Advice | Nasehat

in life •  7 years ago 

Hy steemian...

My teacher said ..
If not successful, do not be arrogant.
If it is successful, do not be arrogant.
If you are poor, do not hate rich people.
If you are rich, do not forget the poor first.
Maintain your kindness throughout your life journey.
Life is hard not to complain. Happy life do not be arrogant.
Because, hard life is a trial, happy life is a test ...

Guru saya berkata Kalau belum sukses, jangan sombong. Kalau sudah sukses, jangan sombong. Kalau miskin, jangan benci orang kaya. Kalau sudah kaya, jangan lupa dulu miskin. Peliharalah kebaikan hatimu sepanjang perjalanan naik kehidupanmu.. Hidup susah jangan mengeluh. Hidup senang jangan sombong. Karena, hidup susah adalah cobaan, hidup senang adalah ujian...

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Apa kabar @ojie? Diupvote ya.. :˃