MORE TOXIC ingredients in American foods & products than almost any other country!!!

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Since a child, I have heard so many rave about America.
While I am a true American, I have true concern with the way America is going in more than one way.
Why is it the country Americans rave about being better than others allows over 300 toxins/carcinogens in our food & products?

My non/least toxic makeup blog to follow tomorrow.

Those toxic ingredients are the same that can cause cancer, chronic disease, etc. Yet they are everywhere, including the air we breathe!
Seeing as America's cancers statistics are nothing but on the rise, I can't help but shame our government for continuing to allow such toxic ingredients when even neighboring countries outlawed. What's their end game? Us American's are America, so why destroy our health?


These are also reasons why I choose to buy organic, non-gmo, and local foods.
For more information on the subject:


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It's not only american foods, unfortunately. This crap is spreading all over the world.

@naturalista nice post , we need people like you, I hope you are happy to be in steemit

good post @naturalista 8]

Keep up the great work @naturalista

How about some links to Pubmed instead?

People that publish stuff for Pubmed want to get jobs someday, for corporations, that make poisoned food. Western medicine is not designed to cure most things. It just makes up fancy sounding names for symptoms, then sells drugs to cover those symptoms. I've never once had a doctor ask me about diet, stress, exercise, because they simply don't care.

Non-Western medicine is designed to separate suckers from their money. I tend to prefer the medicine that grew up along with modern civilization and avoid those of cultures whose people still live in mud huts back home.

The people in mud huts didn't even get sick until modern death culture cornered them and perverted their sustainable cultures.

You do what you want but I'll use the free natural remedies that kept our species rolling and evolving for hundreds of thousands of years over the poison that keeps modern civi zombies taking pill after pill just to live long lives as dependent slaves that feel like shit most of the time or are too numb to know if anything's wrong.

Hit me up in ten years and we can have a physical challenge. I will win. ;)

Once I found out how agriculture is destroying Nature and making an unsustainable, corrupt, dying civilization possible, I went freegan. I live mainly off of civilization's waste, choosing to poison myself rather than take more from Nature than my species already does. Guess what though? Other than an improperly healed broken neck that gets inflamed, I'm as healthy as can be. All of my supposed gut disorders went away. And post apocalypse, if the only food I can find is a five year old trailer full of twinkies, I can eat them and not die because of hormesis. ;)

I think I'm seeing the positive effects because being home free and money free has reduced my stress levels to near nothing, and since I don't have a job or go to stores to get food, I don't get exposed to all of the yucky civi cooties. It could go deeper though. Our minds are powerful.

My ex wife was a hypochondriac, I saw over and over again how a belief could actually create a real disease. It works in reverse too. If you feel genuine gratefulness for finding half of a crappy pizza in a dumpster, and eat it believing that it's the best nourishment you've ever had, I'm pretty sure you'll see the same health benefits as eating a healthy wild caught meal would give you. My brother ate nothing but top ramen and bologna for three years and he lived when all nutritional science says he should have died after about three months so I'm pretty sure there's something to this mind over matter thing!

Here's a testimonial from a friend that came to camp with me:
(I gave up on voat and removed all of my content because the site's mostly racist idiots.)

This - #Upvoteforupvote is lame though. People should only upvote if they like the content. That's the whole point of "curation". I upvoted your post because it is well written and shares important information.

The one that interests me is the ingredients of sun block. It's a tough call whether any skin cancer you get comes from the lotion or the sun.

Hi @naturalista!

Reading this makes me wanna go start my own garden right this second.

Food just isn't food anymore. Is technology to blame? And if not, who can we blame?