Morning Motivation

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Good morning, Steemians!

I thought I'd write about owning up to our short comings today since I have been thinking along these lines this past weekend, such as when I just don't have the drive to really put in my best effort in getting work done. I don't like to consider myself as a lazy individual, but there are times when I want to do nothing but lounge around, read a good book, and sleep. We've had several days of rain, and whenever we have these downpours I can't resist just staying in all day, doing as little as possible!

Tomorrow I start a new job in a fast paced restaurant, one of the busiest in my local area.

Although, tomorrow morning is strictly orientation, I know I am going to dread waking up at 8 a.m. to meet the traffic. I really hate driving in inclement weather, too. Training starts next week and afterwards, I should be on the schedule.

So, today I'm thinking about how can I get myself better prepared to reenter the workforce? What can I do that will motivate me to greet the day with an air of productivity instead of dread?

One factor is getting plenty of good rest, sleeping through the night. I'm also reminded to set my alarm and to not hit the snooze button as I've been sorely tempted to do since my short time of unemployment since October. I hated getting up at 4:30 in the morning, and working in that popcorn plant so much so that I won't ever look at Popz popcorn the same especially after knowing how it is made, and the disgusting amount of "buttery" grease I treaded through walking those concrete floors for eight hours for minimum wage pay.

Hopefully, this job will fare much better in my long term outlook of working for a living wage. Like a friend here said, we all have to eat and that's the only reason why I took the job honestly. Maybe one day I'll become a prolific writer, pen some genius idea and no longer have to punch in a time clock, but until that day gets here, here we are!

Tonight, I'm going shopping for some much needed clothing items, and coffee. I find this helps whenever I'm starting a new job, buy some new shoes and my confidence level rises.

My question to you, is how do you get motivated each work day? What's been the best way to integrate into the workplace environment, and how do you approach new coworkers?

I'll be keeping you guys updated as the days go by on the new job!

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I was wondering what happened to you, haven’t seen you in a while. Glad you are back and motivated again! Good luck with the new job! 💰💰💰

I have my times when I get caught up in the daily grind of everyday living and sometimes, I have writer's block where I can't think of anything quality to write about. I'm still here, though. When I think of a topic I feel educated enough to write about, I definitely will until then I'm mostly commenting on other people's posts.

Good thoughts. It would be wonderful if this sparked a conversation about motivation or a series of posts for you maybe on your motivation journey. Some find it from within, others from without. Mine is completely internal only because I am not really big on motivational speakers. Some good points to ponder from them but...yeah. lol

I find my motivation from within as you said as well. It's hard for me to actually "get into" motivational speakers because they sound so cliché.

I don't think I'll be able to do the daily motivational posts, but one every now and then to be realistic, mainly because I don't honestly feel motivated every day! Some days I just want to lounge about and do nothing much other than read.

Like you said, I think planning is a big factor for motivation. If I know exactly what I want to accomplish with the day then it's easier to get out of bed and get started. If I haven't planned, things tend to drift along in a less productive way.

Another important aspect of planning is setting realistic expectations for the day. I mean if I'm expecting to do a lot of hard work, then somehow I'm more motivated to do it. On the other hand, if I expect the day to be fun or relaxing and then it isn't, I'm less motivated to do my work.

Yes, planning is a good way to help yourself get motivated to see things through. Naturally, I like to plan ahead and know what I'm getting into before I get started. I like to look for means to be more resourceful and make the best of whatever I'm working towards.