Thoughts in my head # 12 or a suffering in our lives...

in life •  7 years ago 

Hello dear friends!

I want to talk about suffering in our lives today.
How strange it feels... But the suffering has entered our life as a norm, as an integral part of our life. Often, even the whole life is suffering.

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It's not about the acute condition, not about the loss of a loved one, not about severe trauma or illness... It's about suffering in its chronic form... Hateful work, marriage without love, friendship and respect, the city which you want to leave, but you can't for some reason... We see how our parents suffer and how they overcome difficulties, from our childhood ... And they taught us so - to be patient, to get used to ...

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And it seems impossible to change it, it's impossible to break away ... It seems ... Perhaps it's just difficult. It is difficult to give up suffering, because often it occupies the main place in a person's life, it is the life's meaning, the cause of friendship, the topic of conversation ... If the suffering will be removed, there will be nothing remain ... Almost nothing will remain... Emptiness... But now is the time ... People are thinking about what they really want, they think how to make the work a favorite thing, not hard work ...

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Relationships are no longer a confrontation with demands and claims, but a partnership. And talking, more and more often this discussion of ideas, plans, and not complaints and gossip ... Suffer is a habit, often it's naturally, but not necessarily.

I'm so happy to change myself, to dream, to love! I like to feel happiness, wind, life ...

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And what about you? ;)

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Sufuring is not really a necessity we are just conditioned to do it.but on the other hand it's suffering that made you rethink it all and move forward .It is a force that moves and motivates you to evolve in your own way.Trowing it away will soon lead you into even bigger suffering such is the nature of things .just let it be ..but don't hang on it too much and know that Nothing lasts for ever.😁

I think alot of people live in these situations every day. But nobody does something about it or and they are afraid for the unknow. Dont let emotions of fear lead your life, you can only go to the next chapter in your life if you manage to do this correctly.

Thank you very much for your comment and for your advice! These are the right words!

It seems you get the message already, if you ones understand the meaning of life and listen to your heart than you know youre right at some point. Most of the people need a full life to understand what life is all about. Youre an earlybird :-)

Life is a damn tricky thing! Is not it? ;))

Yep it is, loved to hear your opinion about it. Thanks!

True life as we know of it today is a big scam.The problem of sufuring is build in to our society. Sufuring comes from unateinable desires .And the media today it's doing it's best to create as many desires as possible in our minds. This in time leads to frustration whit life .We should rethink our values and point our efforts at what we truly want. And for absolutely everyone is just to be happy.The sad thing is that no one sees that happiness is nothing that you can gain .it's a state of the mind and it those not depend on anything other but your own thoughts.

Life has no meaning it's just a jazz. It's here for fun and nothing more then an amusement for the everlasting consciousness.But if you superimpose a meaning on it it gets another flavor.So it's up to you what do you want?

I find suffering really necessary, otherwise we wouldn't appreciate the little things which come up in our lives. Also, it's up to us how we manage the sufferings as there is also a good part in every chaos - it's our mission to find this happy part and don't let us down :)

I also think that we can not do without suffering in our life.

Hmm,what a message you got here,true there is suffering but there is also hope for a better life for people,we have God ,he is our helper and strength,he alone can removed someone from suffering and depression ,and we should learn to pray to cause a positive change in life.

I believe that believing in God is very important!

My friend the benevolent old gentelman in the sky is ither not there or on a hollyday for the past 1999999000000 years .I simply don't see how any thoughts like those should help

I am equally determined to give up sufferings and give place to happiness, friendships, love, positivity and fun.
I am gonna give up the habit of suffering and bring in some positive energy. We longer need to be sufferers

Yes, the suffering and the victim's syndrome are deep in the minds of our society. This is especially dangerous for teenagers. Often this spills over into suicidal thoughts. Therefore, the example of parents is very important in a positive way. That all difficulties are temporary and solvable. And after rain always the sun. We need to teach our children to believe in themselves and think positively.

Yes, I think you're right.

Just surpass and have little faith.

Post bagus .. Nice post nya

Good post my bro

Very good. Thanks

Я согласна, для многих сейчас страдания - это образ жизни. Люди ноют, жалуются, но не хотят ничего менять. Я думаю, что любой человек может найти в себе силы, перестать строить из себя жертву и начать действовать. Тогда просто не останется времени на страдания

Sometimes suffering is a part of your life that is necessary for your soul to grow and finally obtain what you want to get the goal point :)