Horror movie day!

in life •  6 years ago 

Today being a Saturday, I did not have school and the whole family was at home. My dad did not have work today either. So we had a good relaxing family day. The weather was slightly chilly and it was a nice day to get comfy and chill on the couch. We decided that we would watch a movie since in we were all together and the weather seemed fairly befitting. 

Normally I hate horror movies and I would never watch one. I get really scared and my family and friends always laugh about it. My family insisted that we watch a horror today. I was really unhappy but I watched it. My main reason for agreeing to join them was for the delicious snacks they had ready. The movie hadn't even started but the scary music started playing and I was already getting afraid! 

I surprisingly made it through the movie, although I scream every time the music went load. I won't lie, it was entertaining and did enjoy it as scared as I might have been. It was a pretty cool movie. The ending was good so I was glad, because lately the movies have been ending quite bad. I guess we will see later on tonight if I am fit for watching these kinds of movies. I'm hoping to sleep a peaceful night without getting scared or thinking of the horror movie!!!!

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