God's Chosen, The 144k... What is Your Purpose?steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit,

Today is August 4, 2017.

I am writing because ... well, because something very interesting is happening on Earth and not many people understand it. Actually, a lot MORE people understand it (or at least have been exposed this reality) than you would expect... especially among the Remote Viewing community and some world leaders, even American Intel and the CIA. I would imagine that Pope Francis knows something too. But it is a huge secret from the public at present. Also this issue is deeply connected to the whole concept of Disclosure.

Have you ever heard of the One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand, God's Chosen?

Well, these people are not exactly chosen in the sense that judgment might dictate. They are those who carry the perfect genetic balance of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and they are spread far and wide, although not as homogenously in the human population as you might think. We tend to actually, collect in small groups, even families. These bloodlines give those imparted with them some amazing abilities though. With those abilities came a soul contract of responsibility. Which, if you belong to this group ... you are called upon to fulfill, whether you believe in this kind of 'spiritual silliness' or not. For most, that comes down to just standing your ground in your life and being a good person. But it might help you to know the parameters of the issue and what is possible, especially if you are faced with situations you don't understand or don't know how to cope with. Me, I don't believe in the no-win scenario, and I think that is what got me this far.

OK.  So there is this amazing group of humans on Planet Earth, that are here for Mother Earth's defense and most of them are just waking up, or waking up to this level of awareness, since about 2016. There has been an individual awakening process, a very intense one taking 4-5 years someplace within the scope of each individual person's life, and then a group awakening very recently. Congratulations!

What does it mean?  What is it you are here to do if you are one of the 144k?



You probably know that you are different somehow, than most people. You've probably known it all your life. Quite possibly you are a magnet for paranormal or 'weird' realities or experiences and also dreams. Ones that you may not have believed to be real. No, you aren't crazy. Also understand that if you embrace your differences you may very well have been told you are crazy and worse. Sorry...its all part of the challenge. 

Do you understand that INDIGO is the true color of authority?

Now don't get this wrong. By 'authority' I mean, those who are stewards and place holders for right and wrong... or those whose very being is tied up in the grounding of Justice and Love in this world!  Simply because of who they are. Its not a control thing. Or maybe it is in some ways. Certainly, we have been controlled. Taking ourselves back from that and igniting the personal will within ourselves is our call to heal. It is a process.  

That four year thing probably tested you to the core, as it was meant to. I know of someone just starting out on theirs right now. Your four year chaos period is like a test. You have to face your own death and overcome it, and you are transformed by it, made strong. We are literally The Body and Blood of Christ (which is why death and transformation is a theme with us). It is literally one form of the Return of Christ or the Second Coming. I will tell you also, if you belong to this group, you cannot die an unnatural death unless you agree to it. So for each and every one of us, it (your activation) is about healing your own suicide. NOT agreeing to die because "everybody dies" or that death is inevitable. It IS a conscious decision...agreeing to live for the sake of this world and for each other! Also for ourselves. 

"Self love is the greatest contribution you can make toward world peace."   -Bridger 

We are actually capable of living much longer lifespans than your average (human) bear and this time around it will come up for you to face. Quite a paradigm shift... consider a lifetime that could last up to 1,000 years. It is a lot to consider, especially when you realize that you are going to see a lot of people die before you and around you in such a life, simply because death is accepted as natural by the status quo. This is why we tend to incarnate in small groups - we need each other. Because if you can activate together with others, true Indigo Reality is much easier to face. Bearable at least, the concept - the scary parts of it.  There may be a secret few in hiding but I don't think anybody has actually done it yet.

Okay, maybe you thought that was interesting.  It gets much weirder from here.

Most people have heard of Flat Earth Theory. Hang on, this isn't going to go where you might expect. No, I do not believe the Earth is flat, not at all. The real explanation for Flat Earth Theory is this. People within the 144k all have an energy of Sanctuary tied to them, a bubble of protection, you could say... an aura of safety they manifest around them that is bound to the Earth Grid of energy and light. It is very literal and it is somehow connected to the genetic balance within you of the Twelve Tribes. Call it an electro magnetic field, very similar and in fact, connected to the Earth's magnetic field. When I first started to notice mine years ago, the diameter of my dome was about 10 miles across. Now it is more like a resting 25 mile diameter with expansion possibilities of up to 100 miles in diameter. P.S. Remote Viewer Ed Dames described domed cities in the future, on one of his appearances on the Art Bell Show in the late 1990's - I believe this is what he was seeing. Or what his people were seeing and he was reporting on.

Flat Earth Video

I haven't watched that video in awhile.  If I remember, it is very Fundamentalist Christian in nature with a lot of Bible references. I believe that these descriptions are actually references on 'how to jump start a Creation from the genetics of a Christ being' - one of the 144k. In fact, I believe that the remains of this person are held in the Ark of the Covenant, and were used to manifest our current reality. In truth, we are nowhere in time or space even CLOSE to what we believe, within the limitations of our current scientific understanding.


So what we are here to do is this. When the Earth really starts to shift and we are getting very close now... at this point in time most of the plates are free to move - the North American Craton became independent about two years ago now, and I feel that the major stress point we are waiting on is the plate boundary separation between Europe and Africa ... but when She starts to make the final shifts, we are called upon to link up with Her deep within ourselves and with each other, to protect reality (and the other humans and all life) within our 'domes' of safety! I believe we will see shifts that we cannot imagine, in scope, and that they will go by very fast. I anticipate this volatile instability occurring for between 3-5 years. We can stabilize reality to a point that will lessen the stress on the lives of those around us as well as greatly ease the Earth's stress, even help steer the process. She very MUCH worries about all of our safety as She is getting close to experiencing birth pains. 

One of the COOLEST things we have to look forward to is this. FREE ENERGY. Consider it the human GOAL of the Tribulation Period for patiently enduring Earth's shifts, what a gift. Not the Zero Point Energy paradigm!! The Earth's core is a natural Free Energy generator when it is working properly, and that is part of what is happening as the Earth moves now. She is literally digesting a comet, deep inside, that hit many eons ago... in order to heal the natural perpetual motion machine at Her core. And calibrate the rest of the living system around it. 

Ocean levels will and ARE rising, as part of this shift. The planet will shrink just slightly. The Free Energy system relies upon a higher atmospheric moisture saturation (the key is SALT) for very simple global energy conductivity with a functional generator at the core. (This planetary energy system is metaphorical to the bodies' energy system in the 144k as well! They are deeply connected.) We will very literally be able to access energy right from the atmosphere, pretty much exactly as Nicola Tesla appeared to do.


So the most important purpose of the 144k, is to activate their domes of safety and protect the population of humans and other life as earthchanges happen. Once its over, after a three and a half year Tribulation Period (the second half, the first half has already occurred) we will have a transformed planet and natural Free Energy resources to power our future.

I follow the Crop Circles and their messages as much as I can... these are recent and I feel, super relevant. Maybe even one of the reasons I was moved to post this message. I feel that these three specifically describe current activation of domes within the Earth Grid. Now that I think about it, probably MOST of the circles and orbs in crop circles are describing the evolution of these domes but these are the ones that have gotten my attention in recent weeks. 

This one appeared on June 4, 2017 near the ancient Uffington White Horse, at Woolstone Hill, near Ashbury, Oxfordshire. UK. It was the first of this series to catch my recent attention.

Cley Hill, near Warminster, Wiltshire, UK Crop Circle, July 18, 2017

This one makes me think of genetic awakening since there are twelve small circles paired off by twos.  Also notice that the center pictograph is a merkaba? I had also wondered about Twin Flames being connected with this one, and that is part of the picture for the 144k as well.

July 20, 2017. West Sussex, UK

This one is so amazing... I feel that it is describing activation from one 'person' or dome within the Grid (see the hatch marks in the center orb?) connecting or activating other domes or other people and their domes around them!

I have more to say about all of this, if I can get myself to bring it forward.  I will probably be back for an edit or two as well.



P.S. Crop circle photos courtesy of Google Images...

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

ok, well... thanks for the input. I cleaned it up a little bit with some editing to make more sense. I hope it helped.