
in life •  7 years ago 

Hello Guys, today i'm going to tell you 8 things about Failure and i hope you like it.

  1. Behind every success is a succession of Failure, it's inevitable because Failure and Mistake presents the ideal learning process not just theoretical but real world practical.

  2. It's how you deal with Failure that detarmines your success.

  3. I don't know the key to success but the key to Failure is trying to please everybody.

  4. Never give up, Failure and rejection are only the first step of succeeding.

  5. Once you learn to Quite if becomes a habit.


I hope you all learnt something today.. Have a nice week ..

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  1. Look at how far you've come rather than on how far you have left to go.

  2. It's easy to be discouraged by Failure and even to consider them inevitable.

  3. Do not sabotage your new relationship with your last relationship poison...