Couldn't Think of a Name So That's What I Called It

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again and

I still think it's hilarious when I refer to myself that way.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Couldn't Think of a Name.jpeg
Couldn't Think of a Name

I don't overthink things.

Can you tell?

I'm not sure why I'm posting this today.

It wasn't that long ago when I got totally smashed on wine and thought it would be wise to start telling stories on my blog here.

I'm so glad it didn't turn into a mess of feelings. I didn't get that tanked though.

I've seen people get behind the blog after drinking. They wake up, they delete the post. The meltdowns can be humorous but I feel sorry for them. It's hard to recover from drunken mistakes.

I read my previous post this morning when I woke up with a hangover. My heart was pounding. It turns out, rather than making drunken mistakes, I jokingly pointed out a few drunken mistakes I made long ago. Sometimes I feel like I'm one of only a handful of people who can look back at their life, remember the dumb shit, and just have a laugh about it.

I used to be a heavy drinker. My life wasn't bad back then, I was bored with it. I didn't have this ability to think back and laugh either. My mistakes would weigh me down. What if did this instead? Why did I do that? I should have said this instead of that. That's not a healthy mind. No amount of pills, booze, or any other kind of self medicating can take that away.

I think it all boils down to making a choice. Rather than dwelling, I just started to give myself an internalized kick in the ass. In life, we can't redo a test. Learn and move on. That's the only option.

I used to worry a lot too. I still care about my future and try to make decisions that might prevent problems down the road, but I don't worry.

When I was very young, I was quite shy in a classroom setting. I didn't like reading aloud in front of the class. Every kid got a chance to read a paragraph or two. Up and down the rows of desks, my turn is getting closer and closer and with every paragraph I'd shake more and more. Then it was my turn and I'd read. Nothing bad ever happened.

Why was I worried? Because I thought something would go wrong. I couldn't predict the future, yet I was trying to. That's all worry really is. An idiotic attempt at predicting the future. I was wrong every single time I tried that. Now that I know I suck at predicting the future, I don't worry.

There's an example of my hazy mind after a few bottles of wine.

No Ragrets

Enjoy the art.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"If you read that in the narrator from the Wonder Years voice, it sounds cooler."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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I am a HUGE supporter of "durnk" blogging. I like to be entertained.
"If you read that in the narrator from the Wonder Years voice, it sounds cooler." It's true, I tried it.

Gotta love that durnk blogging. ..and you know what? Everything sounds cooler in that guy's voice.

Up and down the rows of desks, my turn is getting closer and closer and with every paragraph I'd shake more and more. Then it was my turn and I'd read.

Oh... I know that feeling too well. And not just from being in Mr. Himself's class either.

Enjoyed the art today.... not to be greedy, but did you miss adding one by accident? You've got No Ragrets where I'd expect some art above it, but I don't see any.

This is one of those things where I'd kind of expect you do it on purpose, just to throw us off, but I felt like I had to say something regardless.

No Ragrets. Intentional typo to show how much I don't care. LOL. It's a popular tattoo, or at least it was at one time.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I was a total mess of a drunk on Discord one night. Of course, that was also the night I had a lot to say. I mean a lot. Klye muted me. (That should be a hint of how fun I was that night)

I avoided it for a day or two. When I came back I was quiet until it came up. I said I was sorry and embarrassed. I was mortified for maybe a week.

Now every once in a while it comes up and I laugh at myself with everyone else.

Iol.. Can't take it back, I can only go forward.

In late 2012 I got kicked off of my online hockey team because I was drunk and... yeah. I guess I said some things. But really, how am I supposed to play defense all by myself! They were trying but it just wasn't good enough for my drunk ass... and half of those goals were my fault because I couldn't bloody well see straight. sigh I miss those guys... I laugh, but they never forgave me. That was probably my worst online moment.

I heard a lot of stories of fun drama going on in Discord. Usually, friends will get over it. Alcohol alone can make people feel remorseful the next day and even for a few days after. Add in a reason and it's just 10 times worse on the brain. That's how the addiction can start for some people. They drink to forget that they drink. Powerful stuff. Good once in awhile though.

Guess there were...nonameslefttouse, eh?
I know where the door is.

I was like that too man, overthinking about the past to the point that my mind hurt and went numb.

Thinking back now (lol), I can't believe how wrong I was about what others thought of me and the magnitude of my mistakes.
Everyone deserves to be forgiven. We deserve to forgive ourselves.

It seems like every time it's my brother that indirectly pulls me out of the rut. It's happened at least 3 times now.
But, never again.
At least, that's what I think every time.
Please save me in the future, brother!

But now, I also have you guys. <3
Cool artwork mayn~

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well I still am shy in the classroom. I don't know what I should do about that. I don't think it's about predicting the future,I think it has something to do with the confidence. Anyways have a good day.

It's not really my place to say anything about you but I know I was lacking in the confidence department. I was afraid people would reject my effort, ridicule me, things like that. I had no way of knowing for sure though so I was just creating my own fear, creating my own problems, and they're weren't based on anything realistic. I'd sit there focusing on the worst possible outcomes, instead of just going with the flow.

Same is the case with me.

Why was I worried? Because I thought something would go wrong. I couldn't predict the future, yet I was trying to. That's all worry really is.

Wow, that's deep
You really have your moments

I call it shiraz and merlot wrestled all night until they fell into the ocean and found peace.

Nice work

That's not a bad nickname at all! I like it. Thank you.

Jajajaja tu talento siempre resalta en todo amigo, saludos :D

No you can't control the future. Shit happens and wine spills. Just enjoy the reds an whites that make it to your lips. thanks for the story @nonameslefttouse

I'm so glad it didn't turn into a mess of feelings.

Steemit is like driving a car, don't drink and drive, and don't drink and steemit

In life, we can't redo a test. Learn and move on.

That's what i say to myself: Never be afraid of making mistakes, because when you do them you are able to learn something out of it and be prepared for the next time, everything is a learning experience.

Well, i guess your hangover wasn't that bad, last time i got drunk it was god awfull... i didn't throw up when i was drunk, i throwed up the day after, while i was resting on my bed watching a movie, don't know why but my sorry ass likes to watch movies when hangover, last time was the fight club :P

The hangover isn't too bad at all. I didn't get sick. Just lazy and feeling kind of down, but that's the alcohol, that's what happens. I'll live!

What if did this instead? Why did I do that? I should have said this instead of that.

Agree, learn and move on! I’m surprised when you mentioned you were shy when you were a teenager. But I can tell as a teenager I wasn’t much shy and now I’m. So there must be something about it. I keep looking at your art and have to agree with you, I have no idea what that “couldn’t think of a name” is.

That was before I was a teenager. Teenage years I was different. More carefree. I used those early years as an example just because that's when I'd worry the most. I guess over the years I wised up. Still boils down to a choice though. I could probably fall back into that trap at any moment, if I allow it.

You've passed a very important message towards the end of this post.....

Why was I worried? Because I thought something would go wrong.

Worry breeds fear, worry distorts our psychological being, worry sometimes even makes useless of God's promises to our life. Worry kills slowly, yet constantly we fall victim of it.

There was a time I got seriously worried about my future, but then I would tell myself, live in the moment, don't try to figure out life, don't try to figure out everything. And somehow, it's been working, worry has kept a lot from self-discovery.

Worry about low upvotes and payouts has prevented a lot from posting on steemit, while some even gave up. Worry is deceptive. We should always learn how to live above it.
Thank you for sharing this.

I'm going through a phase now with low payouts. I already had a feeling this post wouldn't perform well. No worries though. I'll just try again. I just wanted to show the art, but I like to ramble, so I do that too. Whatever happens, happens.

Predicting the future has never worked out for me. Except for that one time when I thwarted an evil overlord's plan, but that probably doesn't count.

People make drunken mistakes and they say "well I was drunk."

I might have said that a few times myself.

However, I also began to realize that sometimes things happen even though you do everything in your power to prevent them.

That's why you're right..... it's easier to laugh about it.

Even the professionals mess up. That's why we have sports bloopers. We laugh at their misfortunes and I bet they do too.

Nice artwork. I like it. Though I do see a bit of a red devil in the top left and as my football team lost to a team with 'red devils' as their nickname earlier today, maybe I shouldn't.

How hammered did I get! Noon-thirty, kick-off. But the only real regret was actually watching the game. Ninety minutes I'll never get back. Saw off a Canadian friend who's leaving the country permanently soon. Had a laugh with pub regulars whilst watching the debacle unfold. Ate a nice poshburger which the manageress personally served (I think she was checking on me).

Got a lift home. Crashed on the bed. Was sober(ish) four hours later by the time I woke once more and found i hadn't posted on social media (which is always a pleasant surprise the day after the night before if indeed I forget my sm addictions).

Fairly uneventful day, otherwise.

That Facebook can be quite interesting on weekends. Wow! Steemit, people are usually well behaved but it has it's moments too. I used to be a pro at making a scene on social media when I enjoyed the daily beers. I think that's why my heart was pounding when I woke up. What did I do last night! Oh good... not much. Programmed to panic.

You drunken post was not something you have to ragret for, so no ragrets!

welcome to my anxious club, full of fears, expectations, paranoia to do every single thing.

For us, sensitive individuals, life can be more of a struggle, however I am controlling it better. I am less anxious, still feel fucking vulnerable and I am trying to be strong, I am trying to accept that I need other people.

Everyone worries about something and there is nothing bad in it, but we most not forget to remember ourself that actually we are never in control of anything.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

No worries and rAgrets at Oll, except only for one missing tooth and a giant hamburger that ran away :D

Excellent art was what drew my attention to read the writing. It's good to be able to express ourselves about what worries us and what doesn't, because life is true to solve the mistakes we have made and continue, we shouldn't be regretting because we owe it to that valuable learning to improve as people.

Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.

I don't think we need to be royalty to know that, but we do feel like we're at the top of the world when we do.

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.

Are you just handing out random quotes?


Were you doing that with the hopes of earning money?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Please upvote me

very good work

Amazing color in this piece @nonameslefttouse! Thanks for sharing :) Following you! Have a great start to your week.

I am also a heavy drinker. I drink gallons of milk. They told me the kid needs some milk and I started to drink it :((

we all suck at predicting the future, but we are still doing it.
stupid traders.

Your name sticks out - so apparently not overthinking works.

Now I have to start overthinking how I will ever achieve that skill.

The painting is 'Red Moose family, home for the evening.' Seriously, there are two moose heads in there. One of them is curled up on the couch.

I thought you came across as very human in your last post. Hope you're over your cold. I got one of my own to stand in solidarity with you.

This time I will just talk about the art. It looks like a dead fetus in a pregnant belly. Load of placenta as well.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment