The Top 3 Benefits of Pairing - Personally and Professionally

in life •  7 years ago 


In the world of software engineering, we often do what is called, pair programming.

Wikipedia describes pair programming as...

“ agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The two programmers switch roles frequently.”

When I began my coding journey with my bootcamp in May 2017, the idea of pair programming delighted me and scared me at the same time. I was excited to learn from someone else but I was afraid to expose my own ignorance. Often when we partner with someone, professionally and personally, we are cautious to share our thoughts, opinions, and views because of the backlash of potential judgement.

I am really big on following synchronistic moments within my life. I do the work but I follow the signs, messages, and omens from Spirit. Along my journey towards the end of 2017, all signs were pointing towards one thing, collaboration.

Here is just one sign, of many, from

“It’s a time to take risks and connect with the wider world. Relationships also become lighter now, and you’ll enjoy people who give you plenty of room to roam free. Absence will definitely make your heart grow fonder—but so will having a fun co-adventurer to join you on the road. A team project or collaboration could get serious, especially if you join forces for a greater cause. Networking can also pay off, so ditch the energy vampires and level up your social circle to include people who are as generous as you are. Some well-connected people could enter your orbit, and they’ll open doors as long as you keep showing up. Cultivate these relationships—they’re worth their weight in gold.”

I now know that pairing as a programmer, business owner, and overall human (lol) has given me the following benefits:

  1. Two sets of eyes. Each person brings their own perspective and can catch “bugs” that may cause issues in the future.
  2. When you work in harmony and unison towards the same goal you work “smarter not harder.” Because of this, you also get the goal accomplished more efficiently and probably quicker.
  3. Both people leave the situation wiser than when they came in. Having the ability to learn from other people gives you the opportunity to share the knowledge with others in the future as well.

I have had the pleasure of recently connecting with two lovely souls that I crossed paths with in 2017. We have taken our personal relationship and combined forces professionally with one mission in mind: “To holistically decentralize the mind, body, and soul of other Spirit Children, by spreading love and light through our work.” I have launched a brand new podcast with one and will be starting a meditation workshop with the other. Oh and I was just propositioned to collaborate with a 3rd Spirit Child for another project that revolves around all things Steemit in the Bay Area.

Sharing truly is caring and I am excited to see where collaboration takes me in 2018 and beyond. I am ready! 2018 is about to pop in a major way, whoop ;-)

What are you looking to collaborate on in 2018? I'd love to hear all about it!

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I wish to have a website to work for our up and coming "Indigo Crossroads" community and know nothing about writing code. lol

Lol no worries ;) I have a community of lovely web developers around me! What sort of work were you looking to have done? I'd love to chat about it and offer whatever help I can :)

Great write up. You can learn a lot from pairing and it of course teaches valuable lessons about working with others.

So good sistar! To holistically decentralize the mind, body, and soul of other Spirit Children, by spreading love and light through our work.” this is what's up. Resteemed.

I appreciate you :)