The fair distribution fallacy | Inspired by another post about Lost (The series)

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)

So today I went out to Marseille to meet some Venezuelans, it was cold, rainy and windy, because of the mistral wind.

Also we had agreed to meet in La Ciotat (the city in old Provençal) but hey decided to let me arrive to la Ciotat to tell me they never left Marseille, which is 50 km away and a constant traffic jam and a horrible place in many aspects... (No free parking spaces and overpriced paying parking lots)

I even had a little time to read other's posts in steemit and weku to see how the trending page is doing with all that quality stuff !

I found a few pearls and they inspired me to write this post about welll about many things as usual...

I was reading the trending page and after all the reports and welcome posts and the usual things if you scroll down really down, past the stars you actually find good posts like this one: lost logic and the perils of communism Edit to link to his steemit post.

Hell did i vote it? I should vote it, maybe you too.

I also found a post about how healthy it is to stop drinking coffee, which at midnight gave me the urge to make me a coffee...

Anyway it had me thinking of equal distribution of richness VS. fair distribution of richness.

The socialist and communist dream is to seize all wealth on the planet and enslave humanity begging for some of it.

But lets imagine an ideal beautiful world, one were Utopians (I m not speaking of the steemit thing) rule and everything is fair, one were the strong respect the rights of the weak...

That is impossible shut up!

Yes indeed it is impossible, lets then imagine that I become the owner of my home country (that is more likely in my grandeur deliriums) so my country main rich comes from Oil and Gas reservoirs. Our current production is about 1.4 million barrels a day.

When I used to live there, my salary as a young engineer working for the industry was about 500 USD per month, peanuts! you would say...

Well with that i was able to buy:

  • a really nice flat
  • had a Chevrolet Cavalier Z24
    (which was what i considered a sports car back then)
  • I finally fulfilled my dream of owning a Jeep Wrangler with 45" tires
  • Also as a god old sailor i got myself a 21 footer to have fun...

So basically as a young engineer i was living the King of Oil life... And this was not long ago... Back in 96, just two years before the advent of the neo-communist scum... STOP Disgressing FFS!
(Also back then the oil production was 2.8 million barrels per day, and our plans was that by now it should be 20 million barrels.)

Ok so 1.4 million barrels we say...

The first thing the commies did was to advertise: Now Venezuelan oil belongs to each of us, the Venezuelans And that is a promise that we have seen become true...

But wait then you should be rich, and now you are the poorest country in south-america!

Venezuelan oil is lower quality than the reference Brent oil trading around 60$ per barrel today... Venezuelan oil trades around 40 to 45 usd per barrel.

So multiply 45 USD times 1.4 million: 63 million dollars per day !
That is a lot of money even for you avid cryptowhale... a lot of shitcoins!

Now oil is produced everyday... So multiply for 30 = 1890 Million dollar per month!

Yikes that is a shitload of money.... Venezuela has 33 million inhabitants (according to last recensement back in 1990, ok there must be more now but that is the official number, see the communists forgot the make the recensement which was previously done each 10 years) anyway....

If we divide 1890 millions by 33 million

We get to the stupefying result of 57 USD per person, per month!

But wait, we are taking the price we sell the oil... but producing that oil actually costs money, there are no official numbers, but back then when i used to work there the fields i worked in had an operating cost of an average of 25 USD per barrel (Most of Venezuela oil is heavy oil and is expensive to make it flow out and transform in something usable or sellable.

So lets get back to the maths:

45 USD - 25 USD = 20 USD * 1.4 Million * 30 days = 840 Million per month.
Divided by 33 million people, we get to a stunning 25 USD per month !

The sad part is that right now someone working their asses is getting about 5 USD per month and has to hustle the rest (Which does not make for entitlement to receive handouts, but it is a reality worth mentioning)

What happens is that there is also the transport cost of oil and all the rest... So indeed the communists are more or less spending 25 usd per month per citizen in infrastructure costs, social aid, free health and education etc... Just they forgot that when you take everything and redistribute in an egalitarian way, riches become nothing, thus that say about the socialism spreading misery since whenever that is...

The alternative is to take those riches and work to multiply them creating a wealth and well being society were effort is rewarded proportionally to the apport of the individuals.

I do work to have nice toys, my Beemer, my motorbike (yes i haven ridden it in about 4 years since the health problems but it is hidden somewhere) I like the latest pc and like dressing well... I dont want to wear gray Mao shirts, FFS even when younger i choose the Navy as those are the best tailored uniforms...

That is what drives people, not necessarily greed, just the satisfaction of being compensated for a job well done to be able to spend it in what you want, not what the state thinks you want...

And if I want more... I just need to know more, work more, increase my individual contribution to the society and be compensated for it...

More Utopia... I know!

But hey i cannot complain, life has given, it has taken, and i still get to play with the toys... Everyone can do it...
Just stop bitching and complaining and make more, make it better, and make it faster...

All pictures taken from: or my phone... you guess which is which.

"Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."
Proverbs 24:6

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More, better, faster - time is the greatest enemy of us all. Good to see you on PYPT!

Sounds like a south park thing doesn't it :)

Una realidad todo lo relatado aqui @nnnarvaez muy de acuerdocon: también encontré una publicación sobre lo saludable que es dejar de tomar café, que a la medianoche me dio ganas de prepararme un café. Una terrible realidad este comunismo chavista horrible. Gracias por llevar el mensaje y a seguir jugando y aprendiendo

Haciendo lo que se puede, ahora mas politicamente correcto y mas simpatico jajaja!

Ja, ja, me gusta no olvides nunca el café, ni el diablitos. @nnnarvaez

Excellent post @nnnarvaez! It's good to see some
content from someone who has some insight
on the befores and afters of communism.

Thank you man, you other post about there is no selfless god deed made think of other similarities.

Un país invivible y una sociedad decadente tienen un origen siniestro cuya presencia dañina destruye cuanto su legado alcance. Su mirada estremecerá a generaciones venideras por el pavoroso país que construyó, y el horror que su nombre representa:
ojitos macabros

Hugo Chávez Frías tuvo como aliados a un grupo abominable de ministros, candidatos y jalabolas que jugaron a sentarse en cargos a placer y dañaron todo cuanto tocaban. El susodicho osó apropiarse, irónicamente, del término "expropiese" y lo adoptó como un símbolo de su lucha por las clases sociales desprivilegiadas y cual Robin Hood bananero le quita las propiedades a los ricos y se la da a los pobres.

El gran problema es que ni siquiera eran los pobres los que quedaban con lo expropiado sino el gobierno, y lo manejaban los del nauseabundo circulo de Chávez.

Y todo se escoñetó, porque robaron hasta el cansancio y quebraron más de mil empresas. Dañaron todos los servicios públicos, dejaron inservibles los municipios, y si nos vamos al caso específico del Zulia podemos llorar por las condiciones de vida medievales que han afrontado.

Todo este desastre por la gloria de esos ojos de mierda y su patria, socialismo y muerte.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Hey Sarge!
Well i have been rebuilding the crumbles of my life, i had abandoned steem during the end era of the raise of the bidbots, and a few friends convinced me to give it a try to #newsteem at first didn't think it was as new as it looked, but well I see orginal content is being fairly rewarded and i really missed the lot so i am a little back, but just as a blogger, no more projects or development, just my humble opinions and blog articles about what happens in my life and so on.