How to stop disturbing thoughts easilysteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


The nature of thoughts that come and go, appear and remain for a while and then disappear and disappear

But when they repeat themselves and attract all kinds of unpleasant feelings and generally interfere with your life, then you consider them disturbing thoughts or obsessive thoughts.

These thoughts are related to all kinds of unresolved things in your life, and they may even originate from your childhood or from certain inner beliefs that flood your consciousness from the depths again to take care of them again and regulate those things.

All this is good and well and comes to serve your growth in life and the general harmony of all the things that make up you. Just what, you are not always strong enough at the moment. You do not always have the energy to handle it. Sometimes you do not want to do something about it because it is not convenient for you, it is not pleasant for you, and perhaps requires you to make changes in your life and yourself.

This gives you suffering that is manifested in all forms

  • You have trouble falling asleep and your sleep is bad.
  • Thoughts distract you from concentrating on doing tasks.
  • Your thoughts interfere with your relationships with other people.
  • Thoughts interfere with your learning and work.
  • Your level of anxiety increases and you worry about what might happen.
  • Fears overwhelm you.
  • The troublesome thoughts deprive you of your strength and you are weakened.
  • Sometimes you even fall ill and are attacked by all sorts of diseases that are the result of the weakening.

The people who want your best, your good friends, those who love you will surely suggest you think positively and move on. Their intention is sure to be good and true, but unfortunately this advice will not cause these thoughts to disappear, and if you follow the national advice that "everything will be okay", it will only increase your despair and cause the disturbing thoughts to appear more!

Let's look at the following example:
If I ask you not to think of a gorilla under any circumstances, then what will happen is that only you think about it. And the more you try to think of something else, the more gorillas will appear and these thoughts will be fixed and overcome by you. The more you resist, the more gorillas will appear in all kinds of situations in your mind. Which means that the more you try to keep away the thought that you do not want to think then paradoxically it will strengthen in your mind and connect all kinds of memories of feelings and feelings.

Here's another example:
Let's say you decided that you want to take chocolate out of your life from now on. You recruit your determination and begin. Instantly you will begin to think of chocolate bars and chocolates in all other forms. Decorated bonbons will dance in front of your eyes, and you will remember all kinds of wonderful situations where you ate this delicious delicacy. Suddenly you will also feel the wonderful taste on your tongue and your mouth will be filled with saliva. All kinds of thoughts like: It may not be the right time now, and it will not hurt if you eat some cubes for the soul now, and other excuses and sensations that you must come to your satisfaction now appear and try to sabotage your decision.

The problem is that the more you resist it, the more it will get better and will not give you peace!

So what can you do anyway ?!
If you try, for example, to think positively and to say positive sentences or to reflect on a particular mantra, it may distract your attention somewhat and for some time from the disturbing thoughts, but it will not make them disappear and they will continue to bother you.

If you try to think of other good things and ignore what bothers you, it will help only slightly and will not solve anything.

If you try to focus on doing something in the hope that it will forget the disturbing thoughts from you, in most cases it will not be enough and the thoughts will nevertheless find the way to bother you again.

A little discouraging, is not it ?!

It was nice if, as you watched television on a program you did not like, you could easily click on the remote and switch to something else that suited you, so you could as easily turn off the disturbing thought and move on. You'll probably agree with me that it could have been really great, would not you ?!

Do not worry, I have something to help you get rid of the troublesome thoughts with similar ease
During my surfing on the Internet, I met this wonderful idea and got to experience it myself for several months. He works so beautifully that I wanted to tell you about him so that you too can enjoy him and derive from him the peace of mind that comes to you.

The idea is very simple and the results are quite immediate and felt. Do not let the simplicity of the exercise discourage you, and do not judge it without actually experiencing it and experiencing the benefit of doing it yourself firsthand.

This is how you will do it and will succeed for you too
When a disturbing thought arises in your mind, it is usually translated into the image of the man or woman involved in the matter or the situation or object that is the source of concern.

Forward your non-dominant hand (right hand will be left hand). And take the picture in front of you (do as if you really perceive it) and then move it aside and bring it down, all in one flowing motion that brings your pictorial thought from the center of the screen to the edge of the stage and even below it.

Usually one such move that takes about a second is enough, but if the harassment is more than usual, do it once or twice at most.

What happens is that within a few seconds or a maximum during a minute, the thought will dissipate and will not bother you and you can continue to do what you want without this disturbance.

Then every time during the day that the disturbing thought appears, you in a second or two will make it disappear again.

This will obviously not solve your problem or take care of the source that created it in the first place, but it will give you time and relaxation that will do you good and make your energy stay with you and keep you healthy and functioning properly.

If you do this on a regular basis, you will still have energy that will not be wasted on the disturbing thoughts. When you decide that the time has come, you can assign it to self-care and to clarify all the factors and reasons that created the disturbing thoughts that are intended to draw your attention to those unresolved issues.

This exercise also has another positive bonus
The more you practice it on all kinds of annoying thoughts that appear in your daily life, the more you become aware of what you are going through. Doing the exercise will also increase the sense of freedom in your life because you will always choose what is right for you and what is not, and instead of feeling helpless about what is happening to you in life you will begin to notice that you are directing them by your choice. Maybe you should start this little exercise today that can change your life for the better.

🤔 Sorry if my posts, sometimes too long, It is not always possible to shorten my thoughts.


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A great post. I am trying my best to meditate always and think only about good things. Well it took me some months to master it and I can think only about positive things now.

WOW, Thank you very much for your lovely response.
I'm really glad you got to the hardest point - quiet in the head
It is always possible (for those who begin to practice), to go to a pleasant place (physically)
Beach, forest ...

And once again, thank you very much for sharing

Very nice idea friend even i will try this.... Thanks for this post it might change someone's way of thinking...Thank you

Thank you so much for the response.
All I can help - fun and joy
Hope it will improve life

:) :) Cheers

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what ?