Aliens? extraterrestres?

in life •  7 years ago 

el dia de ayer, en el cielo de mi pais, y de mi estado se vio este evento, todos estamos sorprendidos pero la noticia con la que dicen paso es el lanzamiento de un cohete espacial por parte de la empresa Tesla, lo que me hace pensar por que si ha habido otros lanzamientos en otras partes del mundo no se han visto eventos como este? por que si un cohete adquiere cierta velocidad este en instanes desaparecio de la vista? realmente es el lanzamiento del cohete de tesla o es otra cosa, alguien mas lo vio? por cierto publicaron que dicho evento seria visible al noroeste del pais (mexico) pero se vio en michoacan, realmente nos dicen la verdad?
Yesterday, in the sky of my country, and of my state this event was seen, we are all surprised but the news with which they say step is the launch of a space rocket by the company Tesla, which makes me to think why if there have been other launches in other parts of the world, have not events like this been seen? why if a rocket acquires a certain speed this in instanes disappeared from sight? Is it really the launch of the Tesla rocket or is it something else, someone else saw it? By the way, they published that this event would be visible in the northwest of the country (Mexico) but it was seen in Michoacan, do they really tell us the truth?

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