My Transgender Friend

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

A gentleman that is well spoken, very handsome, courteous and respectful; without giving it much though I would be interested in getting to know and for all intents to protect his identity we will call him Jake. At first thought,
it is shocking to find out someone you know is transgender, with the 1.4 million that identify as transgender in America it is almost heartbreaking the thought that most of the transgender people live in hiding and fear. I can remember while in High School I as well as my girlfriends had issues fitting in, I can’t imagine going through life constantly trying to fit in. 

Jake is that handsome guy that is classy, sexy, courteous and above all perfect by the looks of it. I never understood why he was timid and shy when hot girls would hit on him and basically threw themselves at him and he just wouldn't go for it. It took a few years for him to open up to me about his gender and sexuality. Even to my surprise as easy as I took it I didn’t understand why he couldn’t just be open with me about it. I can now tell you why he felt he  couldn't tell me, he was afraid that I would go and tell other people who know him and his secret would be out and his friends would isolate him. If you had a friend that you found out was transgender would you isolate them from your group? I am very respectful towards everyone and I did get permission to write this story.

My curiosity is how many people would actually date a transgender person. What would stop someone from dating someone like him, the judgement that society could put on the non transgender partner? Personally, I don’t know if I would date a transgender guy but if the guy I fell for was transgender I guess I would have to love him just as he is. I see people as people and I judge people for who they really are and how they represent themselves. Isn’t love suppose to be that way? 

What are your thoughts? Would you date someone that is transgender? I am sure no one would admit it, specially publicly, but if you would I am curious if the world is how Jake sees it or in love all is fair. I was motivated to write this article in respect to the LGBT Community that is currently celebrating pride.

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Despite the fact that now the transgenders face relatively better treatment from "normal" people, the ideas about dating them would most of the time receive the same reactions that they used to face 40 years ago. Only more awareness among people needs to be created for accepting their identity and it would help trans in all walks of life including the dating part. I made a post about it and would love to hear your opinion on it.


Would you ever date a transperson?

Yes, I would. For most of the people, the problem lies in the fact that they fail to recognize transgenders as a woman or a man, emotionally and physically from their core. For me transgenders are men and women from within and therefore i don't have any problem with the idea of dating them

I am a transman and honestly I haven't had a hard time dating. I always come to question my partners the same questions you are asking, some said before their answer is no, some said they did not close their doors but I think you are right, it'll just happen. You will just fell in love and that's it, no matter what the gender is. If love hits you, it will hit you so hard. Regardless. You will come to accept your partners gender preference. But the biggest hindrance is the society. What others will think. What their family, their friends, community and even what the social media world will say. Especially here in my country, Philippines. The LGBT community here started something but I think they would have to work longer to educate more people here. Sucks but that's how society works.


Thank you for sharing that you are trans, I know how hard it can be. It sounds like you are "out" so the public knows that your trans? You don't find it that if people know, they simply won't​ want you around because of your gender? Also, do you find it easier to be open in Thailand because it is more accepted there than in America?

Yea, been out since 6th grade. Didn't have a hard time coming out as I have a very supportive family and friends. Your support system really plays a huge part on making things a lot easier. I am in the Philippines though.

One of my best friends is an F2M . Really cool guy!


Do people around know that he is Transgender?

No, not unless he tells them. He has muscles and a long beard.

Wow! Yeah thats how my friend Jake is... but he fears telling people.

I have many thailand ladyboy friends. Pics in my feeds

Great post. I'm transgender FTM post transition. I'm also happily married and my wife is heterosexual and see's me as a man. She obviously knows I am a transman because of my history but it doesn't affect our relationship in any way. She's as loyal and understanding as they come, I'm very lucky and grateful. My point being just because we are transgender doesn't mean we are not entitled to find love and start families of our own.

I'm starting a blog on various topics relating to my journey that many will relate to, be great to hear some thoughts from you.