Astronauts have discovered an alien body on the International Space StationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago 

A Russian engineer on the International Space Station makes an incredible statement.


According to Anton Skaplerov, an engineer on the International Space Station, outside of this station was uncovered a bacterium that does not originate on Earth.

The bacterium was not there when ISS was launched into orbit, so it later came out of space. Thus, we can say that it is an alien body, writes Daily Mail.

Fortunately, tests have shown that it is not dangerous for humans and the bacterium has already been sent for further analysis on Earth.

The bacterium was discovered by astronauts who took samples from the hull of the space station.

Previous experiments have shown that some bacteria arrive from Earth in space and fix themselves on the outside of the Space Station.

Here, they can survive, because they change their shape. These conclusions are very interesting because they provide new information about microorganisms.

Astronauts have also made various tests on the E.coli bacteria to see how they adapt to space conditions with zero gravity. Thus, they noticed that the bacterium had become more resistant to antibiotics.

So far, there is not much information about the new bacteria discovered on the space station, but it is very possible that it does not come from Earth.

At present, a crew consisting of two American astronauts and four Russian astronauts is on board the ISS.

In Romana acelas Post

Un inginer rus de pe Statia Spatiala Internationala face o declaratie incredibila.
Potrivit lui Anton Skaplerov, inginer pe Statia Spatiala Internationala, in exteriorul acestei statii a fost descoeprita o bacterie care nu provine de pe Pamant.

Bacteria nu se afla acolo atunci cand ISS a fost lansata pe orbita, prin urmare a aparut ulterior si provine din spatiu. Astfel, putem spune ca este vorba de un organism extraterestru, scrie Daily Mail.

Din fericire, testele au aratat ca nu este periculoasa pentru oameni si bacteria a fost trimisa deja pentru analize suplimentare, pe Pamant.

Bacteria a fost descoperita de astronautii care au preluat mostre de pe coca statiei spatiale.

Experimente anterioare au demonstrat ca unele bacterii ajung de pe Pamant in spatiu si se fixeaza pe exteriorul Statiei Spatiale.

Aici, ele pot supravietui, pentru ca isi schimba forma. Aceste concluzii sunt foarte interesante, pentru ca ofera noi informatii despre microorganisme.

Astronautii au facut diferite teste si pe bacteria E.coli, ca sa vada cum adapteaza la conditiile din spatiu, cu gravitatie zero. Astfel, ei au observat ca bacteria a devemnit mult mai rezistenta la antibiotice.

Deocamdata nu se cunosc prea multe informatii despre noua bacterie descoperita pe statia spatiala, insa este foarte posibil ca ea sa nu provina de pe Pamant.

In prezent, la bordul ISS se afla un echipaj format din doi astronauti americani si patru rusi.

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My understanding is that this bacterium has been weaponized at the new Biowarfare laboratory on Madagascar and is the source of the "plague" released from their and spreading through Africa. Have you heard of this? Upvoted.

Thanks for sharing the news. I really don't know this.

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