Top 5 signs you're an Introvert!

in life •  7 years ago 

5 signs you're an introvert.

So, if you're reading this, you may already know you're an introvert. Or maybe you want to be sure what to feel. I have a "Top 21 signs you're an introvert" but I will start with only 5. Let me know in the comments or leave a vote if you want to know the rest! I will most likely do it!


First I'm giving you a disclaimer. I'm a psychology student, not graduated still. This is what I know, but of course everyone is different and may react in many other ways. But without further due, let's begin with de "5 signs you're an introvert".



1 - You go to partys, but not to meet new people, that doesn't excite you.

An introvert likes to go out occasionaly with a group of friends to have some fun. In a bar, a party or any type of occasion. However it requires effort and previous mental preparation. Which means after you do it, it can take days, weeks or even months to "recharge your social batteries" and feel ready to go out again. 

But when an introvert goes out, he can really enjoy the party, even though he will not go with the purpose of meeting new people. Normally he likes to go out with a group of people with whom he already has an established relationship and its very rare that he looks to meet new people. It may occur that he finds someone with whom he shares empaty, but that's never is point when going to a certain location.


2 - You're good with prepared speeches, but not with random talk.

Introverts can be great leaders and speakers and, despite of the stereotype of being shy, not all of them avoid the spotlight. There are a few artists who identify as introverts (I will make a post about it in the future) and, a fun fact, 40% of CEOs from major companies have an introvert personality. 

This way, an introvert may and will have less problems in previously prepared speeches but a high level of difficulty on meeting groups of people. Whence why it can be a lot more stressfull for them a simple coffee talk with whom they are not comfortable with.



3 - In your opinion crowds are stressing and, most of the time, you feel alone in them.

If you have the feeling of being alone even when you're surrounded by people, even if you know them, there is a chance that you're an introvert.

An introvert chooses a calmer an quieter place with close friends rather than a big crowd of known people. Usually they let the environment (friends, activities) choose them instead of being them inviting.



4 - You're in a relationship with extroverted people


When I mean relationship it goes both to love or simple friendship. If you ever heard the expression "opposites attract" you know that it isn't a total lie. Frequently, introverts are attracted to extroverts to, in a certain way, being helped and encouraged on having fun and not taking things extremely seriously.


5 - You don't think "doing nothing" is unproductive.

As I said before, an introvert needs to "recharge his batteries" before running back to the social world. And one of the main characteristics of this people is that, to do so, they need some time alone.

When an extrovert gets annoyed, tired, mad, bored for spending one day home alone, to the eyes of an introvert, staying home all day with a cup of tea or something warm and a book or the internet, becomes a safe and peaceful place that the introvert needs.

For a lot of people may not seem fun, but for the introverts is something relaxing, because they really need and enjoy their space and their little corner.



Please leave any comments you would like, as well as your opinion and if you think you are an introvert. Also, English is not my main language so pardon me for any mistakes! Feel free to tell me if you would like to see another 5 signs (or more) that you're an introvert!


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Welcome! I feel like some of those resonate with me, and other don't. For instance, I feel I am introverted, but I like being in a group with people I know. Or maybe I used to be introverted, and now I am not. Weird.

Hi @eonwarped ! I can understand what you're saying but introvert people also like to be in a group with they friends! They just don't enjoy being with acquainted people so much because they're a very closed person! I hope you enjoyed my article! Thank you


Hey NewrA

I'm probably an ambivert. Deffo need a large % of my time to recharge batteries. Some people I know neeeeeed people around them all the time. I neeeeeed space. My former job required me to be very extrovert (which I could do), but it was very draining because my natural comfortable habitat is with books, the internet, coffee and some dogs.
introvert cat.jpg

I hope I could help with my article! I will be posting soon about intro,ambi and extroverts! Hope you get a chance to see it later!

Cool. I look forward to reading it
Anj x

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

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I read the comments above between you and Max and I feel the same. All my life I thought that I'm an extrovert person (I still think that
). But in fact, I love being alone.

I would like to know the other signs, yes :)

Hello there and welcome to Steemit.

I don't know if I'm an introvert or an extrovert... I feel like an introvert and act like an extrovert I guess.

Anyways, I hope you get what you're looking for from this platform.

Thank you so much for commenting. In fact there are a lot of people like you, maybe even including me. Introverts tend to have this "shell" as a shield. So, acting as an extrovert is one of the many ways to shield yourself from something that is unknown!

Hope you liked the post!
