There shouldn’t ever be a reason to give up on something, there will always be a way to accomplish something, only if you are willing to try!
I broke my leg on the 2nd of September, this was probably one of the biggest trials ever placed infront of me, I had snapped my Tibia and my Fibula, meaning that I needed an operation for a Titanium rod iside of my leg, oh yes, I also didnt get a cast, just some plasters... After the operation the doctor told me that I cant expect my leg to heal itself, I have to push that extra little bit for it to heal properly. This didn’t come easy as I could not use my leg for a good three weeks, this lead to my knee becoming stiff and unable to bend or straighten.
I am now 7 weeks in since the operation, I can now walk, jump, run and cycle again, all this because of the motivation I had inside of me to keep going and to keep pushing. I went for my final checkup last Wednesday, the Doctor told me that I had accomplished something in 6 and a half weeks, that someone else would accomplish in 12-18 weeks...
As I said this didn't come easy, I had to work througj alot of pain, alot of medication which made me see Unicorns, and a truck load of disappointment, the worst was to see that all of the effort I put in throughout the year to ride in Nationals, fell in a matter of seconds..
What I am trying to explain is that there is not a reason to give up, My cycling team, parents and family were my biggest inspiration, I wanted to accomplish something...for them, and I am proud to say that I did, I can go and tell them all that I did it, thanks to them, and thanks to their help... It was their motivation that helped me push over the edge.
We all can accomplish anytjing we put our minds to, now my trial might not be as big as yours and myne probably sounds easy compared to yours, but aslong as you dont stop trying, dont give up, you WILL get to the other side where you can then also say, ’I did it’
Also Thanks to all of you that supported me through this on Steemit, this is an awesome community full of amazing people...
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