Fear of failure then we will never succeed.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Once you do something, do not be afraid to fail and do not leave it. The people who work with sincerity are the happiest.

Failure in life is common. The great thing is how you learn from the failure to succeed. Be happy when it fails because there God gives a lesson of sincerity.

A lesson that works not just for favors and praise, but for happiness. Humble and sincere, that's a sign of happiness. The word work motivation is what you need to plant in yourself to success.
Opportunities appear in challenges


The opportunity to find a better power within us arises when life looks very challenging
When you are squeezed, do not scream. Do not moan, as if you are desperate. Pray with confidence and ask for a way out! Open your eyes and start looking.

Challenge is a game and the word motivation is the tactic. When the word motivation lives strongly in you, the challenge will be an opportunity for you.

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Definitely, failures are just are to check your mettle. It is a way through which you are tested how strong your determination and courage is. One must be strong enough to face failures with a smiling face.

lovephotography thank you nawar93