A fidget spinner for Panic attacks

in life •  8 years ago 

The topic of this post is never meant to be intentionally misleading, rather a metaphor.

I do wish such a gadget, tool or warehouse full of such, existed for anyone who has had the "pleasure" insert sarcasm of experiencing a real panic attack.

Let's face it, the brain is powerful... And a douche. soo not sarcastic

I underestimated mine until the fated day where I learned my mind had the power to send me into a spiral of pure "flight and fight" response. I wasn't in danger or being chased by ferocious lion seeking dinner. I was sitting in a waiting room....

FLASHBACK: Not long ago I was a tree climbing, Nintendo playing kid running around in my underwear.. with a sweet ass, TMNT sweat suit. I knew not what my still young mind would be capable of.


Now we fast forward to the waiting room.. ..

Palms sweaty (No moms spaghetti) slowly clamming up more and more , heart feeling like I swallowed a jackhammer, the room closing in, shear terror and impending doom.

Note that this is the short version of experience.

At 19 I found myself at the epitome of stress. The real world opening up to a young man. School had not prepared me for such things like taxes, exploring a job market, investing, seeking a career or properly managing a relationship.

But fear not, I knew my primary colors and some algebra :D

13 years later (now in my 30's) the world has fortunately opened up to some degree on such issues... I armed myself with enough knowledge to service myself and even understand the physiological symptoms associated with my panic, but I am yet to be impervious to such things. So where is my fidget spinner?

I have had the pleasure of experiencing a smorg of medication for panic and anxiety A_Z . Anti-depressants to Zebra Tranquilizer. Not literally but close

Combined with breathing exercises, CBT, and yes some medication I can manage. But for once it would be a treat to flick my wrist, or finger and spin everything away. A tool to break the bonds of general anxiety and to be set free on this world. To share and commence all life's activities unbound by the threat of my douche brain.

On the flip-side, some day I will actually be in the event of a ferocious lion seeking a meal, bearing down on me... And Ill kick some serious ass with that situation. Because after all I am a veteran, a champion of flight and fight.

  • Hopefully you enjoyed this introduction to my life and experiences regarding this topic. I am strong, optimistic and although sarcastic, very happy with all life has given me.

  • If you want to hear more of these potentially "all to similar" experiences please let me know. I want to share. We need a community. So the lion someday, can become a kitten.

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