Stop CARING what other people think!

in life •  7 years ago 

How to stop caring what other people think? Friends, family and everyone else knows best, they should be living our life right now is what we think.


Here are some SECRETS that I want to share with you.

Love yourself for 100%, not worrying what other people think is the greatest form of self love. When self love is absent you will always be wondering what other people think.

People that love themselves, we see them all the time in the world. And they are smiling they are letting go of fear and they are soaring to phenomenal heights.

We have seen people singing ore playing the guitar in the middle of the streets. The more your self love increases the more your self expresion increases and that is the SECRET you should HUG yourself!

You can't please everyone that's another SECRET. Many of us say please like me, please love me to everyone. We have to remind ourself we are not in this world to live up for other people expectations. We are in this world to be ourselves in essence and tune in to our own authenticity for 100%.

Some people love you one day, then they hate you the next day, then they love you again. What matters the most to you? How you see yourself that is essential. Because other people opinions on you are always changing however.. How you see yourself stays with you forever. The perception that we have of ourselves is far far greater that the perception people have of us.

A great SECRET to stop caring what other people think is to see that it's not only about us, life is everywhere there are more than a billion people on this planet. Do you think the whole world has the time to think about you? If they do then you are someone so special!

But the majority of your time people are not thinking about you, instead we are thinking about them and that is the SECRET. We have to not be so egocentric and think that the whole world forms around us, NO REALLY NO, you have to know that to stop caring what other people think .

They say freedom is when you have nothing to lose. And sometimes it takes going through challenging life experiences to really have that inner confidence. The SECRET is giving yourself your own value system, when you allow someone else to give you value you lose confidence. Give yourself your own definition, smile to yourself, do it first for yourself before you do it or anybody else. But at the same time you have to listen to that inner voice deep inside you and once you can listen to that inner voice deep inside you, then you can stop caring about what other people think and you start smiling. Because you realize that who has your best interest at hand, you see? That in the SECRET, the greatest friend and enemy is within you and this is how it works.

It's what you can let go of that determines how high you can fly, I did put that in my diary today. The secret is letting go of whatever that is not serving you, we came here to be free. To stop caring about what other people think we have to remember that. Are we gonna be afraid for the rest of our lives? Are we gonna live half of what we could actually be? Ore are we gonna be our complete selfs? Nobody is gonna do anything to us, accept that we cant control what other people think of us.

We can't control how people act, we can only control how we respond to their actions. Because people are free spirits, they can think whatever they wan't about you but guess what don't think about them to because you turn in what you tuned in to. Whatever you focus on grows, focus on the people that help you raise your spirit.

So to stop caring what other people think we have to ask ourselves who are those people? Yes some of them may be family, friends ore co-workers but at the same time we have to see it like this: some times we come to see that there is a generation gap, we are all living in the world that we are thinking about. The times have changed there for people can not see your dreams and visions because those people are not you.

We have so much potential on the planet but it all starts with letting go of society expectations. Accept yourself for 100%, walk outside and scream as hard as you can!!!

Now I want to hear from you: did you get any strange reactions? And what did you tell them?Tell me all about it in the comments below.

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