Sobriety Day #10: Turned down a drink and the world didn't end!

in life •  8 years ago 

Who would've known? 

The first four days of sobriety were pretty brutal for me, the withdrawal was definitely a bitch to deal with. But I hoped it would get better from that on. For some weird reason people think that addictions can be quit overnight without it affecting rest of your life. Well, not having a drink for 10 days for me, were just 10 days of resisting a strong urge. An urge, to drink. Anything. All day. 

When I was not thinking about drinking or not drinking, then I just thought to myself how miserable and boring rest of the life is. I've finally realized that I've absolutely lost the ability to enjoy life for what it is.

I had become depressed and lost my attention span completely. I didn't want to read anymore, I didn't want to check social media, I didn't want to attend work. I didn't want to do anything.

But did I give up? No.

Because it always gets better right after your hardest moments.

I know that suffering can build character and so I continued suffering. My work performance was absolutely minimal, I shut down myself from all friends and I could not enjoy any piece of entertainment. If you've been a life-time drunk like me (please refer to my Alcoholic Stories Series) then these things can cripple you.

Was it all worth it?

What's it in it for me? 

I decided to try and overcome the feeling and still meet with friends over the weekend with the exception of drinking non-alcoholic beer instead of the real deal. How'd it taste? Horrible. But I stuck with it. I was offered drinks countless times and each time I rejected it a part of me was dying inside. It truly is that difficult. Still no sleep. Still no calmed nerves. Is sobriety a hoax?

But you can't give up.

It's just 10 days.

You've been through worse.

It will get better.

You can do it.

I hope.

Image source and credit Brian Rea and NY Times from

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For me the first 30 days were murder. Then the next 30 days were rough...and so on. Once I got to 6 months I had hope that I could go long term and beat this thing called addiction. Now 10 years later I am still learning and growing. Yep, no such thing as over-night recovery from my point of view! :-)

Appreciate the feedback. Things got A LOT better for me at around day 40. But day 4, day 25, and even 30 were just pure misery.

It's been feeling a little easier for me... practice makes perfect. I've been dabbling in sobriety for over a year with periods between 14 days - 50+ days and this time around it feels so much better than normal. My cravings are still strong but I learn to sit through them and then they pass. If not that day, by the next! Thanks for sharing your story.