Before You All Go: I'd Just Like To Say Thank You

in life •  7 years ago 

It's quiet here. A little too quiet, for me, even though silence is one of my favorite things.

I'm sure many have their reasons to leave.
That's their choice, I won't judge.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Scary White Man Sleeps.jpeg


I left a snarky little comment on this post published by @kevinwong.

Lighthearted, just having fun, with a serious message hidden behind my humorous mask. Have a read, then think about it.

Thanks for reminding me all about how today, rather than posting, I could have used my whopping 22000SP to upvote ten cheesy comments, like this one, and earned more than I did after I spent a few hours producing some fancy shmancy new art and writing a solid post meant to encourage users here to start paying attention to one another.

Also, since I could have earned more doing that, I'd be cutting off over 100 accounts who've received over 200 votes within the past week from me, personally; and I bet that would cheer them up enough to love this place more! Hooray! Sarcasm is fun!

Now, seriously, is this what we want? I can do that, you know.

I don't care what kind of change happens but some change obviously needs to happen because after being here this long (nearly two years), and producing that much content (well over 500 posts published, with new art and writing in majority of them), I should still be wanting to climb the ladder and further my blogging career; not stop doing what I love just so I can vote up less effort than this, 10 times per day, while cutting off over 100 other members from earning as well. Is this a good time to say derp, or no?

Here's your average long time content producer perspective. How does it sound? Bright future ahead? Hmmm? ;)

Are you done thinking?

Good. Let's go for a walk.

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They Knew It Was Coming

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The Last One

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That's Not A Wave

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The Contentinator

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Bob Loblaw

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I Let Them See Me

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Fix My Life

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Looking Back

NoNamesLeftToUse - Then This Happened.jpeg
Under the Influence of the Few Influential

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A Distant Memory

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NoNamesLeftToUse - The Blue Picture You're Looking At.jpeg
The Blue Picture You're Looking At

That's only what I've produced over the past 16 days.

On quite a few occasions, I could have earned more by not working.

Not only recently either. Since I came back on December 9th of last year, more often than not, ten self votes on cheesy comments per day could have paid me more than actually working on this blog nearly everyday.

Now I'm noticing a lot of people going silent. I'm not the type to worry but I am smart enough to realize that might include supporters of my blog. Voters, viewers, readers; the audience. That's important to all of us here no matter who you are, so of course it matters to me.

Back in 2014,

I told a lot of people I was planning on doing something with my art and writing.

Going places.

September 2016 rolls around and here I am, getting started, doing what I said I'd do. All I needed were the right tools and a proper venue. This place was all that and then some so I pounced all over the opportunity. So here I am, an artist with no name, making waves; just like that.

I never had the need or desire to be internet famous so those other social media outlets didn't appeal to me. What good is a selfie with 100000 likes?

Hi. I'd like to order a pizza.

How will you be paying, sir?



Hello? Are you there? Hello?

I wanted to work, and earn money.

A simple concept. People have been doing it for thousands of years.

When I started though, I never once thought I could simply work my way up to a point where all I had to do was show up to work at any hour most convenient for me, grab a handful of cash from the tip jar, then leave without doing any work.

If you were the owner of a restaurant and one of your employees did that, would you allow it, or fire that employee on the spot?

We all know the answer to that.

"You're fired."

Well, I like my job here. This is what I set out to do, many years ago, remember?

Compromising the future I see doing what I really love doing wasn't part of the game plan.

How far can one truly get in life if taking self-destructive measures are included on the list of Shit I need to get done today:

  • Wake up
  • Kick ass
  • Go to sleep

I don't see it on that list.

Do you?

So what am I left with?

The perfect opportunity, once again. That's what.

This time, those of you who are still out there have given me the opportunity to say:

Thank you.

It's not me who's preventing myself from giving up, turning my back on everyone, and becoming a leech.

It's you.

Thanks for having my back, making me feel welcome, and enjoying my work.

That means the world to me. I didn't come here to take. I came here to show you something.

Thanks for looking.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I'll see you when you get back."

Images © 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.

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I just came for the fancy shmancy art

gif from giphy

What is art without eyes? Thank you.

Thank you my consistent voter.

Not for the payouts from your vote. For your vote.

Because you're right, seeing vapid self voters and the utilizers of the bot army earning ridiculously for scraps I'd wipe my ads with can be discouraging.

No I don't expect to get rewarded for nothing. I put work, hours and hours a day that I really don't have, into my posts.

Every manual up vote, every comment, every manual curation says to me "hey thanks for existing, you're seen." And I really appreciate each one.

You do work hard. That was one of the first things I noticed about your blog. I've probably missed a few of your posts, but I have enjoyed your blog so far, from what I've seen. You're a cool cat and offer a unique perspective. It comes across as honest, genuine. I enjoy it.

:D Thank you, I like being enjoyed

It's funny, sometimes I can get a really hefty upvote from a couple of different sources, but I am still not satisfied if I don't get any interaction. It just makes you feel bad. Great, so I made like 30 bucks but no one thought my content was good enough to really like or interact with.

What I have taken away in my nearly 8 month stint here, is that this place can really fuck with your psyche. I suppose I understand those who are leaving because what left is there if there is no financial gain, and if no one comes round to check out what you have?

It also goes to show me that a lot of the people who had been interacting with me were only doing so to "look nice", as they have either dropped off or don't comment on anyone's stuff anymore.

The blockchain is a weird place man.

I have been singing/vlogging/etc for some time though and I still feel like this place has the best opportunities for anyone in those fields. Hands down.

It's really easy to get discouraged, but I just changed my mindset of expectations from this place, and that has helped tremendously.

Keep on keeping on friend!

It does mess with the mind and I've learned a few hard lessons. When the value was high, my vote was worth a lot, my comment section would get slammed and I felt as if I was accepted and admired; then, quite suddenly, around the same time as my vote wasn't worth as much, not even half of the people were showing up. Were they kissing up? Are people not interested in my blog now? Did I do something wrong? Why isn't anyone saying anything? And many more questions that only led to a severe state of depression. Yet through it all I was still here with my game face on trying to crack a few jokes or produce something entertaining while my mind was stuck on the other side of the spectrum telling me to go crawl under a rock and die.

I guess once the next wave comes, I'll be a little more prepared and be able to bring some wisdom to the table.

You're right about the interaction. A few times, a long ago, I'd be venting to friends in chat and they'd offer some reassurance, "What's wrong? You made $30 today. Isn't that one of your highest payouts so far?" Well, yes, it was, but I'm an artist, I need views. I'm attempting humor, and I don't know if it's funny until they laugh or respond to it. The views picked up, the laughter started, so of course I'm then encouraged to continue down the road I chose. Have you ever noticed how some creative types come along, then suddenly, out of nowhere, all they do is talk about crypto? When that happens, those folks are on their last legs, trying anything to make a buck, forcing themselves to turn into what they think others want to see instead of being who they are, then eventually giving up. I've seen that happen literally hundreds of times now. I need to thank everyone because it's their fault I'm still here doing things my way. Through all of these flops, they're still there, still have my back. That means more than money.

^^^ this! I came here with no interest what so ever in crypto. None. I came here for creative expression.

It was pointed out to me however that technically I am now a crypto holder. That I should learn about the game I'm playing, and why not post about it.

I liked the idea, but I don't want crypto on my page because my page is not about crypto! I'm not going to sell out my @Accio name to try and snuggle up under the crypto blanket here. Nope. Won't do it.

Maybe on a separate account at some point or as a writer for hire but absofuckinglutly not on my @Accio page.

"still not satisfied if I don't get any interaction" this is a lack of gratitude and poor understanding that people have busy life with lots of stuff going on. Expect humans always to interact with content is a bad understanding of human nature.

We are not logical creatures that will engage with every single thing that gets produced. That is being too demanding. We only engage when we feel we have something useful to add or if it was something that truly touched us in a specific way.

My point was that posting for me isn't about money, but since you decided to take it in a different direction and call me at for my ineptitude at understanding the human species...

Your'e wrong.

For most people it has nothing to do with whether or not something "touched" them. Give me a break. Some of the most popular, upvoted shit on here is just that, shit.

It's the little guys who keep producing and making quality that people actually will listen to/watch/read/enjoy. Some of the stuff that is at the top with the most interactions is self-voted garbage, but people are drawn to a trainwreck all the same, so long as there are lots of other people there, and so long as their comment may be rewarded or at the very least seen.

I wish that Steemit was this utopia you speak of where people were drawn to certain posts and not others, and that people actually supported what they liked, etc. And some do, like the OP.

However, most on here are out to make a quick buck and when that quick buck disappears, they do too, and their interactions on my posts.

I understand people just fine, thank you.

People decide what they want to focus on. I never see anything bad. I always find the good stuff and ecourage those content creators. Looking at what a minority is doing in craziness and try to blame the majority is flawed. It's also a waste of time. Your idea is that majority is out to make a quick buck which means you already have a negative view of people. People can feel this and then they don't come back. Biggest mistake you do is that you don't understand that people need to be appreciated 20-30-50 times before perhaps they give back a lot.

As a consumer of your product, I would like you to know my life is busy with a few unfun, real-life chores!

The timing to be distracted in unfortunate in many ways. All those things that you are doing, like commenting and engaging with other users, I've been doing that nearly 7 days a week for 2 years. I'm not as talented as you, but you are not the only one who has put blood sweat and tears in.

I know. And that's why I'm saying thanks.

Make some noise!

Horns and stuff! Sirens!

Well I'm glad to get a chance to see all the art I missed! Under the Influence of the Few Influential is my favorite of this batch :)

But your comment to Kevin is so sadly true :(

I know it's true. Here I am though, still doing my thing, hoping my work gets noticed each and every day. The other day, in a previous post, I got accused of being a cheater and that loser said all I do is care about my bottom line. I guess if that was true, I'd stop and just go vote for myself somewhere in the corner.

Ugh, really? Which post?

I just responded to that asshat.

People these days... sigh

I know it. But there's always people like you..and me! lol! Here's a song I heard on my vacation that made me smile-

Road trip songs always stick around in the mind for many years after. You'll be able to close your eyes and see what you saw when you hear those tracks.

If fades away though because I went to BC back in 2005 and I heard a few good songs but I can't remember shit now.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I wish The Contentinator was hanging on my wall...staring into my soul.

The Contentinator can see the soul's soul.

If you have a tv hanging on the wall, those things make good picture frames these days.

I haven’t gone anywhere. I might not comment often but I do view and read. I love your content but sometimes I just don’t feel like writing comments on all the posts I read. That doesn’t meant I don’t enjoy the content though. It normally means I’m trawling through a shit tonne of content.

Keep up the good work mate. It might be silent and people might be all doomy and gloomy but that’s what happens in a downtrending market. People get all negative and stuff.

I miss the view counter. It was great seeing 200 views after a couple of hours. I rarely see 100 votes, even on a post with 200 views, but knowing people were at least looking made it feel a lot more lively. I'm certain many people miss that feature and honestly, I think it being gone contributed to many taking a break. Some rarely see comments but those 20-30 views were a motivator.

I like to respond on my blog. End up spending a lot of time doing it. It's hard some days for me to get out and leave comments as well but I always remind people: if you see my vote, that means I was there. I don't vote for things I haven't read.

I do the same thing which is why you see votes from me on most of your posts. :)

I wasn't around for the view counter. I can't imagine why it was removed.

One thing that I have a love/ hate relationship with are curation trails. I love being on them, but knowing that 60 odd votes are from people who auto-vote my work kind of makes me realise that many of the voters probably didn't even see my post.

I do remember seeing posts with 500 votes and 5 views. Worse yet, the posts that show how much one paid to post here rather than how much they earned, due to bots. $100, 2 views. LOL!

you are an interesting fellow m8 - I would like to follow you if you do same. I am very new here and a sort of artist me self but my art is Truth amongst a million lies some people can handle the pressure others abuse run n die.I chose to post only quality truthful stuff if you wnna check it out...maybe it can help change your perspective of this life and even help your art

If you want to follow me, go right ahead.

I'm not into that flat earth stuff though so don't expect a follow from me.

Well it's not only just flat earth stuff but I understand. I wont follow you if you dont wanna follow me. Not everyone can handle the truth.

Yes, I already knew you wouldn't follow my account and that's fine with me. I prefer followers who follow along because they enjoy my blog.

I could easily take the same approach as you. I could go around telling people I'll follow them if they follow me, and many would, but then, years later, I'd be stuck with thousands of people who don't enjoy my work following my blog. They wouldn't be voting for my work because it was follow I asked for so instead of money, I'd get list of people who don't really like what I do. On this platform, that's called being counterproductive and only leads to failure. I've been here for nearly two years, I've witnessed many people take your approach. They have thousands of followers and no votes on their work. If that's what you want, that's what you'll get, and it doesn't bother me one bit. Your success here is dependent on you, not me, or anyone else.

Eventually everything will be tracked and we will get stats on everything imaginable. For example Google Analytics for Wordpress is amazing at tracking stats in an easy way.

Auto-vote I think is great since it makes us used to value flow and stream that it can happen automatically. We automatise more of our routine so we can focus on more important stuff.

Then we will get better stats on what people that spent real time on a post.

You’re a good guy ! Spreading the love. Everyone, that didn’t buy loads of steem , but worked themselves up to a few K steempower should remember that phase in the beginning when you survived and kept going because someone unselfish was willing to support you. So giving back is key, afterall it is the minnows that make the platform grow in terms of users, and that will be beneficial for everyone !

survived and kept going because someone unselfish was willing to support you.

That's exactly it. That wallet reflects how well the place works and how generous many people truly are with their time. Can't turn a blind eye to that. Can't complain. Can't start grumbling when times are tough because it never was easy to begin with. We can share our work, sure, but one cannot predict the results or expect anything.

Of course I don't mind making attempts to support the smaller accounts. It helps though if I see they're powering up the SBD rather than dumping it. The place needs minnows, sure, but a strong middle class is also important otherwise those minnows get nothing. So many will cash out or delegate away their SP which it turn makes their account basically useless and unable to support anyone. Sure, I can help grow a few, but they need to be able to grow each other as well otherwise my votes are just going to waste.

I definitely agree with the fact that a strong middle class is very important. And many times the middle class can be even more generous than those that have a lot more.

Bud leasing definitely is destructive for the platform, when used for bidbots. Maybe someone can invent some kind of delegation where the steempower is used more for curating, by a kind Steemian. They would get less return compared to normal leasing. but still plenty more than just setting up autovoting. More importantly they would help benefit the eco system.

I'd gladly accept a large delegation meant to be used to curate a wide range of blogs. Most days, I have the time to spend curating manually. I've asked some folks in the past though. No dice. Maybe I'm not kind enough? LOL

We live in a world where what is harmful gets protected and rewarded while what is helpful is left to fend for itself. Make a game, make a million dollars, save a million people, get a pat on the back.

Yeah, it's true, the world can seem a little backwards at times and not many seem to care; but try putting your pants on backwards and watch how everyone notices.

I'm a little late to the party, but I'm glad I am here now. I've really enjoyed your writing these past days.

I'm a little late now due to the fact I posted quite late then passed out into dreamland. I saw a talking duck, but it didn't speak English. Anyway, thanks for coming and letting me know I'm doing alright.

But isn't it fun posting and then going to sleep, only to wake up to a ton of comments? :)

Actually, I feel bad and worry some might take it personally if I don't respond quickly. There are comments out there on previous posts I've missed because I'm busy responding on the new post, then more come in and those missed comments get buried deeper... sigh Then I notice that member no longer speaks to me... LOL! I'm trying! It's always a blast though. Some days it's impossible to keep up.

From what I looked up quickly, you get a lot of comments, and answer to most, which is major compared to a lot of "successful" contents creators in here. But I get what you are saying, I definitely should step up my game on that regard too, and I usually try to answer at least a few before I go to sleep, so that people can see that I don't just post and leave, waiting for rewards.

There are only a few posts where I didn't respond, but I made it clear in advance I was taking a break and since this eats up a lot of my free time, or I'm multitasking, that break is needed. I'm sure people realize I have a life as well.

I want to be a good host though. The art is there, so if this was my own art gallery somewhere downtown, I'd speak to those stepping into my establishment as well. I'd offer a cup of coffee, here I can simply pass them a small vote as a token of my appreciation. I treat it like that.

Sometimes I'll do a short form post, I like to mix it up. I'll still get comments and I've had a few complaints in the past where people suggest I'm being lazy and don't deserve the rewards, but the part they're missing is the fact I've spent hours later on in the comment section cracking jokes and just chilling with people, and of course that then adds to the value of the post in it's entirety, comments included.

It takes a lot of time if you want to answer to everyone, and have time to live in the real life and also create content every day. I always prioritise and choose to answer mostly to the people who have been with me a long time, and also to the comments that have more than two words and at least try to be something else than a copy-paste comment.

I have had some great conversations and fun in the comment section, and sometimes when I am bored, I just joke around in there.

I hate it when I see people commenting to big users, that never comment back. It's a waste of time for the commentators, and I think it's very rude to not even try to communicate a little. I don't upvote users like that, no matter how good their content might be.

I scared away most of the butt kisser commentators with their sleazy useless two-faced compliments. Not many of those show up to my blog anymore simply because I was either rude to them or brutally honest, which they deserved, instead of the vote they thought they'd get from me after they lied to my face.

If I boosted a post to the trending page, that's all I'd get is those junk comments and all of Steemit would think I'm the biggest asshole because I'd be sitting there spending hours tearing a strip out of each and every one of them. LOL

I went to that other post, read the whole thing, upvoted a few good comments, and I have no sympathy for the author missing the point of Steemit.

I came back here, did the same thing, but enjoyed the paintings and comments as usual.

I actually agree with a lot of what Kevin wrote in the post. He's been pushing for some kind of positive change for quite awhile now. I'm not sure if what he says will solve every problem but I do see the potential. Some of what he said has already been tried, and it worked, but the naysayers bring up the problems from the past under those conditions as if we won't be able to address them now that we already might know what could happen. Many other solutions we haven't tried will bring on a set of new problems we've yet to experience. Old problems are easier to solve, if one takes the steps to eliminate them.

My first thought on the 50/50 split for curation is that, for a newcomer, the total payout can be so low that this would result in 2 people getting nothing instead of just one.

It's supposed to provide an incentive, a reason, and encourage more people to curate.

If I lose another 25% of my author rewards, I can easily make up for that by supporting others. Many other authors will want to make up for their losses somehow as well, and curating others would be the best option. The newcomer would also see an increase when they vote for posts and their posts should, in theory, see more votes because curation is being rewarded.

Right now, people are being paid better to look away but that business model doesn't work because the engine(content producers) aren't getting the fuel they need to run(a readership).

It is beautiful when you can do what you love and get paid for it. Keep kicking ass with your artistry. It is worth it!

I'd be bored if I stopped anyway. I tried, I was bored. That's how I spend my free time. No point in keeping it all to myself.

I came here to earn but instead found a lifestyle; I'm sure it's the same for you. Keep doing your thing man, this place gets notoriously quiet when the markets are down, but nothing bad lasts forever!

It is a lifestyle, I know exactly what you mean. And I've been through these lulls, I expected it. It's summer as well for a good slice of this world. Perfect time for a vacation anyway.

"Thanks for having my back, making me feel welcome, and enjoying my work." I haven't been coming around that long but I am always entertained by what you write and your art. Plus, you actually engage with the nonsense that I leave in the comments so I'll keep coming around.

Psychedelics showed me the value of riding things out. If you freakout and run off to the hospital when the trip goes bad, you get in a bunch of trouble and end up with an expensive bill to pay but if you chill out and say "fuck it let's see how this plays out" you might end up having a great time. Steem and Steemit might crash and burn and it might not but if one runs now, they may miss out on what it might eventually become.

Then again, I could just be delusional in my optimism but fuck it, let's see how this plays out.

I enjoy the rambling after parties. Always have. This blog has always been 'anything goes' and I don't get slammed with too many generic brown noser style comments so that makes it easier to find reasons to stick around and shoot the shit.

As for this place, realistically, even at this stage it's becoming too big to fail. This social media stuff is difficult everywhere and I think once more and more people learn to just be patient all while showing signs of steady improvement instead of throwing their hands up in the air after a month of hardly trying, things will pick up. Maybe there's snowball effect picking up people and taking them away but there's also smaller ball of people building up who stick around. It'll keep growing.

As for being optimistic, I guess that helps, but I'm one to stay centered so if things don't go well, the pain isn't unbearable, and if things do go well, the reward feeling is that much greater.

I feel you.

Optimism is rare for me but I see something here that makes me think that this site has a chance. The potential to make a little money is here and it combines two addictive things. Social media and gambling. We gamble with our time and while we screw around on the internet and it pays off sometimes. To me, that seems like something that should be pretty popular. Maybe we need a good old fashioned shill to put the word out to the people. Too bad Billy Mays died. That guy could sell anything lol.

Something like this place needs straight up and honest advertising. I think we've already seen what happens when people go out and sell the place with plastic smiles, high hopes, and false promises.

People start up on Youtube. They know it's going to take a long time and a lot of work to get noticed and start earning. People come here and seem to think the money will happen overnight. So many of us veterans will all say the same thing. Our first post and many more after that were huge flops. No money and not many around looking. That honesty should be what people hear before they start.

True but I do miss Billy Mays screaming at me about Oxyclean.

Realistic expectations would probably help keep people here longer and being realistic about the amount of work that maintaining a blog, or channel, or whatever requires might be productive too. My posts are usually 500-1200 words. I can write that in two or three hours and edit it in another one or two. It takes a fair amount of time to produce any kind of content and I think a lot of people aren't prepared for that when they come walking into this place (I know that I wasn't).

The YouTube model that you point to is probably the best analogy for what one should expect here. The chances of going viral are minuscule but if one is willing to grind a little bit, they can absolutely make gains.

Go so called Viral is fairly easy if a person shift their mindset and thinks about what other humans genuinely want to see. For example I got 120 million views pouring Coca-Cola on a smartphone. Because that is what people wanted to see and found exciting.

Many viral videos contain unpredictable content recorded at just the right time. How can you give people what they want to see, when the one behind the camera isn't even expecting to see what they just recorded?

Did I just shift your mindset?

You are right that majority of viral videos are probably very organic and unpredictable. And viral of course is different definition for everyone. But I wouldn't say it's that hard to so called manufacture viral content. Something that YouTube has learned me is that humans click on god damn anything.

It is quiet, and I don't think that is just because of Steem prices.

Some people are still lurking here just to see content by the likes of you, and would be gone completely if there weren't any left to see.

It's like there's a battle between annoyance with the skulduggery on Steemit on the one hand and entertainment and sympathy on the other. At least you are nudging that balance for some.

Sometimes my words fail me but the other day I was writing a bit about retention and what I was trying to say was basically: let's stop focusing on problems are start creating solutions simply by producing content and paying attention to one another in a way that makes people want to stick around. It's really that simple so whatever, I can only do so much, but I'll keep plugging away.

@nonameslefttouse, think being a artist is one of the toughest job, An artist always try to do something creative and in this creativity sometimes he learn from his past mistakes and tried to do better than last. But it not means his past creativity was bad, and never feel that you failed in past just try to create something new all time.
Thanks and love @nonameslefttouse.
and keep support to @devkapoor423

True, here has been quite of late.

I believe steemit is more of an ecosystem where each steemian is interdependent on each other.

It is quite sorrowful when some factors are encouraged by some individuals without considering the minnows.

If minnow are left to die I tell you, here would be as boring as hell. (that's if hell is actually boring)

No matter which level you're at, nobody wants to be left out in the cold.

So true

I loved "I Let them see me"...

I like that one. It started out as a complete disaster. I nearly scrapped it. Walked away for a bit instead, then sat back down and started to see it from a different mindset. Came together quite nicely after that.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

And thank you for being unique and sharing your thoughts with us.

Hi, I'd like to order a pizza.
How will you be paying, sir?

When I started though, I never once thought I could simply work my way up to a point where all I had to do was show up to work at any hour most convenient for me, grab a handful of cash from the tip jar, then leave without doing any work.

If you were the owner of a restaurant and one of your employees did that, would you allow it, or fire that employee on the spot?

We all know the answer to that.
"You're fired."

It's 8:48a.m here and I must say you passed across one or two messages to me.
When I read your words, I feel you are talking. Although, I don't know how your voice sounds. lol. Could be deep,mild or light. If voices could be described that way.

Somewhat deep with a thick Canadian accent, probably.


Did you know: if you put two pizzas together, it's like the best cheese sandwich ever.


I've always wanted to light one of those on fire but then I stop myself because I realize a rolling ball of fire only means more fire everywhere.

That is my feed on Steemit right now. I wish it would light on fire.

I'm not planning on going anywhere, I like it here. There's lots of interesting stuff on this website.

Bob Loblaw and I let them see me are my faves. Keep on keepin it real.

i am new here plaese help me how to get upvote

Though I am a little late to this post, but I'm glad I am here now. I've really enjoyed your writing these past days. It's true I don't normally comment, that doesn't mean I don't like your write-up, I normally check on life tags to see what they have and I always wear up this smile each time I visit your blog. I basically write about relationship and life challenges and sometimes write motivational Post you can check my blog if you have time thanks

Cool artwork! Great use of symmetry.
I love the Contentinator.
A very mysterious look he has.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment