(( edited version as the speech to text doesn't work great and I have some serious complaints so I'm also posting it online and forwarding it to an email list as I don't think I'll the remaining in Calgary much longer ))
… I’ve been through four five, public washrooms today. Every single one of them’s closed, every single one of them has no reason to be closed. ((I checked and staff didn’t know why)) One of them was near the Glenbol museum, which is closed. It was in the public area there, as well as several other locations, including great. Now I’m in Rocky Ridge, Iraqi view, ((rocky view?)) whatever. In the north east library here. The only washroom here that is for public use and that is for wheelchair. Meaning they can lock the door behind them. And the rapists that stalked me for eight years can’t get in there. He doesn’t like this happening. So, ((he)) often pays people to break the washroom or throw away the key, or whatever. It’s been going on for several years. So, I’m fairly used to it and I don’t think that the people here are necessarily involved with it. However, I’ve been having a lot of problems with city workers as of lately. My name is … ((speech to text issue)). I am not targeted by the government. I witnessed a rape in a murder still. Not investigated, still unidentified victim and Penticton, BC in 2014. So there’s no way I should have scan officers among other kinds of people bothering me. They told me to f*** off in Penticton, when I called the RCMP, I was assaulted and my friend was assaulted and shot. The person that bothers me uses V2K to brag about shooting her in the head. Anyways, this is the same person who tries to disable your bathrooms, any bathroom, you can lock the door behind is pretty much gonna be closed, wherever I go today, or any it any day for that matter is very, very difficult to get one. That’s he hasn’t f***** up already and ((im copying)) email addresses that I sent to because I haven’t written to them in a while. I’ve been just sending it to the higher authorities, hoping, they wake up and do something about this. Serious problem that affects a lot more people than they’ll ever hear from because most of them … ((know)) they’re going to the hospital if they complain about it, and that’s BS. I know, I walked by City Hall, I know there’s a bathroom there. It could have used that you can … ((lock)) the door behind you, but last time I went there, I didn’t find a way to …((latch)) the door, so lock the could be unlocked. So I couldn’t, I would need to barricade the door because the last time I went there, I was sitting there pooping and all of a sudden, the door was wide open and ((when this happens normally)) there’s a bunch of laughing people outside. ((You may not understand about the technology)) So there’s a weapon that they use as well as V2k called in my term. I call it the pause weapon because there’s not much else to describe it and it was discovered by the Obama’s brain initiative and is relatively simple to use it requires sonogenetics as well as a brain scan, that means ultrasound and a brain scan and then this can happen to you too. And for these psychopaths and rapists, it’s the greatest thing in the world combined that with the scan loophole, they are doing this in front of people and people don’t know, they should call the police because they’re stupid uniform …((says)) police on it even though they’re peace officers. …
I can’t edit it anymore editing this but that’s cuz I don’t have time because there’s a goddamn stalker here in person and I’m going to go take his picture and then make sure that I’m safe I can’t continue to edit this cuz he’ll just come and delete it so read the rest of yourself and ((** lots of vulgar language removed**)) you.
PS I’m about to go to sleep and I’ve already written a complaint letter to g a r d a world about a fake security guard and send some pictures as well as took several other pictures of people that were doing the weird harassment and documented how I was robbed my bags were gone through while I was sitting there within a hundred feet and no more than four or five cars went by and somebody must have snuck into the place where it was going through it all stole a Canali suit I found as well as a Hugo Boss suit as well as some food some Gatorade and all my tools and pretty much didn’t leave anything of value in my bag and it was a bag of stuff that I can’t carry around all the time yeah I also had about 50 or 60 vintage toys which I’ve been collecting over the past year or maybe six months which can’t be sold really to anybody even though they’re worth a lot of money and pretty much that’s everything that happened in the meantime so I’m going to finish editing this email now at 12:44 a.m. Monday March the 6th 2023 ))
… Anyways, long story short, the pause weapon. ((If you were affected)) You continue doing the same thing over and over again, without switching to the … next action, you can read about it in scientific American 2014… ((is where I first read about it)). However, that is several years, behind current technology, even in 2014 when that article was published sonogenics was already happening in public science. So it was really far out of date in 2014. And so on and X is really getting simpler and simpler sonogenetics not so on and x. Anyways, so someone’s eyes remain open. …
( very important to note here that while their eyes are open if their paws no short-term memories are formed this means the person that is continuing the same action over and over and over again with or without their eyes open will not remember anything while that’s occurring and the psychopath makes constant reference including yesterday and today to having videotaped his assault of me it’s disgusting the girl mentioned it as well and she pretends she’s not threatening me with commenting on what she saw repeatedly over the past 8 years it’s sickening that these rapists are terrorizing me with this and the country does nothing it should really freak you out that they do this to children and the Sandy Hook shooter in the United States was a victim of this technology if you notice in the papers they didn’t figure it out either they figured out that eventually they determined him to be ill which I believe is totally incorrect and if you knew the situation you would know that too the perpetrators of this crime against me or hiding the truth from the authorities and by doing so they allow the sick actions to continue across America to children adults people that live in free countries that expected the law to protect them).
As well against me the psychopath uses deep fake technology so Witnesses to his crimes and to the videos he shows them keep quiet about it pretending I’m a surveillance Target of the government and that he works for the authorities is something that he does frequently and people tend to believe it however they often turn around completely and lie to the police if the real police show up even after speaking about the scan officers people will rarely ever talk about it and I suspect him to be nearby in those cases. Deepfake is hard to make especially, if the victim is destroying their clothing, As as I often do now because people used to just buy it. So about five years ago, how every single piece of my clothing would be purchased right down to my dirty socks and underwear by some stranger. So I figured that out and they use somebody that looks like you and they just basically put my face on their face and they did this big thing at City Hall here on the train. I ended up with a bloody f****** nose and I don’t remember what happened because I was paused, even people. I know that saw their b******* propaganda said I did it to myself for f*** sakes and they stole a bunch of things from me jam to chopstick up my nose. There were police there on the training and somebody died on the train and they’re all pretending like it’s not a big deal. There was 30 people recording with their cell phones. When I walked away wondering what the f*** was going on, anyways, some a****** on the train afterwards there was this evil lady on the train with her son and husband and they were the only people on the train near me they were talking loudly and she said, oh yeah, it’s the only way they could guarantee the infection in my brain. Thankfully, my doctor and Saskatchewan treated it very seriously and treated me for whatever they could have done.
I’ve been paused and robbed several times several times I wondered why all my stuff in my pockets was on the ground all of a sudden a few times I wondered why I was suddenly sitting on the ground a few times I was wondering where everybody was going since we just got there a few times people just vanished in front of me other times money or other possessions went missing in front of me other times hours passed by very quickly and I didn’t know how and there are other people online with the same problem one woman was sexually assaulted every single night until Dr John Howard discovered this and he mentioned it to her because it looked like she was having sex with him voluntarily but she didn’t even know it was occurring and so she volunteered fairly stays in a hospital because of those Psychopaths anyways I was paused in Moose Jaw and they injected me with a very very painful and horrible lead disfiguring chemical all I saw was the person leaving and I was passing out sick and I was telling him I wasn’t on drugs and they said take as long as you need and they really didn’t care they thought everything was okay and I thought I would die there in McDonald’s in Moose Draw late at night and later I found out what it was about with the scan officer cuz the police don’t know anything about it so it was a crime command in that McDonald’s cuz I’m not talking about the government and these people are psychopaths it’s serious bodily harm assault causing bodily harm and it’s a serious crime to impersonate the authorities and to stock and terrorize somebody anyways this a****** attacked a very important part of my body with that injection and further to that just recently only a few months like a couple months ago they paused me and injected me with what I determined to be somebody’s cancer terminal cancer parasite red and blood about 90 mils of the person’s blood which he has terminal cancer in the bloodstream lymphoma bone and brain and some other kind of cancer so they killed me with this injection and a bystander noticed I noticed that two people one of them had been my friend before this about 20 years and for some reason he helped them and the other person I recognized as a gang stalker Evan and the friend of mine was Rodney from Saskatchewan he drew up his blood for Evan then Evan and Rodney disappeared and I felt very winded bystander came up and asked me if I was okay and told me what happened and I haven’t been to the hospital yet twice on my way there once I got sick the other time I was arrested and put in jail anyways I’m not sure they can do anything even at this point and I don’t know if they’d even believe me so it’s been difficult to go there but I doubt there’s anything you can do about it the person Rodney said he was dying and that the hospital said they couldn’t do anything about it maybe a constant blood transfusion he also confirmed my blood type before they did this which is especially scary and upsetting I’ve dodged a few very close calls quite a few and this is really just beyond words especially since I knew one of them for so long there was no way I would be hanging out with anybody except for somebody I knew long before this ever happened and so I was surprised when a gangster showed up to talk to him…
... just at least fix the ... bathroom problem. Thank you very much. This country’s full ….. So if you don’t do anything, I’m not surprised.