Procrastination is the thief of time.Time is the valuable asset don't waste it.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Time is the most valuable asset. As time and tide wait for none we should use the time properly.
What is procrastination?
Being lazy and procrastination is a trait in all of us. It is good when it is in limitation but it becomes a serious problem in life when it increases. Procrastination is the thief of time.
People procrastinate to avoid stress and the work load not realizing that it just makes your situation worse. It adds on to the work later and none of it gets finished on time giving you more stress than before.

Procrastination isn’t always there due to the laziness of a person. It also happens because of low self-esteem, a fear of failure, depression etc. Procrastination has its consequences on health and stress levels. Hence it becomes extremely important to overcome it.

The ways to overcome procrastination:

  1. Evade Multitask:
    Doing a lot at once, can only cause disorder and increase the stress level which makes it hard to concentrate task. Give up the work and it piles on. Instead of multitasking, you can break down the work and make smaller tasks out of a big task which would make the work easier and less stressful. It will also give you more confidence in yourself and you will be able to work thin future tasks easily.
  2. Set Conceptual Goals :
    Setting out goals according to your day and stick to the plan. Don’t go overboard when setting the goals though, because you would feel demotivated and get stressed when you are not able to fulfill the tasks. Formulate such goals that you can finish in the day. It will help build the confidence when you finish the work.
  3. Prioritize The Important Tasks:
    Prioritize your work. Plans things in such a manner that you get to the important tasks first. This way you will be able reduce the stress and work on the smaller tasks with ease. And the end result would be a completion of all tasks on the list.
  4. Set Reminders to follow:
    After you plan out what to do when, put reminders so that you remember. It is possible that you might forget or start to laze around but with the help of the reminders it will be easy to stay on task.
    Reminders can be of any type. From a friend calling you up to remind to reminders on phone or setting up alarms. Whichever way works for you.
  5. Follow A Sleeping Cycle:
    To work in the quiet of the morning is always relaxing and more productive. The silence you get early in the morning can never be achieved throughout the day.
    But in order to get up early to work you need to sleep early as well. Because when you get without enough sleep it adds on to the lazy and delays the work more than it should be delayed.
  6. Turn Off Social Networks:
    When working, turn off all the social networking applications and sites. They are a very big distraction. Once you get on them, it is hard to tell how much goes by. So during the hours of your task, turn it all off so that you do not get off the schedule and the task at hand.
  7. Take Breaks
    Providing yourself proper intervals of breaks is also important. If you work yourself too much, it might get difficult to shift from one tasks to another which would mean that you would let go of the task a tat moment, therefore piling it on for later.


But if you take breaks, it will keep you refreshed and on point to do the work.

Procrastination is detrimental to both our physical and mental state. Hence avoiding procrastination and overcoming this tendency as soon as possible is of utmost importance. There will be times when you’ll feel too lazy to do anything. But that’s when you got to get you shield on and protect yourself from the devastation. Once you have successfully managed to defeat the enemy, you will keep getting better at overcoming procrastination.
Hence follow these steps and become fully self-aware to overcome your biggest enemy which is none other than procrastination, standing between you and your performance.
Some Tips on Proper Use of Time:

  1. Don't wait for directions move forward you'll get esteem.
  2. Don't be afraid to make important decisions.
  3. Always consider the big picture. Tell people where you're going before you tell them how to get there. Once you get in the weeds you'll be lost.
  4. Listen more than you talk. "Seek first to understand then to be understood."
  5. Strategy drives tactics, not the other way around. Don't let a bunch of tactics, rules and processes define your strategy.
  6. Don't make excuses. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Even good excuses aren't good enough.
  7. Timeliness is more important than quality. You rarely need to be perfect. So get something done as soon as you can and then make it better if time permits.
  8. Don't complain. If you see something wrong, fix it. If you need money to fix it, ask for it. Asking is good practice even if you get turned down, so ask often.
  9. Exceed expectations, by doing more than expected.
  10. Gain a multi-functional perspective. This is huge. You need to appreciate and understand the point of view and other functions. This is how you create win-win situations and broaden your own vision.
  11. Work the system. Proactively get the viewpoint of others as you apply lesson four. This is how to build multi-functional and executive support ahead of time for the stuff you want to fix.
  12. Constantly get better. Continuous improvement.

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Time truly is your most valuable asset, don't waste it.
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I am a friend of Procrastination. I like to complete my job at eleventh hour. I know it is very bad. But sometimes I think that I am controlled by Procrastination induction. Good article brother...... keep it up.