Nice Indian Food

in life •  6 years ago 


Trip Advisor lists a number of good restaurants serving authentic Indian cuisine in Munich. I have eaten at Safran Indisches Restaurant and the food was quite good.


Dishes we tried included mango chicken, lamb okra curry, grilled prawn, fish chilli, mixed vegetables and naan. In fact we ordered more than that and I could hardly recall all the dishes. The food is tasty and not overly spicy.


We had fresh mango for dessert. We consumed lots of mango that evening as we also drank mango lassi which is kind of a smoothie drink of fresh fruit and yogurt. Really refreshing and delicious. In fact, each of my friends and I had second helping of the lassi.



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i like it.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Looks like tasty foods. Specially grilled chicken and 1st picture. Looks like stemmed eggs and tomato curry. You can use those apps to find best foods/local foods near you.