7 Questions & Answers About Life Expectancy / Yaşam Beklentisi Hakkında 7 Soru ve Yanıtları

in life •  6 years ago 


Life expectancy is one of the most important issues to be concerned about the future. I'm more interested in the subject than the average person. I can sort out the reasons as follows:

  • I'm over 40 years old, I can no longer remain indifferent to such issues as I was in my 20s.
  • I like to deal with data, statistics and forecasts.
  • I wonder if there is anything I can do to live long and healthy.
  • Demographic statistics and trends about the topic help me in the science fiction stories and novels I write.

I'd like to go to questions and answers without further ado.

1. What is life expectancy, what is the difference between life expectancy and life span?

Life span refers to the number of years a person has lived. A person's life expectancy varies according to age. For example, the life expectancy of an individual who has passed the infancy phase is increasing. Life expectancy increases as the lived years increase. In this context, life expectancy refers how many years you will live on average after a specific age.

2. Will the average life expectancy continue to grow?

As we all know, the average life expectancy is growing and will continue to grow. Many statistics show that life expectancy has increased 0.2 to 0.25 years in a year in recent years. According to this, the average life expectancy is increasing 1 year in every 4 or 5 years.

The average life expectancy in the world was 32, 55 and 72 years, respectively, in the years 1800, 1900 and 2012 according to historical trends, although the average is different based on the level of development of the country people live. You can have a look at detailed life expectancy statistics by country from here

2. Why does average life expectancy increases?

Improvement of living conditions, developments in the field of health and easier access to information lead to a longer life span. The rate of falling infant mortality is also an important factor in this regard, but it does not explain the situation alone, we can say that the life expectancy of people of all ages has increased over the years.

3. What factors influence the average life expectancy?

Women live more than men all over the world. This is true before, during birth, and during the ongoing stages of life. Income and education levels are the factors that affect the average life expectancy. Looking at the country's averages, this is clearly seen. Japan, Europe and the United States have a relatively high life expectancy, while Africa is the region where the average life expectancy is the lowest. Genetic factors and lifestyle factors also affect the average life expectancy.


4. What should we do to live longer and healthier?

All of the healthy life prescriptions seem to apply to longevity.

  • Balanced and healthy nutrition,
  • Being in nature,
  • Drinking plenty of water,
  • Not being overweight,
  • Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption,
  • Non-smoking,
  • Having an active lifestyle
  • Sport
  • Constantly interacting with people.
  • Not being anxious and not obsessed with unnecessary matters

are major recommendations.

As stated in the quote, "you're what you eat." I think the most important thing in all these recommendations is to have a balanced and healthy diet. Vegetables, fruits and nuts are the key. You can have a look at the table below.

source: esset4.bigthink.com

5. How old am I supposed to live?

In case you do not have an accident or an unexpected fatal disease, you can learn how long you would live on average from here. My life expencancy is 85 according to the calculator.

6. Why is life expectancy high in Japan and Iceland compared to other countries?

Average life expectancy in Japan is 83.7. More than 2 million people over 90 years old live in the country. So what's the secret of Japanese living so long? The Japanese have a culinary culture based on seafood, vegetables and whole grains. They don't consume processed food products much. The rate of obesity in the country is as low as 3.5%. Education is given in schools from the early age about healthy nutrition. Not just nutrition, of course, they have a very good health system.

While the average life expectancy of men in Iceland is 80.7, this figure is 83.7 in women. This long life is linked to a diet of fish and unprocessed meats. Low air pollution and frequent activities such as swimming, walking, rock climbing are among the factors mentioned.

7. Would it be possible to live until the age of 150 or even to be immortal in the future?

According to Wikipedia, the longest lived person in the world is French Jeanne Calment. She died in 1997 when she was 122. The oldest living person is 117-year-old Chiyo Miyako.

At the beginning of the article, I expressed that the average life expectancy is increasing one year in every 4 or 5 years. So in the near future, 150-year-old life seems to be a dream. Among those working on radical life extension, there are people who argue otherwise. Thinking that aging can be stopped, this school is working on radical life extension methods. Aubley de Gray says that developments in the field of health have accelerated over the years, and that today people of middle age can take the train of immortality if they pay attention to themselves.

Futurist Ray Kurzweil, also thinks immortality will be possible in the near future. He wrote a book named A Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough To Live Forever. I red the book, there is useful information about health in it. Kurzweil connects the idea of immortality to the exponential development of technology. According to him, the current trend of prolongation will become exponential after a while. I didn't see that trend in statistics personally, so I don't believe it until I see it with my eyes. I hope we would be right, and we life longer and healtier lifes.

Thanks for reading.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com

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Yaşam Beklentisi Hakkında 7 Soru ve Yanıtları

Ortalama yaşam beklentisi gelecekle ilgili merak edilen önemli konulardan biri. Konuyla ortalama bir insana kıyasla daha fazla ilgileniyorum. Nedenlerini şöyle sıralayabilirim:

  • 40 yaşımı geçeli çok oldu, artık bu gibi konulara 20'li yaşlarda olduğu gibi kayıtsız kalamıyorum.
  • İstatistiksel verilerle uğraşmayı ve tahmin yapmayı seviyorum.
  • Uzun ve sağlıklı yaşamak konusunda elimden bir şey gelip gelmeyeceğini merak ediyorum.
  • Demografik istatistik ve trendler yazdığım bilimkurgu öykü ve romanlarda işime yarıyor.

Sözü fazla uzatmadan sorular ve yanıtlarına geçmek istiyorum.

1. Yaşam beklentisi ne demektir, yaşam süresinden ne farkı var?

Yaşam süresi bir kişinin yaşadığı yılların sayısını ifade ediyor. Bir kişi için bir yaşam süresi söz konusu oluyor iken yaşam beklentisi yaşa göre değişiyor. Örneğin bebeklik evresini geçen bir bireyin yaşam beklentisi uzuyor. Sağ geçirilen yıllar arttıkça yaşam beklentisi de yükselmiş oluyor. Bu çerçevede yaşam beklentisi kişinin bulunduğu yaştan itibaren ortalamada kaç yıl yaşayacağını ifade ediyor.

2. Ortalama yaşam süresi uzamaya devam edecek mi?

Hepimizin bildiği gibi ortalama yaşam süresi uzuyor ve uzamaya devam edecek. İncelediğim birçok istatistik yaşam süresinin son dönemde yılda 0,2 ile 0,25 yıl arasında uzadığını gösteriyor. Buna göre geçen her 4 ya da 5 yılda ortalama yaşam süresinin 1 yıl uzadığını söyleyebiliriz.

Ortalamalar yaşanan ülkenin gelişmişlik seviyesine göre fark etse de tarihsel trendlere göre 1800, 1900 ve 2012 yıllarında dünyada ortalama yaşam süresi sırasıyla 32, 55 ve 72 yaş olmuş. Detaylı yaşam süresi istatistiklerine buradan bakabilirsiniz.

2. Ortalama yaşam süresi neden uzuyor?

Yaşam koşullarının iyileşmesi, sağlık alanındaki gelişmeler ve bilgiye erişimin kolaylaşması yaşam sürelerinin uzamasına yol açıyor. Düşen bebek ölüm oranları da ortalama yaşam süresinin artmasında önemli bir etken, ancak durumu tek başına açıklamıyor, yıllar içinde her yaştaki insanın yaşam beklentisinin arttığını söyleyebiliriz.

3. Ortalama yaşam süresi hangi faktörlere göre değişiyor?

Kadınlar dünyanın her yerinde erkeklerden fazla yaşıyor. Bu durum doğum öncesinde, doğum sırasında ve hayatın devam eden her aşamasında geçerli oluyor. Gelir ve eğitim seviyesi de ortalama yaşam süresini etkileyen faktörlerden. Ülke ortalamalarına bakıldığında bu durum net bir biçimde görülüyor. Japonya, Avrupa ve ABD'de yaşam süresi görece yüksekken, ortalama yaşam süresinin en düşük olduğu bölge Afrika. Genetik faktörler ve yaşam tarzı da ortalama yaşam beklentisini etkileyen faktörlerden.

4. Daha uzun ve sağlıklı yaşamak için ne yapmalıyız?

Sağlıklı yaşam reçetelerinin tamamı uzun yaşam için de geçerli görünüyor.

  • Dengeli ve sağlıklı beslenmek,
  • Doğayla iç içe olmak
  • Bol su içmek,
  • Fazla kilolu olmamak,
  • Aşırı alkol tüketiminden kaçınmak,
  • Sigara içmemek,
  • Aktif, hareketli bir yaşam tarzına sahip olmak
  • Spor yapmak
  • İnsanlarla sürekli etkileşim halinde olmak
  • Kaygılı olmamak ve kafayı lüzumsuz meselelere takmamak

başlıca tavsiyeler. "Ne yerseniz osunuz" derler. Bütün bu tavsiyeler içinde en önemli olan bence dengeli ve sağlıklı beslenmek. Sebze, meyve ve kuruyemiş ağırlıklı bir beslenme rejimine sahip olmak gerekiyor. Cinsiyet ve genetik faktörler konusunda elimizden bir şey gelmediği için onları özel olarak belirtmedim.

5. Tahminen kaç yaşına kadar yaşarım?

Başınıza bir kaza veya beklenmedik ölümcül bir hastalık gelmediği takdirde ortalama olarak ne kadar yaşayabileceğinize buradan bakabilirsiniz.

6. Japonya ve İzlanda'da yaşam beklentisi neden diğer ülkelere göre yüksek?

Japonya'da ortalama yaşam beklentisi 83,7. Ülkede 90 yaşın üzerinde 2 milyondan fazla insan yaşıyor. Peki Japonların bu kadar uzun yaşamalarının sırrı ne? Japonların deniz ürünleri, sebzeler ve tam tahıllara dayalı bir yemek kültürleri var. İşlenmiş gıda ürünlerine fazla itibar etmiyorlar. Ülkede obez oranı %3,5 gibi düşük bir seviyede. Okullarda erken yaşlardan itibaren sağlıklı beslenme üzerine eğitimler veriliyor. Sadece beslenme değil elbette, çok iyi işleyen bir sağlık sistemleri de var.

İzlanda'da erkeklerin ortalama yaşam beklentisi 80,7 iken kadınlarda bu rakam 83,7. Bu uzun yaşam balık ve işlenmemiş etlerden oluşan diyete bağlanıyor. Düşük hava kirliliği ve yüzme, yürüyüş, kaya tırmanışı gibi etkinlikliklerin sık yapılması da belirtilen faktörler arasında.

7. Gelecekte 150 yaşına kadar yaşamak, hatta ölümsüz olmak mümkün olur mu?

Wikipedia'ya göre dünyada en uzun yaşamış insan Fransız Jeanne Calment. 1997 yılında 122 yaşındayken hayatını kaybetmiş. Yaşayan en yaşlı insan ise 117 yaşındaki Japon Chiyo Miyako. Yazının başında ortalama yaşam beklentisinin her 4 ya da 5 yılda 1 yıl uzadığını söylemiştim. Dolayısıyla yakın bir gelecekte 150 yıllık ömür hayal gibi görünüyor. Uzun yaşam araştırmaları üzerinde çalışanlar arasında bunun aksini savunanlar da var. Yaşlanmanın durdurulabileceğini düşünen bu ekol, radikal ömür uzatma yöntemleri üzerine çalışıyor. Bu kişlerden başlıcası Aubley de Gray. Sağlık alanındaki gelişmelerin yıllar içinde çok hızlandığını, bugün orta yaşta olan insanların kendilerine dikkat ederlerse ölümsüzlük trenine binebileceklerini söylüyor.

Ölümsüzlüğün yakın bir gelecekte mümkün olacağını düşünen bir diğer kişi fütürist Ray Kurzweil. Kendisinin Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough To live Forever isimli bir kitabı var. Kitabı okudum, içinde faydalı bilgiler var, tavsiye ederim. Kurzweil ölümsüzlüğün mümkün olabileceğine dair fikri teknolojinin üstel gelişimine bağlıyor. Ona göre mevcut ömür uzama trendi bir süre sonra üstel hale gelecek. Kişisel olarak yaşam istatistiklerinde öyle bir eğilim görmedim, o nedenle gözlerimle görmeden inanmam diyorum. Umarım haklı çıkar da daha uzun ve sağlıklı yaşarız.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.

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I am from Nagoya, Japan and I could say the food in Japan is much expensive in price in little amount of food. That is one of the reason I think the obesity rate here is very low.


Japanese men and women ranked second in the world in average life expectancy in 2016 after setting new longevity records for a fifth year straight, according to the welfare ministry data.

According to the data released Thursday by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, Japan’s men climbed to second from fourth with an average life expectancy of 80.98 years, up 0.23 year, while Japan’s women retained second place with a life expectancy of 87.14 years, up 0.15 year from 2015.

There is a lot of super cheap high carbohydrate foods available in the United States, easy for people to fill up on.

Post great .. Well done
I liked it .. amazing words
Thanks for sharing your experience with us..

Thank you 🙂

Wonderful article. Longevity is an interesting topic and it seems like every old person past 100 has their own secret to what contributed to their longevity. I've researched a lot about caloric restriction and it seems like this is a major contributing factor to longevity as well the other points you mentioned.

The average life expectancy in the world was 32, 55 and 72 years, respectively, in the years 1800, 1900 and 2012 according to historical trends, although the average is different based on the level of development of the country people live.

I thought this was crazy only 32 and 55 in 1800 and 1900! Now I'm grateful to make it to 72. But I'm sure 90 and 100 could be more normal now. I think your list of maximizing life expectancy is good, but I would cut out alcohol consumption entirely! I have many threads about how dangerous it is for your health. Also, I would link that sugar leads to premature death. I blog about that as well!

I like the food pyramid you posted, that covered all the bases of what we need in our diet. I can't believe someone lived until 122! I wonder what her secret is!

I think the most important thing in life, besides live it with all your heart, is balance.

Have a healthy diet is very important, exercise , all your recommendations are correct.

But balance will help you to enjoy every minute of your life, and when the times comes, accept the natural end of it.

I agree with you

Daily Exercise is very important if one must live long

Yes, indeed. At least 3 times a week if you're too busy.

30 min and you are done with yourself.

Unfortunately, the modern pace of life makes its own adjustments in the life of every person. We're all in a hurry somewhere. And if a person does not have time for something, he often takes time from sleep. Single cases of sleep deprivation do not lead to serious health consequences. And what threatens a constant lack of sleep? An unhealthy person is usually more irritable during the day, has a bad mood and is more prone to stress. Since the brain does not have time to fully restore its strength, then the attention and reaction deteriorates.

Having a lack of sleep also causes weigh gain.

Çok güzel bir yazı, her zamanki gibi...
Yeni sorular da getirmiyor değil,
Yaşama bir anlam katma çabası da olsa bunların yanında? Uzun yaşayalım elbette ama sadece burada geçirdiğimiz zaman mıdır önemli olan? Katkılarımız, değerlerimiz, bizden sonrakiler için ne yapabildiğimiz değil midir asıl ölümsüzlük?

Anlam arayışı ve hayata bir anlam katmak çok önemli söylediğiniz gibi. Anlam kişiden kişiye kültürden kültüre çok değişiyor, başlı başına bir yazı konusu.

Anlam katma isteği ortak değer olarak değerlendirilebilir, bireysel katkılar ve toplumsal etkileri ise kültürel değişiklik arz edebilir kanımca...
Kolay gelsin ,

I am just going to live forever. That is what I tell everyone who wants to listen, at least. I will let you know if I turn out to be wrong but I am usually right.

I liked the Keto Pyramid, but I am suprised about the placement of nuts and seeds. Most of them are pretty good and edible during keto.

Another thing to note about asian cuisine is that even their day to day on the go food is much more healthy than what we have in comparison. Take Kimchi for example, you almost always get some of that as an extra when you eat in a restaurant. Meanwhile in Europe and America, it's fake french fries all day.

Same with beverages, where we chug coke and fanta, they have a multitude of iced teas as their softdrinks.

This is best article I've ever read since the month began. Thanks for the explaining the difference between the confusing life span and expectancy. The calculator is also cool and I'd stick to your advices!


Enjoyed reading, always inspirational what you write, gets me thinking.

When it comes to eating, I don't totally agree with the "facts".

I changed my life style radically 2 years ago, I was faced with a choice which led me to eat only raw foods and NOTHING processed or cooked.

It took a good 6 weeks to adapt to the taste which is just natural to me now. I could never envisage myself eating any other way.

I don't eat meat or any dairy products but have the essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids just from plants. Getting the right balance is the most challenging. Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron which are very important to avoid inflammation of the body. Too much calcium will unbalance the process of the body's assimilation process of zinc, magnesium, copper, iron. Often overseen by most.

"Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es." ('You are what you eat') - ~ Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

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With regards to life expectancy... what do you feel about the future of the "cloning of human organs" industry?

We’re Getting Closer to Cloning Humans. Here’s What’s Stopping Us.

Is it time to worry about human cloning again?

#resteem #resteemed

As we all know, the average life expectancy is growing and will continue to grow. Many statistics show that life expectancy has increased 0.2 to 0.25 years in a year in recent years. According to this, the average life expectancy is increasing 1 year in every 4 or 5 years.

This is actually a bad thing, because nature was designed so every living organ has a certain amount of time.

If we expand that time with medicine then we will have an over populated earth.

but we can't do anything against it, we can't just let loose a deadly virus or we can't just start sending elders to grave early, just because we need some more room on this planet.

well we could, but we won't


Disability period didn't increase or decrease by time. I wish a healty life for old people.

Ellerine sağlık üstad son konuma destek olurmusun

Bu gayret ve enerjiyi yazdıklarını geliştirmek için harcasan çok daha verimli olur bence

I think that you forget about spirituality, it is very important for us to answer the question of what we are living for and what our purpose is of life and who we are. Are we here to just eat and sleep ? Or we have talent and capabilities that distinguishes us from animals. The bitter thing is that we see that animals eat and sleep much better than we do . And they seem more satisfied with their lives than we do . So from this point of view, we look more miserable than they. So I think it 's better to reconsider the criterion of happiness

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Super post, I'm waiting for more

Nice article. On my own opinion, I think women live more than men all over the world because men are more mentality perturbed with life issues than women. Places like Africa, it is believed that it is compulsory for a man to always provide every single item for the family. From his own mother, father, siblings and down to his immediate wife and children. He is expected to provide for all of them.

I also agreed with you that long life depends on what you actually consume - what you eat. It is just like fueling a car with fuel mixed with water; it will knock down sooner than it guaranteed year. I love natural foods, fruits and vegetables.

I just calculated my life expectancy and it shows I would live up to 89 years. But i want to live more.

estoy de acuerdo de que la eseranza e vida depende de lo que consumimos, de la calidad de vida que lleves, actualmente el estrés esta afectando enormemente la vida de las persona. En venezuela en estos momentos con la falta de alimentos, medicinas, inseguridad ha incrementado el nivel de estrés, de angustia, creo que esto esta afectando la vida de los venezolanos y su esperanza de vida

Very enlightened, educative and informative, feels good to know what's happening in other country, thanks for a well job done and thanks for sharing.

Balık ve deniz ürünleri tüketmediğim için erkenden ölecekmişim gibi hissediyorum :D

Belli olmaz😃 Bünyeye göre değişebilir 😃

You got a 23.88% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @muratkbesiroglu!

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This post has received a 26.25 % upvote from @boomerang.

I definitely think a longer life expectancy creates more problems than benefits. Its so much predictable!

Why patatoes is harmful?

Like all plant matter - its not that there harmful it's just humans can't digest them and can't get much nutrients out of them. All we can get is the sugar.

This is certainly cool, but a long life generates another problem: in what condition will this long-lived person. The wear of organs and systems after 80-90 years turns a person into a ruin

My health is important to me, so I guard it.

Thank you for the great article! I was recently hospitalized for an acute stomach pain and I have to change my diet and lifestyle if I want to live a long healthy life. I don't want to live long if I'm not suffering from sickness. I want a healthy long life. Well, I don't want to live to 150. I'll be all shriveled up. :) Great article...thank you!

Thanks 👍🤠

good work
and check my post, u will surely like my introduction and vote me!!!!!!!!!!

Incidentally I was thinking that also in these days, the life expectancy depends on the country, but our way of living and feeding helps a lot, nothing you do with living in a country that the life expectancy is 90 years and you do not feed yourself healthy

excelente post. :D

Interesting topic, thanks for sharing!

Life expectancy is growing in US and European countries but in many parts of Asia and Africa is decreasing because war, unemployment and many other issues. Is it fair some people live luxury and others in poverty?

The world is not fair unfortunateliy. The average age is increasing all over the world including Africa ans Asia


Ketojen diyetine 21 gün dayanabilmiştim. Çok kısa sürede yüksek kilo kaybı sağlıyor ama uzun süre devam ettirmek çok sağlıksız. Her fırsatta su içelim, içirelim.

Ben de Karatay diyeti yapmıştım, işe yaramıştı, yeniden yapmam gerek

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Diyeti bozdum şimdi ne yazık ki.....

i'll never spend my life thinking about death... you can be the healthist of individuals and still meet an untimely death.. everyday is a blessing.. namaste :)


Muy interesante tu articulo. Me encanto con un contenido muy real. Gracias por compartir.

Очень интиресная статья у вас получилась, фото красивое и как живое.)

this is a great article i read . you are also great

actually, life as it is lived in reality, involving unwelcome as well as welcome experiences, as distinct from a fictional or idealized world.


Nice pyramid if we can maintain that lifestyle the finally we reach self actualization


It's amazing how medicine, refrigeration, science and technology has doubled humans life expectancy in 200 years!

So vital article, thanks for sharing, but I want to add that life span in middle east is higher than in europ or usa


Healthy living, balanced nutrition helps us to have better life expectancy. Thank you for sharing

Very interesting post indeed.very important food for thought .it really makes you think 🤔.thank you for posting this.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Healthy eating and diet has a huge part to play with long life. But I also believe a large part is due to the mental and emotional health of the individual. Stress levels, overall happiness and the complexity of life are very important factors.

I agree with you☺

Why should we avoid eating pineapples? It has several health benefits. Are the risks greater than the benefits?

I don't know ☺

if I think life expectancy for the future to be better, if the lifetime of whatever we have passed in the past.

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Felicitaciones por este maravilloso post, mi voto para el, ya que siempre me ha llamado la atención el tema de la longevidad, y siguiendo tu recomendacion se puede llevar una vida sana, calidad de vida que nos permite conservarnos y durar años. Éxitos por tu motivador post.

My foto

Entire food industry is driving people to consume foods which are unhealthy! Why? Because they are cheaper than healthy organic Whole Foods! And they last longer than fresh foods. If you see Walmart for example, an entire aisle is allocated for cereals! Instead of having nutritional breakfast, such stupid sugary foods are being consumed by millions ! So forget about life expectancy, how much ever long you are alive , by consuming such foods, you can say the adult life will be filled with medical visits , sugar, cholesterol and what not!


Staying alive is important, but quality of that life is also more important, living a long healthy life is better than long unhealthy life!


Hello there....I have something that might interest you. Please check it out. Thanks

Hi @muratkbesiroglu. How curious, contrary to what you say, I thought that life expectancies were getting lower, taking into account that we live in a more polluted world, with junk foods and a sedentary man sitting in front of a monitor. The truth is that I am surprised by these results.

Unfortunately in my country (Venezuela), these expectations seem to go in decrimento. My ancestors were longebos. My grandparents died of 94 and 100 years, which is enough. However, there have been premature deaths within my family. At present, balanced feeding is not an easy task here, and that diminishes our quality of life and therefore our average existence.

Hola. Qué curioso, contrariamente a lo que dices, pensé que las expectativas de vida eran cada vez menores, teniendo en cuenta que vivimos en un mundo más contaminado, con comida chatarra y un hombre sedentario sentado frente a un monitor. La verdad es que estoy sorprendido por estos resultados.

Desafortunadamente en mi país (Venezuela), estas expectativas parecen ir en decrimento. Mis antepasados ​​eran longebos. Mis abuelos murieron de 94 y 100 años, que es suficiente. Sin embargo, ha habido muertes prematuras dentro de mi familia. Actualmente, la alimentación balanceada no es una tarea fácil aquí, y eso disminuye nuestra calidad de vida y, por lo tanto, nuestra existencia promedio.

Hello @muratkbesiroglu, We must always take into account living and aging with quality of life, I believe that the secret lies in balanced and natural nutrition and to lead a calm life rhythm, in turn, doing exercises helps a lot.
In order for our children to live longer, we must:

  1. Teach them to eat more natural scrap and less
  2. Practice exercises such as swimming, yoga and any physical activity that strengthens your muscles and your mind.
  3. Teach our mind to channel problems without anger.
  4. The more city we live, there will always be more pollution and that is the future, it will humanize more cities.
    Excellent article.

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Hazır Japonlardan bahsetmişken, bu aralar popüler olan Ikigai kitabını da tavsiye ederim. Dünyanın en uzun yaşayan insanları olan Okinawalıların - bir Japon adası - beslenme/egzersiz alışkanlıkları ve hayata bakışları üzerinde yazılmış bir kitap. Kolay okunur, hızlı biter.

Well we may be live longer...... but..... my biggest concern is ..... how (mental)healthy are we. Thinking about dementia for instance. It's an upcoming problem to mankind. A lot of people are unhappy and feeling lonely ..... So .... in short ... we live longer, but how is our mental state of health?

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İkinci olan aklın uçuruyor

You can also have a more lasting life by taking care of the telomeres. With simple 4 factors:

  1. Exercise.
  2. Meditation
  3. Healthy Food
  4. Social Support (Never be isolated)

i upvote because i really like you article. thank you for sharing.

I want to make this comment, based on the word of God first, it is written in it that if you lead a life in holiness and fulfilling the commandments of God without sin, honoring your father to your mother, length of life you will have in this land, your questionnaire is interesting and speaks of many truths, I liked it a lot, but the essence of the life is how you behave here on earth leading a life in holiness before God, the people of the old testament lived more than 180 years as was the case of Matusalen, and this was due to his devotional life with God. And like this man many more examples, today there are no such things we can also live a full and long life if we are not submerged in a world of sins, but rather in holiness.

This is the best post i have seen on steemit

@muratkbesiroglu Do you really think that the average life expentency is growing? Because today's heath status of people are very suspectable.

2 dil bilmek gerekirdi. Tebrikler hocam.

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