The seven commandments before reaching the age of thirty!

in life •  7 years ago 

The seven commandments before reaching the age of thirty!

When you are in your twenties, you often feel self-confidence and desire to live and start, ready for jumping into the sea of life and experimenting alone

The period of adolescence and youth in the twenties is the basis from which everything starts .. It determines whether you will live a different life full of opportunities and challenges, or a boring traditional life like millions in your age.

The years will make you stand in the middle of the 20's which full of opportunities, and the fullness of the thirties which full of prudence and caution before making decisions.

If you are a young man in your twenties, or a teenager who has just come out of the early childhood and is early to notice the pleasure of difference, I recommend seven quick commandments that you must take seriously before he is 30 years old!

The first commandment: Do not think about smoking!

I know that young people in the twenties are in the stage of departure, experience, and they are well prepared to make mistakes - and even the desire to do so sometimes - under the name (let us make mistakes, we are still youthful and we have all life),  This is true .. but try as much as possible to make your human adventures do not include smoking among them.

Smoking is very bad .. very harmful .. very expensive on your health, appearance, and strength, and your estate, and your life material and psychological .. will make your appearance at the age of thirty, as if I were in the early forties of the age .. And certainly will suffer hard to get rid of this scourge after Years of addiction.

Live your teenager, and your twenties, and experience and make yourself mistakes and learn from them .. But - Believe me - do not make one of these errors falling into smoking, even from the door of experience .

The Second Commandment: The First Million!

I read it once to a friend of mine .. Try not to reach the beginning of the thirties of your age, but you have achieved the first million in your bank account .. Impossible? .. OK half a million? .. If you are in the twenties of your age, and you keep saying  impossible impossible, what word Which you will repeat when you are 50?

Make a plan .. Act .. Start the work of a company .. Get genius idea .. Start using one of your own skills that know you are characterized by .. Take a new path .. Too much failure , Try again, and fail again, and try again until you succeed .

The third commandment: marriage is important, of course .. but!

Marriage is very important to ensure the physical and psychological stability in your life, and the formation of a new family, and independence in yourself .. But my advice not to make marriage bump your way to success in your life .. If your financial conditions difficult, and start from scratch, it is okay to delay the decision to marry to the end of the twenties .

If you are able to get married and make up the family early, make sure that your partner will drive you forward for more success in your life . 

The fourth commandment: turning into a reading worm

Whatever your preoccupation and lack of time, read in everything .. read in philosophy, world literature, medicine, science, physics .. Read to Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dickens .. Read cultural, humanistic and developmental articles ..

In your twenties, do not let a book that take to what you are interested in, No serious article without learning from it .. No serious novel full of ideas and meanings and diversity, without living it's events and heroes ..

Reading is the basis for opening your mind, which will make you more open minded man when you reach the age of thirty, you will have a clear methodology for thinking,  and dealing with the other.

The Fifth Commandment: Why you do what you do!

At your earliest age, where your veins are boiling with enthusiasm, persistence, Three things must be identified:

What do you want to do? .. How do you achieve what you want? .. Why do you want this particular?

Many determine what they want to do. Fewer when it comes to the mechanism or how they can reach this goal. But the special skilled people are the ones who determine it accurately:

Why do we want to reach this goal specifically? And if we achieve it, what will we do next?

Often you will not feel that this commandment is of importance that you believe and you are in the middle of your life .. But you will feel its importance only when you find yourself on the outskirts of thirty, and still do not know the reason behind all you have done in your life!

The Sixth Commandment: Do not compare yourself with others

The biggest mistake you can fall in is to compare yourself with others during the race, and trying to take their path as yours, everyone is different you have special skills so use them to make your own path.

The Seventh Commandment: be your self

All what i want to say in the last one is always be your self and you will find your own way to reach your dreams, be yourself and people will love you the way you are.

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