Talk about what you know
Be immersed in the topic you are going to talk about. The more you master the subject, the more confidence you will have to control the nerves and improvise if necessary.
To improve you have to practice. You can read aloud in front of a mirror but it is not enough to rehearse when we are alone, it is important that other people observe how you develop and what are the aspects that you have to improve.
Be natural
To speak correctly you do not need to use a complicated or complicated vocabulary. Be yourself, show yourself close and transmit confidence.
Use the 30 second rule
Try, from the beginning, to get attention by pulling hard. Having the interlocutors interested from the beginning will facilitate your concentration and give you confidence in yourself. There are several formulas to achieve that interest, from telling an anecdote to asking a rhetorical question to spin with your speech, but the most important thing is not to start with concepts that are difficult to understand or interrelate. The same happens with the closing. It should be about 30 seconds capable of summarizing what has been said. This way you will get the listeners to retain the key concepts.
Pay attention to speed
Better to talk slowly than too fast. It is usual that the first times we speak in public we do it faster than normal. The reason is simple, we are looking forward to finish. By speaking with a good rhythm you help others to listen to you correctly and understand you.
Take breaks
Do not be afraid of silences. At the beginning of your intervention, if you let go a couple of seconds, you will project security and capture attention. Even if that silence seems like an eternity, it is not.
Take care of the tone of voice
Do not make an effort to speak loudly thinking that this way they will understand you better. In our environment we usually talk too loudly and that does not help to create a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, when screaming, a lot of oxygen is lost and it is difficult to state complete sentences.
Take care of body language
Watch your gestures and postures. It transmits a relaxed but firm image. The position of the sword, along with that of the shoulders, is fundamental, but not only that, it also takes care of the position of your chin. By lifting it you will breathe better and the words will come out of your throat unhindered.
Use your hands
Uses nonverbal communication to emphasize ideas, but always tries to maintain naturalness. If you do not know what to do with your hands, leave them still and avoid repetitive movements such as scratching your face or touching clothes. Nervous gestures draw the attention of your interlocutors and tarnish your speech.
To interact
Caring for others is essential to see their reactions and adapt the message if necessary. Keep eye contact with your audience and do not disconnect. If you know some names, interact with them. The more participants you make to the public, the less likely they will be to get bored.