in life •  8 years ago 


“The United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord, but begin negotiations to re-enter either the Paris accord or an entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States, its businesses, its workers, its people, its taxpayers — so we’re getting out"

I do not have a problem with this whatsoever. Much like the United Nations, this Paris Climate Agreement is toothless without the United States. For far too long this country has borne the burdens of the world. Now we have our own issues here at home that are either directly or indirectly caused by so many of these one-sided agreements. We are hurting here and it is about to be much worse. Ask a coal miner and his family how what happens in Paris has helped them.

“I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris"

It is about damned time someone put Americans first.

“As of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the non-binding Paris accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country"

I do not feel a need to be sorry that I am an American. More than once this country has bled to save the country this farce of an agreement was conceived in. Paris does not tell Pittsburgh what to do.

I am all for clean energy. I hope it becomes a reality someday, but the blitzkrieg attack the last administration waged on our country's energy production was not the way to do it. You can't expect to make a change to clean energy overnight and have American businesses compete with coal belching China. Clean energy is expensive. This agreement and much of the whole climate hoax has never been about the climate. It has been part of a greater push to kill what remains of industry in America. Without industry, we are nothing. We are just another France. Non-industrialized nations always end up under the boots of those that have industry.

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thanks for this post :-) It's epic how he keeps bitch slapping evil in da face... The American dream lives in all freedom lovin decent people .. without it what is left ? religion? narcissism? communism etc. F that freedom from oppression and the right to be left alone is a birthright and Trump Is evidently the one to lead us in the right direction.. who knew ;-)... Imagine what he could accomplish if he had more support from inside the government ?

I know exactly what you mean when you say "who knew" about Trump. I honestly did not know he had it in him. As long as he keeps fighting for the everyday Joe, Ill back him.

Bravo! Lemme get a lump of coal for you.

Thanks! Dig up a few thousand tons and Ill go flip the switch at the steam plant :)

Thank you for sharing.