30 Days Of Beauty Day#2

in life •  7 years ago 


With day #2 I walked into our laundry room and noticed this little one.
We had started prepping seeds in egg cartons 2 weeks ago. To my surprise as I walk in I notice this little one popping out of the dirt. Our first sprout of the year. A deep purple carrot sprout.

Nothing beats the feeling of satisfaction and pride knowing you were able to bring something beautiful into the world. Even though all you need to do is make sure to water it.

With enough time and patience soon more sprouts will appear. Once they have rooted enough we can then transplant them into our garden and watch as they blossom into beautiful full and delicious plants.

In the comments below let me know what beautiful thing you noticed today.

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Soon you may have to transplant them to a bigger plot if you truly are growing them in an egg carton! Maybe give them some plant food to help make sure the grow stronger!

Myself and my grandfather do this every year. Just like any plant you do need to move to adjust for root size. The reasoning I used egg cartons is that spooning it out is so much easier once i do need to move them.