The crossroad

in life •  6 years ago 

There is no perfect explanation to partake in wrong doings but sometimes the reasons weigh a lot, nevertheless the power to doing good or bad is in us all. The choice is always ours.

It's actually my first time posting on here and i have decided to share post i'm deeply connected to than posting for only up votes. I know a great deal about being good, being caring, nice and whatever good deeds you can possibly imagine but when it comes to keeping and working in these light, i can't be a hundred percent perfect. Just like me, there are lots of people who finds themselves in this junction. The junction of choices.

As simple as making choices may sound to be, it's actually the most difficult moments of our lives. Most times we tend to make choices base on influences, conditions or past experiences. It may turn out good for us or might destroy us. That's why the crossroad is the most dangerous. It's like a nursing mother in the medieval times, being pregnant but has no clue of what sex she might deliver.

Our past often haunt us whenever we made the wrong choices and in the process of trying to fix it, we might end up making more mistakes. Accept your past, reconcile with it and focus on your present because it's the key to our future. Mistakes and regrets are memories made. This is life and it has never been fair.

Being hurt is no good reason to hurt others. Being rejected is no better reason to leave those who shows concern. Being forgotten is not the best answer to hurting yourself. Take another step today. It might never be easy, but i promise you'll be glad you did.

Change is a gradual process. Changing choices and placing rights over wrongs is one big test humanity finds hard to pass these days. You got an addiction problem and after trying you feel there's no way to get out of it? Then try another method. It's a gradual process.

You feel hurt and find it hard to let go? I promise you, you'll get through it if you forgive and give yourself time to heal. You feel depress because of a situation you find yourself? Slow down and put on a positive mindset, its never easy but i tell you this, you're not alone.

Don't make more mistakes just because you wanna erase that mistake. Take your time and ask what yourself questions before going ahead with that decision.

I once got to a point where i felt being good, making the right decisions, choosing to do it right was a sign of weakness, so i began doing it wrong but along the way, i started asking myself questions. Every decisions we take as humans affects another directly and indirectly, so with every choices you make, always think outside the box.

The crossroad is not the playground. Don't sleep on that past story for too long. Observe every sides carefully before you take that step. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step but i tell you, the steps to reach a thousand mile doesn't end in a journey.

What's that decision eating you up that you wish to share? Perhaps you might be doing it wrong all along or wanna do it wrong this time because others do the same. Let's cross this roads together. We are all in this together. Peace!


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