Let You Not Loss, Before Entering 30 years old You Must Do 7 thing

in life •  7 years ago 

Unknowingly, your age is growing without you being forced to stop. Next thing you know there are wrinkles on the face and the more life dependent, but you feel you have not done anything yet. Then you flashback into the past. The period in which you spend a lot of time but not aware of what has been done. When the flashbacks will arise small regrets such as,

Regret is present after missed opportunity. But let the regret be absent, you need to do some preparation. One of them by doing things below. Although it looks heavy done, but you need to force yourself. Tega do not have the heart, all need to be acted so that your 30s phase does not cause regrets at heart.

bold1. Although heavy, you must force yourself to set aside a little income. Even in the future you will not be in the face of lifebold
In this 20s, already have income is a pride of its own. Finally after a long time dependent on both parents, you can be completely independent financially. When the payday arrives, you'll want to use your income to your liking. Shop, nyalon, to go for a walk. In fact there is a time not until the end of the month, your income already exhausted to satisfy themselves.

Although you already have your own income, you need to learn to slowly set aside income for savings. Initially it was hard, because the desires of spree or self-reward for working all day. But later in your 30s will be better prepared, if now you've learned to set aside some income.

bold 2. Kalau kamu paksa melakukan kegiatan produktif lagi, di masa 30-an nanti kamu nggak tergolong orang yang merugibold
Monday to Friday, you work all day. Even to be overtime because 9 hours working in the office is not enough to complete the job. Saturday and Sunday then becomes a time where you take revenge by sleeping and relaxing enjoying your free time. Because on a break you choose to sleep all day or just relax during the weekend. But it is not a productive activity, let alone as a young child today.

Let's be in your 30s you're not sorry, from now on you need to force yourself to do more productive activities on the weekend. No need to heavy-weight activities, quite simple activities, provided there is produktvitas in it.

bold3. Push yourself to do a job you do not like. Let your physical and mental ready early onbold
Doing things that do not like is not good at all. Although not nice, but occasionally you need to do it for your good later. Physical and your mind may initially refuse and do things you do not like at all. But slowly you will get used to undergo a depressed state. That you can train your physical and mental will be forged, while facing the 30's phase later with all the challenges of life that exist.

bold4. Every now and then feel simple life even mediocre, let you understand if life is not just happy contentbold
No one really forbids anyone to have fun. It is advisable to occasionally do for the sake of mind balance. But if the frequency of fun, in the age of 30 you will be lost. For you will be drowned with pleasant things, while your life continues to come forward. You will miss a lot and your life will not grow. Therefore occasionally you need to live in a simple and mediocre so that later ready to face the pressures of life.

bold5. Dare to do something alone, at least once in life. Make preparations for your 30s more independentbold
Even if you have a boyfriend or a lot of friends, but you should try to do something alone. At least once in your life. Like going out of town alone or other activities. You have to bear with yourself for this one thing. Because from there you can cultivate the confidence and independence that will be useful in the age of 30s

bold6.Feel the broken heart at least once. Let your feelings more resilient and not easily fragile in the futurebold
Everyone knows that heartbreak is painful. Although sick, but at least you should try once to feel it. From that pain you will learn how to heal the hearts and minds that are hurt by it. If you've ever felt a broken heart before, your feeling will someday be more resilient and not easily fragile.

bold7. Do not want you have to learn to give up something. Starting from friends, boyfriend to workbold
Everything is not eternal. Friend, girlfriend, opportunity, even time in this world. Because nobody is eternal, you need to learn to give up slowly. Starting from the loss of friends who go one by one. Losing a girlfriend due to a broken relationship, until the loss of a parent due to death. Do not want to, do not have the heart, you need to learn to be willing and willing.

Although initially heavy, but if you already intentions, there will be a way itself to do these things. At the age of 30 later, you will be grateful for ever forced yourself. Do not let yourself just be sorry, because already have no chance to do these things.

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