How To Walk The Right Path In 2018

in life •  7 years ago 


There is something that happens to a vast majority of people every year and that is something we are all familiar with,I am also sure it is something we all have experienced at a certain level this year

At the end of every year, people pull out their diaries and start penning down how they want to conduct themselves in the coming year, they also write down the things that they want to achieve in the coming year, they end up penning down different goals and objectives

As we all know by now. It is not writing down the goals that matter, the main thing is following them through. One of my goals for the year 2015 was to learn the Chinese language.But as of now that I am writing this post I have not learnt a single word of Chinese

I am a Christian and I so much believe in the existence of God. I also believe that we all have a purpose we have to accomplish on this earth. For you to live a life of purpose there is something that you have to figure out first

You have to know the difference between what people wants you to do and what you are born to do

For you to actually excel in this 2018 you have to really streamline your life and know what is required of you to accomplish,if not you will find yourself moving in circles

You also have to understand the role of people in whatever you are doing. The right associations can do wonders for you. Always try to surround yourself with people who are driven.

This also go beyond physical contact, if there is no driven person around you, go online. People like Gary Vaynerchuk and Simon Sinek have gone a long way in understanding how life and business really works

People always tell me that they know what they are meant to do, but they are often find themselves not doing it. But they spend all day on Whatsapp and Facebook gnawing about how bored they are. I always tell that

A Fly Cannot Perch On A Hot Stove

The only reason that you will ever get bored is if you are not driven to achieve something. And drive only comes when you are exposed to the right fuel


On Generosity And Mastery

When it comes to giving most people feel that it is only money you can give. The truth is that if it is only Money that you can offer someone then you are poor

Money should be the last thing you will give anyone. We are all familiar with the old saying that says

If You Give a Man Fish,You have fed Him For a Day. If you teach Him how To Fish, You have fed Him for Life

You can give the person counsel, encouragement, opportunity or even an open door. All these requires the person to work out his/her problems on their own and this is what will make them better.

When you dole out Money to people they will relax and not make any effort to hustle for themselves

You also have to be able to master things especially Money.

What you are able to walk away from you have mastered, what you cannot walk away from have mastered you.A Steemian once told me of how he was approached by two guys so that they could build a ponzi site.

The plan was to cart away with the funds of people early on. This Steemian refused even though he was sure to make a lot of Money from the deal.

A lot of people have made different thing their Master without even being aware of It. And this have ended up affecting the way they approach things in their life

You also have to learn to say NO. No is a powerful word that liberates you from a lot of entanglements. A lot of people have ended up in undesirable situations because they have not mastered the art of saying No

Narrowing down your goals makes you achieve more, you also know that you cannot get everything you want , so you have to know the ones worth pursing

We sometimes write out many things that we want to achieve. And staring at them on paper makes us feel good, But you have to know that Feelings don't determine how things work out. It is you words and action that determines what works

You have to say it and also work it out for things to go according to plan. This also requires you to take care of your mind. The mind is very fragile and what we expose it to shapes us

So feed on the right things

Thanks for Reading

Image Source: Pexels

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Knowing what you are destined to do in 2018 and taking the write steps take you to good success.

its quite funny how must people tackle the beginning of the year like they are going to end up millionaires by the ending but reverse would be the case.
a good example like my sister who is a big fan of to do lists would always keep on marking out things to do for the month, week or day but ending up not fulfilling some.
Not like am saying a to do list is bad, but i think i dont need to mark out my day on a paper, cause it somehow makes me lazy

seriously, your point is very valid.
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Thanks for sharing this article @ogochukwu

What I love most about this article is where you wrote that "we must clearly differentiate between who we are born to be and what people want us to be"

Discovering who we are born to be is the very first step to achieving success. And the truth is that, we are all unique. We are not born to do what others are doing.

We all have our special areas. But it really takes discipline to fulfill vision and purpose.

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading and the splendid comment @kingsley-clement

This idea just showed how good we will grow if we literally follow what we project for ourselves. I guess and hope our society appreciates that. Keep it up brother. Nice one ogochukwu...

This is another wonderful piece from the man I called, the master of ink. What more can I say, an adage use to say that a word is enough for the wise. And one thing is for sure, seeing and not saying, kills an adult and hearing and not taken heed kills a child. Once again thanks brother for sharing this awesome post.

Keep walking on that right path. It may appear lonely and kinda bushy, but it is the right path

Thanks for the words on encouragement @greenrun

Keep rocking my friend ✌️

Some lovely reflections in this post, sometimes it can feel really daunting to follow dreams and stick with them, but then if I am able to, I realize nothing is truly at stake.
The feeling one get to give of themselves without reward is beyond any kind of reward itself. Thanks for these reminders.

Hello @kryptoe

We always need repetition to engrave the things that are essential into our minds.

Thanks for the feedback.


You are right following the right can sometimes be mislead by friends, or the company you keep. It only required principles and focused to be able to walk on the right path in life!!!!@bendollars

You my friend are wise. Don't stop

Rather a lot of quality wisdom to reflect on here.

well said bro...

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