coffee culture | budaya minum kopi

in life •  8 years ago 

While waiting a cup of coffee.

Hi Steemit friends. For men, drinking coffee has become a routine even has become a tradition especially for the adam in Aceh. So Rarely do we see men who do not like to drink coffee. Can even be considered not male if not like drinking coffee.

Aceh is known for the area of ​​a thousand coffee shops. The flood of coffee shops made the people's economy grow. If the first time when I was a small coffee shop just visited by the parents edge now juatru changed. Most of the coffee shops are stopped by parents. Even some coffee shops are dominated by women.

Many of the people sitting in the coffee shop are: enjoying coffee, hanging out with friends, enjoying free wifi, lobbying someone, enjoying food, watching football or gp, and many more reasons people go to coffee. In fact there is also a special game in the cafe Ludo coffee.

Each coffee shop offers different flavors and services, according to the technology used. So if friends want epresso and sanger arabika then need to find a coffee shop that has applied technology in processing coffee.

If you are going to Aceh next time I will help you find the difference of coffee taste especially in Aceh Indonesia.

Thanks for read my posting, do not forget support and upvote us at @nasrullahilyas.

Teman-teman steemit semua, bagi laki, minum kopi sudah menjadi rutinitas bahkan sudah menjadi tradisi khususnya bagi kaum adam di Aceh. Maka Jarang kita lihat laki-laki yang tidak suka minum kopi. Bahkan bisa dianggap tidak laki kalau tidak suka minum kopi.

Aceh dikenal dengan daerah seribu warung kopi. Membanjirnya warung kopi membuat ekonomi masyarakat semakin meningkat. Kalau dulu saat saya masih kecil warung kopi cuma disinggahi oleh para orang tua tepi sekarang juatru berubah. Kebanyakan warung kopi banyak disinggahin oleh orang tua. Bahkan beberapa warung kopi didominasi oleh kaum hawa.

Banyak tujuan orang-orang duduk diwarung kopi diantaranya: menikmati kopi, nongkrong bersama teman- teman, menikmati wifi gratis, melobi seseorang, menikmati makanan, nonton bola atau gp, serta banyak lagi alasan orang pergi kewarung kopi. Bahkan ada juga yang khusus main game Ludo di warung kopi.

Setiap warung kopi menawarkan rasa dan pelayanan yang berbeda, hal tersebut sesuai dengan teknologi yang digunakan. Jadi jika teman-teman ingin epresso dan sanger arabika maka perlu mencari warung kopi yang sudah menerapkan teknologi dalam mengolah kopi.

Jika nanti anda ke Aceh saya akan membantu anda menemukan perbedaan rasa kopi tersebut khususnya di Lhokseumawe.

Terimakasib telah meluangkan waktunya, jangan lupa support dan upvote kami di @nasrullahilyas.

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Thanks for your blog @nasrullahilyas. Nice post. Reminds of the time when i was in singapore and i used to spent time with them in coffee shop, not forgetting how my dating started when i was in the coffee shop. haha

Wow, i think that is unforgetable moment in your life. I think you have to try Aceh coffee. I wait you for coming here @mamata

Thanks a lot for support me.

Ne upvote long chit

Ok jut maulana

Haha sure i hope one day i will get to try Aceh coffee, that was indeed unforgettable moment in my life.

Hahha. Thank you my friend

It is the best . . .

Thank you very very much man