Cecil Rhodes and the Round Table Group - how the UK elite have enabled their running of the world behind the scenes

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


After identifying a selection of Fabian elitist pigs in the previous post, I realized that Cecil Rhodes required a whole post unto himself. If you doubt this, then read on. Here are a few examples of the many elitist quotes from Rhodes:

"I walked between earth and sky and when I looked down I said - 'This earth shall be English' and when I looked up, I said - 'The English should rule this earth." - Cecil Rhodes

"I contend that we [English] are the finest race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race... It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honourable race the world possesses" - Cecil Rhodes

"We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labor this is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories" - Cecil Rhodes

One additional point to remember as well with these quotes, despite them potentially being interpreted otherwise, Rhodes was not referring to the English working classes as the "finest race in the world." He was definitely referring to his English elite and privileged class as the one that should run the world from behind the scenes and spread themselves around the globe.

A new British Empire

As the British Empire was slowly dying out during the Victorian period, Rhodes had an ongoing dream of creating a new British Empire that ruled covertly rather than overtly. This would allow Britain to rule the world from behind the scenes rather than in an outwardly leading position as it had previously. That plan was to manifest in Rhode's funding and creation of the Round Table Groups that now run the world through a network of powerful secret societies, internationalist organizations, and think tanks.

The creation of these Round Table Group and their subordinate organizations was done through numerous well-funded and highly influential business, government, and academic initiatives. Two of the key organizations at the heart of the initial effort were the Royal Institute of International Affairs and Chatham House. These organizations were themselves developed out of Oxford University by Alfred Milner and a collection of elitists known as "Milner's Kindergarten." Eventually, this spawned other incredibly influential global and elitist organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateralist Commision, the Club of Rome, and a host of others. James Corbett of the Corbett Report does a great job of breaking it down further here.

Understanding the inception and plan of the Round Table Group

Instead of writing in detail on Rhode's plan, I'll let G. Edward Griffin explain the inception and planning of the Round Table Group in the excellent video presentation above. What I would instead like to point out is that these organizations have essentially taken over all the governments, politicians, think tanks, NGOs, academic institutions, global initiatives, and any other highly influential institutions that run society. This allows them to mold every political and social movement as well as general thinking across society. (This takes us as well into topics like the Tavistock Institute, but I'll save that for another post.)

Through this method of control of the most influential institutions in society, society can be led without most realizing that the direction of society is no accident but rather all part of a very slow and methodical plan (i.e. Fabian plan), to get us to a New World Order. They do this through things like social marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. They will continue to operate both sides of the political and social extremes and run them against each other to break them down until finally they are both so weak and defeated that they can bring in the ultimate objectives that they've planned from the start.

Their final objective of a singular, global technocratic-socialist-consumerist society and government will be made known following a breakdown of the political dialectic they've constructed to date. It will be a society and government in which everyone is a slave to a selection of elitist Luciferian pigs at the top. Once this is in place, the velvet gloves will come off and the iron fist will be shown to society. You will no longer own anything and with no personal resources you will never escape from the neo-feudalistic open prison they are building for us. Not a nice picture at all, but this is the final vision these elitists have for us.

Some humor and some more truth

George Carlin was a genius and he lays out the owners' plan and the end game perfectly. I leave you with this humorous yet sobering view of the owners of society's current trajectory. I also leave some excellent resources to dig into the topic in more depth. There is a lot to understand here - much more than I can possibly cover in a single blog post. Please do therefore have at least a cursory read of the linked articles below:

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great stuff. Thanks for your overview and all the linked vids and articles! The internet gives us the opportunity to research and learn and share information the elites could otherwise easily keep hidden from us while spoon feeding just what 'they' want us to hear. Let's hope we can keep this flow of information happening in spite of their censorship efforts.

Thanks a lot. I also believe that just sharing good, insightful, and otherwise difficult to find information is really important. As you can see from my blog, I've written quite a bit as well, but I really don't want to reinvent the wheel on stuff where there is great work already out there. I would prefer to use as far as possible the excellent material that has already been done by others. Sometimes it just takes pulling a few pieces together and that already helps a lot of people get to the truth that the "owners" are trying to hide and censor.

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