RE: How is credit used or viewed in your neck of the woods?

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How is credit used or viewed in your neck of the woods?

in life •  6 years ago 

All people are different and some can shrewdly play the credit game. Not me though. I know myself and avoid credit. I would estimate that since she has a card maxed out, she is no better at finances than I am. I would suggest better ways to save on her flight even if it meant that she contact the companies with planes flying to her destination that day and seeing about cancellations or standby. I can think of a number of ways to get a cheaper flight, but you have to be proactive.

Credit of some variety has been around longer than most of us think. Its the new form of indentured servitude. It is only smart for those who have a plan. Rather, most get cards and don't play the system. Those are the ones that get caught up. If youre not great at budgeting, youre likely to get yourself in trouble.

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