Do You Struggle with Feelings of Inadequacy?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I sure as shit do. The first time I saw another man's penis it was huge. Like the size of a forearm. I was barely 16, and watching a couple of the older guys wrestling in the backyard. One of them began dragging the other along the ground when his shorts slid to his ankles (the man's name is J Stallions ironically) and he became forevermore known as "the Italian stallion.


For years afterwards I struggled with the belief that that was pretty average since it didn't seem to phase anyone else in the slightest.

I never showered in public, I avoided swimming without a towel handy so as to minimize the risk of being discovered, and thought that all the girls I had sex with were either withholding their disappointment out of kindness or were too inexperienced to know how inadequate I was.

But then I fell in love. Like so totally in love that, unless you've experienced it for yourself you cannot hope to understand. From the first day we met to the day she finally left me, we were together every day for nearly 8 years.

We took copious amounts of mushrooms and shared everything with each other; Our dreams and goals, our fears, and eventually the dreaded subject came up.

I knew she had only ever seriously dated one guy before me and the little she told me about their one sexual encounter led me to believe that it was horrific for her.

But for whatever reason, maybe love, I asked her if it was OK (my dick I mean).

"What are you talking about?" she asked. "You're perfect!"

For the first time in our relationship I didn't believe her. When I told her so and why, she laughed. And she laughed.

A few moments earlier I was thinking hard about asking her to marry me.... At this moment I just wanted to run as far away as I could. Maybe go live in the cave I explored with my cousins in our youth.

She must have seen my distress and opened her laptop, keyed a few strokes and turned the screen to face me. I was at first horrified, then revelation set in, and I felt a sense of relief like I'd never felt in my 20 years on earth...

She was showing me dick pick after dick pic. And to my extreme delight mine fit right in the middle! I have never been so happy to be average! While mine isn't the biggest, it definitely isn't the smallest either. What a day that was.

It's been a bit of work undoing those few formative years of laboring under the misconception that I was woefully lacking. That everyone but me had "great big amounts, in the place where it counts" but today it matters not at all.

I've learned much about myself, women, and love since then. And it all seems terribly foolish to me now. To love someone means loving them completely and a good woman won't care where your manmeat fits on the measuring stick.

I suppose one good thing did come from those years of silent suffering: in order to overcome my perceived shortcomings I mastered the art of foreplay, and that is something nobody can take away from me.

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Want to start a sub channel called "just guy stuff" or something like that where we talk about the important stuff that other men don't talk about?

Posted using Partiko Android

Definitely man, I have no shame whatsoever.... Except when it comes to public nudity. Like you I was raised in the south and I always feel like Jesus and my dead relatives are watching Hahaha but seriously I'm down for whatever

I love this!!! You rarely see men talking about issues like this, all the body positivism is aimed largely at women, and if you see guys discussing it it is rarely their penis, often height, muscles, hair etc. It's disheartening to know and hear that almost everyone feels inadequate with various body parts/features, but actually if you really start talking honestly to people you see that the majority of people feel the same way, that sense of inadequacy based on having the ideal image of the minority continually shoved in their faces. I know your experience was of a direct real life experience, and well im not a guy so i am not talking from experience but i bet that happens a lot in changing rooms or yea just wrestling around. Im rambling, but just wanted to say im very glad to see someone willing to open up and be honest about it. I bet this will help so many readers that may or may not leave a comment. Tis good! :)

Wow! Thank you for the kind words, and I agree with you totally. How many "tiny dick" jokes do we hear in movies, on TV, in memes? Probably not more than women, and on the whole women are absolutely held to ridiculous standards.

Women and men do have some essential differences that are at play here, and affect more than just our body image.

Women traditionally get their emotional support from other women, while men are seen more as friends, predators, or romantic partners, but not emotional support.

Men also get their emotional support from women, and rarely from other men. I'm certain this is the source of much consternation and even the end of what are otherwise healthy relationships.

When men talk to other men about their penises we all have the biggest one in the room. And I'm convinced that we have been programmed to believe that shit matters.

Divide and conquer and all that. Keep em sad and sick and it's easier to sell em shit.

Yeah you're totally correct, I have a lot of male friends and find that when they are single, they will come to me when they need i suppose that deeper emotional outlet. I always just thought it was because I am just a good listener/shoulder to cry on, but what you said just made a lot of sense, it's is likely also because for whatever reason they don't turn to eachother. When I was in Uni I was the only girl in the flat, the 5 guys who lived there we're all into going to the gym, protein shakes etc. One night one of them came into my room, broke down and just lay on my bed sobbing, he had been injecting steroids into his legs. He was the tall/lanky profile and was so unhappy with him self. It was the pain in his legs that made him crack, he showed me his legs which looked a state and we had a big heart to heart about it. I realised then that guys feel the same pressure to be big and bulky as women do to be skinny with big boobs, but neither sex realises that. A lot of women think that that's what men like, and even my self with my awake mind knowing its not the case, im not immune to all the social influence you are conditioned with daily, but actually guys are going through exactly the same struggle.

I went shopping for a new bra a few months ago, I went to 3 or 4 different shops and ended up with a new beanie hat instead. I could not find a bra which was just a regular bra, everything was a push up, cleavage enhancing, padded, size deceiving bra and i was like what the hell man............this is what young girls see when they go bra shopping, you don't just look for a bra that fits your boobs, you're told over and over and over again you buy bra's that enhance or improve your pathetic little boobs. I was really angry about it.

Keep us striving to be better than we are because we're not good enough as we are, and we will be too distracted to pay attention to real problems that need addressing eh!

You nailed it. And let's be real, boobs are awesome. Big, small, everything in between, everyone loves boobs. Bras are unhealthy and uncomfortable anyway, just one more thing to sell people.

Men and women are humans, emotional beings that want love and connection.

Hunters hunt by playing on animals reproductive instincts. They paint hormones on trees, make calls of the female, set up decoys, and almost always hunt during the mating season.

As a professional marketer I know and understand that most marketing works exactly the same way. Lure them in with sex and shoot them. It's despicable but it works like nothing else when you want to sell shit.

Wow, I'm really happy to have met you. I wish my upvote was worth more than 2/10 of a penny hahahaha

haha well i don't share the same enthusiasm about boobs to be totally honest but i get what you are saying. Ah i wish my vote was worth more too your post deserves far more than it has :/ but although it's awesome to think i could possibly earn money here, it's also awesome to find like minded people. I've had a scan of your page there are lots of things id like to take a read of! You sound like a very switched on guy, im sure you will be hearing from me plenty :) Nice to 'meet' you too!

Aw thanks! Don't worry about the money side of steemit, it's hitting record lows but will inevitably move back up. Actually it's great for newbies like us since the feeds are a little bereft of the usual suspects which gives us more real estate to occupy. Just keep writing and posting.

And yeah, the best part of steemit is definitely the community. I've only been here for a few months and already have made friends for life.

One day both of us will have votes worth at least more than they are now and our 2 cents might actually be worth 2 cents 😂

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