Good Question
I Need To Think About That One!
Good Health
That Way I Would Be Able To Deal With
Things That Life Throws My Way
I Miss My Youth
I Was Strong
But If I Was Strong Then,
I Can Be Strong Again
The Laptop Is Working
Watch Out World Here
We Steemians Come!
Keep em coming And

I avoided health @anns - too much coffee and cigarettes!!

Coffee Is Actually Good For You At 3 Cups A Day
I've Met People That Drink 5 Cups And
Could Still Sleep When Bedtime Comes
I Can't Really Smoke-Too Many Allergies!

Love this prompt! You all look quite happy :)

An ideal life for me:

Wake up to watch the sunrise regardless of where I am. Having all my needs met, be able to travel internationally with my partner and dog, and freely on my own schedule. Surfing, diving, creating art while I travel. Have time to sit with a great read with my hot beverages, be disciplined with my health and fitness practices, and have a thriving intimate life. Haha

Thanks @dakini-dion (I'm the one on the right by the way!) Got a mention for you in one of my future posts - keep your eyes peeled ;)x

life on the beach, my family, my dogs, horse , surfing, walking, stars, friends, vino, peace and tranquility - attainable I think

WOW! Big list that one - all agreed on! Can I swap vino for gin though?? Thanks ;)

definately love G&T large of course .....

"Hendricks please!"

London or Bombay - iced and sliced of course -wouldnt be British...hahahah

(with cucumber not lemon!)

Gracias Por compartir este material, Me gusta lo que has publicado. Muchas Gracias

Gracias @jlufer :-)

My soon to be fiance wants to build her own coffee shop and I want to start an alternative investments firm with my new project that I'm trying to patent. I hope to one day be able to have my offices above her bar and coffee house that features live rock music.

Book me in for an espresso will you! Best of luck @williamdevine

For me? Being surrounded by those I love. After losing my first spouse to cancer at a terrible, young age, I realized that relationships are more important than anything else. So my goal, is to cherish my new hubby and to celebrate out 50th anniversary some day.

Cherish all, and you'll never go far wrong ;) Thanks for your kind words @rebeccamorgan May the writers block never blight thee!