I am tired of it all. I want to give up. I just want to end it all.
I am tired of it all. I want to take my life. Debts left, right and centre. Ever since I was robbed, my life has never been the same. I am tired of it all.
I seek the absolute peace. The peace where there are no threats, no shouts, no voices to usurp my life.
I seek the stillness to overcome the hunger, the heartache and the pains. I seek peace to overcome the turmoil in my heart.
God knows I'm tired of it all. I wish I could sleep and not wake up again. I wish I am brave enough to step beyond the void. I wish I could cross over the threshold between life and death.
What happens when we die? Do we see a light or is there absolute silence and defeating silence at the end?
I'm tired, God. I'm so so tired. Each day, I wake with the emptiness and the ache in my heart. I stare at faces and wonder if they would really care if I end it all. Would they sing songs and write endearing epitaphs when I am no more?
I'm tired of it all. My faith has fled. I have been grasping at straws for quite sometime.
Maybe this is goodbye or goodnight.
But, one thing is certain -
I'm tired. Very tired of it all.