So what is a limiting belief you ask? If I told you that you could learn how to NOT feel a certain way about ANYTHING without removing it from your mind, would you believe me? If I told you that limiting beliefs could be overcome by re-programming the way your mind processed that information, would you believe me? If I told you that you could get rid of all limiting beliefs and never look at the same thing or think the same thought again, would you believe me?
It's a funny thing really. You see, it's the little things that actually keep us going. The thing is though that whenever we get something good our belief in it is so strong that we don't even notice it. We believe so strongly that this thing will work that even when we don't see results that we firmly believe that if we continue on our journey it will work. Then when things don't work the first time we try it, we start to question whether our belief that our idea was a success or not. We question whether we are in control of our destiny.
The only true way to avoid doubt is to remain open to the unknown. This is where the belief is neutral! It doesn't know whether it is giving you the result it wants you to have or it doesn't even care.
Once you learn how to change your limiting beliefs, you will be able to use them for your benefit instead of against you. You won't be afraid to try something new. You will be able to let yourself think about it and consider the fact that maybe it wasn't meant to happen that way. You will then have no reason to doubt yourself again!
I know you might think that I'm exaggerating a bit. I can assure you that is exactly how it felt like for me. You were taught that your belief was very valuable and that if you didn't maintain it or believe it, something bad would happen. I don't know about you but that's where I ended up feeling!
So what is a limiting belief? It is just a belief that is held by a person. It is a false belief that is causing you to make poor choices. It is a belief in which you feel you need to control something in life. It is a belief that something bad will happen if you fail to do this. If you are afraid of failure, then you will never risk it by taking chances and investigating possibilities.
You are letting fear turn into anxiety which causes you to doubt yourself and your ability to do the things you want. This anxiety ends up making you procrastinate, which makes it impossible for you to accomplish much. You also become very cautious about the choices you make. All of these actions can contribute to your undoing. The solution?
That is right, by removing those beliefs that are keeping you from succeeding, you can change the way you look at your world. Once you see what is in store for you, it will not be hard for you to accomplish your goals. I promise! You will feel better about yourself and your abilities.
One example of what is a limiting belief is this: "If I fail, no one will ever want me!" This statement is probably true, but it does not have to be true. If you are working toward a promotion or trying to get hired, consider how limiting this statement might be. Instead of focusing on all the positives that you have achieved so far, consider all the ways you could have failed and the things you did succeed at. Maybe there is hope.
So what is a limiting belief that you can change? It is an oldie but a goodie. By changing it, you can let go of all those limiting beliefs that keep you from succeeding. You can also use the power of imagination to help you create new ways of looking at the world and the opportunities that lie ahead. These actions will definitely rub off on your shoulders.
So what is a limiting belief? It keeps you from taking that necessary next step. It keeps you stuck in your comfort zone. By learning to break these misconceptions you can easily become the person you desire.