Using Positive Vibes To Change The World

in life •  3 years ago 

A 1967 article of the famous Monterey Pop Festival was reported as generating nothing but good vibes among the participants. In following years, vibes spread as a common slang word for a particular feeling on someone (e.g., She gives a nice vibe), or one's personality or fashion (e.g., Like her denim jacket). It is, unfortunately, also used in ways that are less than flattering to women. Women often use it to describe men they are attracted to in ways that can be derogatory and hurtful. For this reason, I would like to take a moment to talk about the negative impact that "vibes" like "cute" have on women.

There are times when a woman will exude positive energy. These occasions are usually the result of someone doing something nice for a woman (whether that be buying her a drink or giving her a compliment). These events are the products of small things adding up over time. Each of these small things adds up to create a cumulative effect that is not only infectious but kind and respectful of others. In the past, people associated positive vibes with beauty, good looks, or success and were not adverse to using these terms to describe women.

Nowadays, though, the positivity that comes from beauty or success is starting to fade as our society becomes more technologically savvy. If we look at the world around us, however, it is clear that many people are beginning to connect good vibes and technology with negative attributes. A good example of this can be seen in the rise of social media. Social media is essentially the platform we use to communicate with others.

Social media, then, has allowed many people to communicate with each other in a very non-verbal way. There is an increased ability to interact with others using only their minds. What this means is that we are able to get inside of each other's minds and literally "talk" to one another. The ability to bond through emotions through good vibes and positive thoughts, feelings and emotions is now possible. It is this ability of social media that allows people to connect with each other in ways they never could before.

However, it is not just technology that has allowed people to express themselves without words. Music has also become a key component of our culture. Music is being used in ways that it never has before. Music has been used in fundraisers for decades but now it is allowing charities to use music in a way that goes beyond being a distraction for donors. While most people associate positively with beautiful sounding songs with a band and some background music, the potential to express oneself through music is something that just about every culture across the globe is harnessing.

The next step in the evolution of positivity is to start applying it to daily life. Instead of thinking about the negative things in life, think about how good you feel when you do get things done. Applying positivity to your every day life starts with applying good feelings to your world around you. When you are able to see positivity everywhere around you and see that good vibes abound, you will be able to harness the energy of positivity and use it to affect change.

One of the most powerful ways to harness positive energy is to start "feeling good". Not everyone is born with an abundance of good vibes in their energy field, so if you want to practice positivity you are going to have to learn how to bring it out. One way that you can begin to feel good is to think happy thoughts. Begin to focus on all of the wonderful things that you do and experience in your life, and how much good feelings you have whenever you do them.

Another aspect of harnessing the power of positive energy is to practice facial expressions. Facial expressions have long been recognized as powerful communicators of internal and external realities. When you are working on changing the way that you are feeling, you are also practicing the correct application of facial expressions. Some great places to practice facial expressions include YouTube, and having a friend do them for you. Other applications for facial expressions include doing a head bob or pretending to look angry when you are not angry. You will find that you can harness the power of good vibes by learning to properly communicate your feelings.

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