If You Know These Things From the Past, Your Life Must Be Much Better

in life •  6 years ago 

Life is an endless learning process. In every moment of your life you will be surprised by the lessons you can take from him. But not infrequently also agan will be surprised to face various problems that are not immeasurable.

When faced with the problem, never did you expect to know what to do before? Have you ever regretted having just gained the necessary wisdom after the problems that agan aggravated over? This is the thing that will make your life better if only you know 10 years earlier.

1. Life Can not Be Live Without a Plan

The motto of go with the flow will not make your life move in a better direction. No matter how relaxed you are, life must still have goals to achieve. One of the first steps to success is to plan your life.

You can not just get up-lecture-play-dating then hope to be a successful person. From the beginning you must set the dream you want to achieve, what effort you can do to achieve it, conditioning your life in such a way that the dream is getting closer.

2. Perfect Whatever Your Plan, There's always a "Plot-Twist" That Makes Your Desire Unfulfilled

If You Know These Things From the Past, Your Life Must Be Much Better

Life has a unique sense of humor that can twist all the plans that you have neatly arranged. Proverb ya, you've prepared for war in the sea - eeeh even confronted by land. There are always surprises that make your preparations feel useless.

Senewen and upset because all your efforts are in vain is a natural thing in life. But one day all the things you do will still be useful on other occasions. You just need to be patient.

3. Only You Can Save Yourself

When falling or failing, you can not rely on anyone other than yourself. The encouragement of dear ones will enable you to stand. But you will not be able to walk if you do not have the spirit to get out of trouble.All the problems you face will make you aware, constantly expecting help from people will not make you grow. You will begin to brace yourself for brave problems.

4. Running Of Problems Will Just Make It Severe

Problems will always be a problem if not you are faced. No matter how you hide, he will find a way to appear again in front of your face. You will feel uncomfortable, lazy start a business to unravel the tangled yarn.

But when the problem was already dare you face, everything will feel lighter really. Your turn is wondering and sorry for yourself. If dihadapin aja can be finished, why yesterday you bother dodge continue ya?

5. Life Is Not Forever Alright, And You Must Be Acceptable

There are times when you will feel deluded by life. Looks like you've tried your best, but really ya still stuck in trouble. As time goes by you will understand that life always consists of 2 parts: sweet and bitter. Both will greet you in turn.

When life is not okay you just have to keep going as well as possible. Cursing the problem will only make it even harder. You will learn a lot about how to make peace with what makes you uncomfortable.

Making that not okay is so acceptable.

6. Trying to Enjoy Everyone Just Wastes Your Time

No matter how good you are, there will still be people who do not like you. You have only two choices: focus on what you are doing, or think about their contemptuous opinions. Being aware of the existence of those who clearly show rejection will make you uncomfortable.

You will try to change the way they look at you. Customize the behavior with what they want. But in the end you will know, as ordinary people you do not have the ability to make everyone agree with your choice of life.

That awareness will make you put negative opinions on the hard-to-reach side of life. Your energy is running out to pursue your dreams. You are lazy if you have to struggle to take the heart of those who forever will not be in line.

7. Lying is Like Digging Your Own Tomb

Covering your mistakes and flaws with lies will not solve the problem. For a moment all will be fine, but when your lies start to unfold slowly your life will be destroyed. Trust is the hardest to get back, after faith.

Lying not only destroys you, but also hurts the people you care about. Holes generated by lies will not be easily covered by attention and kindness. If you knew earlier if lying was like suicide ......

8. Keeping the Friends That It Takes Effort

friends will turn into a rare species. If you always spent time together, the more maturity of the busyness and the responsibilities make you dissolve in the routine. The loss of a friend's footsteps that had once been close became commonplace.

If you knew from the beginning, that friendship bond also needs to be fought to survive. You need to take the time to send each other news, take time to gather in the middle of busyness. Unwashed friendship relationships will be lost and forgotten.

9. Complaining Will Not Solve The Problem

Complaints are a sign of your immaturity in the face of problems. Constantly telling the weight of your life to others will not make it lighter. At one time you would be foolish to tell all the wrong things in your life to the world.

Through social media, through stories on the blog to tell the story directly to friends.

But over time you will realize that no matter how hard you complain, the problem will not stay away. Getting lament from the mouth actually makes the problem feel heavier and look more real. Complaints actually make you weaker.

10. Eating Just But Can Stay Slim Will Not Stay Long

Your body will rebel if not properly guarded. Times can eat free but still have a good body will pass quickly if you do not try to maintain your body shape.

Apparently the sport is very important, choosing healthy food also can not be forgotten just like that. You will realize that body shape and health can not be obtained easily. It needs a hard fight to stay in your best performances.

The okay looks that come from sweat and hard work can only be shared with someone who truly appreciates you.

11. Good Love Will Not Be Burdensome

In some episodes of life you will be confronted with the kind of love that makes your life more complicated. Drama, quarreling, jealousy - it all takes your time. Spend energy, get you distorted from the focus of life and the dream you are striving for.

You would think that such a conflict is an integral part of love. A strong feeling is worthy of you to fight for, no matter what kind of drama lies ahead. Until you end up tired, give up.

From this experience your eyes will open. Love should not make you burdened. The sincere love that is destined for you will only make life smooth. When there are too many problems in a relationship, you and he may not be drawn side by side.

12. Alone Better Than Surviving a Relationship That Makes You Not Special

A romantic relationship may be your fuel for a brisk advance, but it can also be a mysterious knife stabbing you from behind. You will be stubbornly stuck your feet in the comfortable ground of a long-standing bond.

Reluctantly acknowledge that there is nothing to fight for.

Surviving in an unhealthy relationship will slowly gnaw at yourself. Unconsciously you are transformed into a bitter person, feeling that love will only create pain. Surprisingly, your decision to get out of that relationship gives you a sense of freedom. Free.

Having an unhealthy love relationship is a reflection for you. Loneliness was more relieving than painful pseudo-assistance. Facing the world above the feet itself is not as scary as you have imagined.

13. Saving Revenge And Upset Is Poison For Your Life...

There will always be people who hurt you. The world will not forever side with your happiness. Even friends who have been believing you can turn into your enemy. You will experience immense anger. Angry, vengeful, as if he could not forgive.

You promised yourself, will never forgive him. Lifetime mistakes that will not be forgotten at all. But will the desire for revenge make your life light? Is it all worth it?

The answer is no. Sicking up the pain, making peace with disappointment is the only way you can live your life in peace. Storing anger and resentment in the chest is not much different from spreading poison in your body. For a moment you will feel fine, but he slowly finds a way to kill you.

14. Love Can Come From Anywhere

Love is not as romantic relationship between two people who love romance. Once free from the love that got you down, you will agree that love can get you anywhere.

The comfortable feeling of a hug at the end of a tiring day will be replaced with laughter with the family. The place to share the story that once took part by one person only now filled by your friends who always there. And all that, keep your heart warm.

You do not need other people to feel love. All you need is an eye that is able to open wider, to appreciate it all.

15. As You Rela Release, Slowly The Better Is Coming

Letting go of someone or something you really love will be hard. Especially if the separation does not come from your own wishes. You will become stubborn personally, reluctant to get away from good memories so far. Even though you know, the story will not be possible again.

The release process is not as easy as you think. Memories are not the main enemies, nor are they longing. Be the only evil ally who can destroy your own struggle. In the process of letting go, you will talk to yourself a lot.

So a good listener for conscience.

Until it's time for something better to come over you. You will forget the wounds and pain you have ever felt. Now you fully know, goodness will never come to him who is reluctant to look at the future.

let go, so a good key to a new journey that is expected to give you good.

16. Live Too Short To Stay At Work That Does not Make You Happy

There will be a point where you equate success with the amount of material you can put into the bag. Your self-esteem is determined by what kind of work you have, whether or not you have the ability or ability. The satisfaction of your heart will get rid of it for a while.

When you get up early and feel reluctant to start the day, then you will know. The heart can never be deceived. Every human being has his own calling. And the work you are doing now is not your calling.

Releasing the comfort you already have feels more plausible than continuing to survive on a job that can only meet the needs of your life. You will start to look for what you want most.

Life is too short if only used to collect the coffers and pursue prestige.

17. Take Your Money To Feed Your Brain, Lifestyle Will Follow

You hope you know earlier that the budget for self-development should be greater than the cost of hanging out at cafes whose coffee prices are too expensive. Participate in creative writing classes, take knitting lessons, join in short film-making lessons are more worth the money you spend.

Lifestyle is not determined by where you hang out, or with whom you spend time. As long as your brain and you are developing, a fun lifestyle will definitely follow by itself.

18. Better You do not have money Because Buying Experience

Expensive handbags, colorful shoes, watch collections, piles of model shirts, good food at hits restaurants - all cost you money. Unfortunately, they will not give you anything.

As you get older and feel dry experience, then you are stranded. You've been spoiling yourself with comfort, but never used your financial ability to give you experience.

You will hope to ever take herself up the highest peaks, see the sun rise in the Aso Mountains, feel the humidity of Florida's air in the summer, returning to be the excited little kid on the Lotte World game in Korea.

You should spend your money on an experience that you will remember to death.

19. Your Family And Lovers Will Not Live Forever

Slowly but surely, the people you care about wholeheartedly will be taken away from the world. That's when you got enlightenment (as well as slap) how long you've been wasting a chance.

There's still so much you want to give, too many plans you want to run: but you're too busy with the outside world. Let alone spend the weekend, just rarely tell you to do.

Regret after leaving the dear ones will give you awareness. You deserve more time for them. It should be their priority from the beginning. Not hanging out with friends occasionally will not hurt forever left behind.

20. The Treatment of People You Will Be Set By The Standards You Set Your Own

The amount of disappointment you experience will affect the standards you set for yourself. If previously you will not get into a relationship that makes you not grow, now you forget the promise you have made yourself.

This will only make you dissatisfied. Nothing else goes the way you wish. Everything just started to improve once you get back to your original standards. Teguh hold principle even though it means no sweet things that you can taste.

You can not expect people to treat you well if you do not have a firm standard of yourself. If you had known this before, your life would have been easier.

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