Mea culpa

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yes I can be wrong, 51% chance I was, am and will...

Ooh noooo, not yet another Steemitcide!? Only about a year at Steem and already...?

Come on, that is way too much drama

It is indeed, this is me just getting back on something where I believe I was pigheaded and biased, with the rants to match. Sorry if I offended you with any of that. Sometimes I do belief that these horoscope things actually make sense, in a certain way. Me being a so called Aries {Ram}, could explain a lot, me going full at it with my horns. Seems Aries are very youthfull spirits, that also might mean less wise, hahaha. Anyway, time to set some things straight, before I move back the overfull agenda that now has me locked in until the end of june. Curses Steem for making me a posting addict! Now, even that is with a nudge-nudge-wink-wink, really.

Was I too hard on judging Ethereum? Yes, I was. For one, the technology that gets mass adoption sometimes is less in terms of innovation. Ethereum can do about 30 transactions per second. Yet it is some clever technology. And I might have overlooked something very usefull things that had EOS {Block dot one} decided to use it for their Innitial Token Offering {ITO}. What would otherwise be needed? To create a crypto that could be mined, like with Bitshares? And if that is not an option anymore than using another excisting blockchain that supports smart contracts would be the next choice. Because EOS will probably go full DPOS {Delegated Proof Of Stake}, therefore POW {Proof Of Work} mining might be a thing of the past. Which I think is good.

That leaves the question why Ethereum instead of Bitshares, for instance. Well that might be because the company Block dot one, developing EOS, also has projects on Ethereum. And one thing that might be a reason, is the ease of use. Also Ethereum is at the second spot behind Bitcoin at the Bitmoney/ Cryptocurrency market, having a lot of User Interfaces available. That is what does count, having User Interfaces on all possible systems, preferable in a fast browser. Without the need to get the whole blockchain in and still being able to use the Tokens, like the one for EOS. So logic tells me there are sound reasons to use Ethereum.

Slothcoin made me see

This insight was caused by some Slothcoin challenge. As some Slothies {Sloth fans, like Star Trek: Trekkies}, like me, want to keep it going, we noticed that some challenges keep returning. Therefore I had the idea to look for a possible blockchain swap. Already had some Telegram chat about it with fellow Slothy and Steem community member @juanmiguelsalas. It will be quite a complex proces to set up. Also some Slothies will want to move on with the current POW system. Anyway, then the choice of platform came about, like NXT, Bitshares, Ethereum(Classic) or wait for Steem Community Tokens {SCT}. That last one has our preference, but might take a while to become reality... So, what is the most easy way then? Well then last night I had this clear thought that Ethereum might be the easiest one to use for this kind of job.

Not saying that Slothcoin will be going to the Ethereum blockchain. Yet I guess I did get why the EOS developement team did want to use it for the ITO {Innitial Token Offering}. So that is part of my Mea Culpa in this post. Because when I think I was wrong at some point, or over judgemental towards anything, then I will get back on it. Well, I know myself a bit, especially when I am stressed out, due to an overfull agenda for instance, I can act like a real pain in the lower back region for others. And even though I call myself persistant at those times, it is probably me acting pigheaded.

How about Ripple,Stellar or that probable piramid scheme Bitconnect?

Well, I think it is good to explain to you that 'cryptos' like Ripple and Stellar (Lumens) are intertwined with the 'old' financial realm, meaning banks. And they are heavily centralized and controlled, just like the old monopolized money system. If you invest in that, you support that system, I think it is fair to state it like that. Yet, you are of course free to choose. Even apparant piramid schemes like Bitconnect, if you like that and you understand the 'power of' mathematics, it is your choice. Just like spreading FUD {fear, uncertainty and doubt} to try and enforce a bubble, it will be done, because of the leverage gain that will follow. All I want to state with this is that it is good to inform yourself, to think about what might be the reasoning behind some cryptos. Or who is involved with them? Can those who spread FUD (@meesterboom might know a different meaning for that word) about so called bubbles have an interest to do so? Keep asking questions...

The traditional financial realm can it be trusted when calling the whole cryptos market a bubble? Really, why would we want to trust it, as all that is about control and centralisation. Also they might be very sceptical about possible trillions in investments moving from their financial realm to that of the cryptos...! So, I will raise my glass any time a so called ETF {Exchange Traded Fund} for any crypto gets rejected. It simply does not belong in that realm. But that is my opinion, with reason and logic, still it is perfectly alright if you would disagree with me on that. Just as anyone is free to do whatever they believe is right, or might give a huge gain on their cryptos portfolio.

On with the overfull agenda

Still on my list is a visit to Arnhem (Nederland) this year, to have a Steem meet and greet with @englishtchrivy, her husband and hopefully some others, like @ocrdu, and maybe you, who is reading this. And I really want to make it this summer. Already had missed the first Steemfest, so this is going to work, no matter what. Yet, a lot of challenges have to be fixed before I can even start to plan that trip. The summer cold really hit me hard this time, the agenda got filled even more, locked in until the end of june. All stressed out and no place to go. Should not even be posting on Steem right now...

So, just a Mea Culpa, where I thought I needed to share my recent enlightments. Now it its time to move ahead with the overfull agenda. Steem on!

Have a great one!

PS The image is a 3D rendering of a design I made called Aevitas, that is Latin meaing: forever/ eternity.


Rendered image cc-by-sa @oaldamster

EDIT: text added and corrections made.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I agree, ETF are not a good thing for the crypto's. They will get a lot more mainstream attention, and thus money invested in them, which is great ofcourse... But downside to this is that ETF's are easier manipulated by the old financial system! Therefore i'm against an ETF 😉

@oaldamster ; where can I find myself some information on that meetup in Arnhem?

Agreed @skytrex! ;-)

There are no specific date(s) set yet. If you want to join in. We could make a plan later. My agenda is currently filled until end of june.

Will get back on this...

You can still atend Steemfest II..a bit far this time.

Not to Lissabon, Arnhem is far enough for most 😜

Some cities I would like to go: Gent, Prague and Vienna. But Arnhem is the closest short term.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well, I wanna bet they are all great cities!
But this is not something I could do, my GF is not gona like it when i'm from home for some crazy internet thingy 😂😂😂
So mabye I should have stated:
'far enough for most Dutch people'

Crypto people are cool people. =D

Well, first on my list is indeed Arnhem. ;-)

That's a sure thing!

True Anca, would love to go to Portugal This time I state upfront I will not be able to go. So maybe the opposite happens this time. :-)

:) Maybe. You end up going. You never know.
I think I'm going this time also. Portugal seems like a beautiful place.

Ye never know... ;-)
Portugal seems like a great place to be indeed!

I love to hear your crypto Musings dude as you know so much more of it than me. Interestingly do you know that FUD is actually a Glasgow teen for vagina!

It's only ever used aggressively or dismissively. E.g. he is a pure fud


Thanks man, glad to know you appreciate it!

Yeah, that fud thing, hahaha, already thought it was not used in a kind of complementive manor.

Guess it matches my idea about FUD, it is just one and the same kind of fud. =D

It is! One and the same indeed. I like to use it with abandon! Lol

It really is great stuff, I sometimes take too much of a skim approach to it all and I love to read the explanations our theories which make sense behind it all. I for one am glad you are still here!!


Thanks mate! Well, I love to read your great posts man. So I'll guess I'll be around for a while longer.

Woot woot!!

Make it so!!!