Its about what's right for me

in life •  4 months ago 

There are times in life when we desire to get something and we feel that it's best for me to have that thing or do that thing. But what we think what's best for us may possibly not right for us, and the Universe knows about what's right for us. So even when we struggle to get that best for us we may not get it, because possibly that's not right for us.

To give an example, some years back, When I was working in a corporate, at one point of time I was looking for a change of job. During that time, I got a job interview call from Etihad Airlines. They were looking for a HR Manager, I was super excited and started preparing myself for the interview. It was a dream job for me. Though I was working for one of the best Companies Accenture, I still wanted to go for this job, because it was an Airline. I would get free tickets as one of the perks and travelling has always been one of my passion. I cleared all the rounds and I was shortlisted for the last interview, which was supposed to be in Abu Dhabi. I flew down from Mumbai to Abu Dhabi for the interview.

The interview went very well and I returned back to Mumbai. After a week I received a call from them saying, I was selected and now the final thing for me to do was to go to the Mumbai office and meet the person in charge there. My joy knew no bounds, it was something that I had always wanted, also there were many perks to the job, work timings were less compared to what I was doing in the current job, office was 15 minutes away from home, I would get free tickets to travel and it was a less pressure job. I thought in that moment it was best for me to get this job and my life would be sorted to a great extent.


I went to meet the lady at their Mumbai office, and she turned out to be my hubby's ex-boss in one of his previous job, and they were on good terms. I felt it was all working out so perfectly for me, like Universe was bringing in everything together for me. All got done and I was waiting for their call now and very confident that this job belonged to me. After a week I got a call and they told me, that I was selected but still they have to drop me and they are going ahead with another candidate who was the second shortlisted candidate. I was quite surprised and I could not believe. They did not share anymore details with me.

For a few days I felt very bad about what had happened, after some time my hubby brought this news that the person who got selected was a guy who had lost his job and was jobless for a long time. In that moment everything started falling in place in my mind. And suddenly I started feeling very happy that I was not selected and someone who needed the job got it. I already had a job with a good salary, I was not unhappy with my job, it was just that I would had some extra perks a cushy position. I suddenly had no regrets and I was feeling happy.

Universe knew what was right to be done in that moment and took that from me and gave it to someone who deserved it in that moment. Till today whenever I think of this whole incident, I feel that this was the right thing that happened and I am so happy that I was instrumental in it.

Getting the job would have been the best thing for me, but being taken it away from me was the right thing that happened. In life when we face such situations we must know that Universe is always working on what's right for us and not what we think what's best for us.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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