Welcoming the day of the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia together with the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia which was established in North Aceh on August 17, 2018 the Kaki Meurah Ball Field began. North Aceh Regency. with the support of the central government in the North Aceh area, this has become one of the most profitable places for people participating in community events in North Aceh.
We, from the SDII teacher council meurah, began to be very grateful for the trust and concern for others who needed cooperation with the North Aceh regional government, with the high level event we were able to help citizens in educating early childhood by using the Republic of Indonesia's independence day.
this was the best moment on the day of victory with the SDII Board of Trustees, Meurah started North Aceh. thank you for your visit to my blog.