Why Persistence is Everything

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Let's talk about persistence and why it's critical in anything you go towards achieving in life.

I've noted that to truly gain any kind of ground on Steemit, you need to truly make an effort in posting something of quality each day.

Some say make Steemit into a sort of job, and I can see the logic in this kind of attitude.

These people probably have a large fan base they brought along from YouTube and other sites such as Reddit and Twitter.

Naturally, they're producing content to meet the demands of their usual supporters, makes sense to continue working with the kind of system that has made them the greatest profit.

Personally, I haven't spent any time on accumulating a fan base from YouTube, I've never made a video other than a couple of slideshow presentations using Moviemaker and Powerpoint.

So that leaves out that option, nor have I built up a following from having a lucrative blog site. Most of my social media work has come from online broadcasting which I dabbled in for a few years here and there, nothing serious.

So, what can I do to build up my reputation score here and to give my followers something worth throwing their cents behind? I have thought about this for the last couple of weeks, and since teaming up with @wdougwatson and @tloes I decided I want to write a little each week about anarchism, agorism and voluntaryism. Even a quote or two would be better than nothing, share some videos I've found, express my own thoughts and opines on ideas I've gathered from reading books, and blogs.

What am I getting at here? I'm simply saying that even though I don't have a mass amount of people reading my work, producing some kind of content daily will gain more rewards than posting nothing at all - even though honestly speaking, there are days I don't know what the hell to write about, and have NO clue what to say to an audience.

Just as I don't always feel up to work on my course work consistently, I know if I want to have an A at the end of the term, I had better get to doing the MOOCs and working on raising my point average daily.

I think persistence is the key to achieving anything and having the willpower to continue on even when shit seems impossible and everything seems to be going to hell, just keep pressing onwards.

Create something, hopefully someone will see that you made an honest effort and give you a few pennies for trying! =)

If not, then at least you've kept your goal of writing so many words per day, and are working on building up your writing skills and overcoming the inertia and passivity we all are faced with when it comes with being new to writing blogs and online content.

It's not supposed to be easy, and truthfully, it isn't for the most of us.

However, it is a learning experience and it can be as fun as you make it for yourself and for others.

Steemit is a great platform to express ideas, get to know others, learn new concepts and ideas and build community!

Actually, it's the gateway for many people to become well acquainted with cryptocurrencies and for me and others has been our way of earning cryptocurrencies.

I really didn't know anything about cryptos until Steemit!

Without Steemit, I possibly would have never gotten into alternative currencies and I feel fortunate in knowing that there is a place where we can gain from our ideas and sharing.

With that being said, I want to wish you all a prosperous week and commend you on your efforts.

Remember, even when the going gets rough, never give up!

**All images in this post are credited to giphy.com and their respective creators.

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Thanks for the motivation! I feel like I am in the same situation as you in that I do not have an online presence anywhere and have started this from scratch.

I would love to find a few Steemians to band together and hold one another accountable and to encourage each other to keep at it even when you don’t really feel it.

Thanks for the heartfelt, genuine comment, @superdavey! I appreciate that you understand where I'm coming from when I say that I don't really have the following that some of those I consider associates do in alternative media. I have a small fan base from what I've posted mainly on social media sites such as the usual names, Facebook and Twitter and from my time in online broadcasting, but that's about it.

I think you've got a great idea on forming a group on here that could help us all stay committed to writing each day. The encouragement I'm sure is well received - at least it is here! Thanks a ton, fella!