Many of us do not like to hear the word "complaint" and it causes us to think that it is an unpleasant word. This could not be further from the truth. There are plenty of things we cannot control and there are certainly times when we will experience a setback. The important thing is not to get upset about it, but to learn from it.
If you are one who tends to complain too much, it is time to stop it. It is a healthy and normal human response to get upset about things that go wrong. Yet, if you are doing this more than necessary, you are causing yourself more harm than good. This is especially true if you are a perfectionist.
For example, let's say you run out of material on a project. You try to find another way, but you still end up with inadequate results. This makes you angry and you start to complain. However, if you took a moment to realize that you did not get the result that you wanted, you would probably change your strategy. If you keep blaming somebody else, you will never be able to admit that you made a mistake.
You can also take a moment and consider how you got along with other people in your life. While you may not have been perfect, you know how you treated everyone else. How have you changed? Are you more helpful around the house, friendlier, and happier?
Complaining about the things that you cannot control is a common part of human nature. Yet, this habit can lead to trouble. When you continually blame someone or something else for what happens, you set yourself up for more negativity. Instead of changing the things you do, you just get used to them. This can be counterproductive.
It is also unhealthy to berate people over small matters. Remember that you were the one that created these situations. Instead of focusing on what you cannot control, you can focus on the things you can control. If the other person does not treat you well, the first thing to do is apologize. If you do not want to apologize, simply state your truth - it is up to them whether they are going to listen.
If the situation is still not amicable, try taking a breather. Take a day off, go out, and enjoy your friends and family. Make a point to spend time with those that you love. Do not let any negative attention cause you to miss time with those that mean the most to you. By ignoring something, it can become much worse until you feel like taking matters into your own hands.
You are better off dealing with the problem than wallowing in self-pity. Don't complain about things that are not your fault. Instead, deal with them. If you cannot solve problems, make time to learn how to do so. The life you have will be a better one because you are better able to handle whatever comes your way.
Don't waste time on unimportant things. Chances are that there is more important than anything else that you should be spending your time on. If there are things that you should be spending your time on, put them on your to-do list - or just get rid of them from your list altogether.
Be positive. If you are feeling bad about something, change your mindset and think of it in a positive manner. If you think of it in a negative manner, you may feel worse about it and react in a negative manner. A positive outlook is always a good thing to have.
Don't complain about things that are not working for you. If you have had a hard day at work, don't immediately jump in front of a bicycle or step on another set of stairs. Instead, find time to rest, eat, or visit someone. Do not beat yourself up about the things that you have done. Instead, spend time thinking about how you can improve on your skills and talents. You will be much happier with the results if you do nothing at all but focus on improving yourself.
Be proactive. Instead of waiting for things to happen - which they might never - try doing things now to make yourself feel better. Find a way to exercise, take up a hobby, read a book, or get out of the house. You are only as good as your last few minutes! If you give yourself ten minutes, then go and do something - anything - to feel better.