in life •  7 years ago 


I begin to wonder, why is everyone busy with one thing or the other, what are they searching for? As I wake this morning everyone is already about their daily activities, cars and bikes zooming out in hurry to make it to work. Then I begin to wonder 🤔everyone of us must be searching for something we don't have or we already have but want more because I don't understand why we will leave the comfort of our bed every morning if it is not to seek for something of value to us..
Everyone is searching for the good things in life, a life of pleasure but when I thought further I realized that everything we are searching for can only be enjoyed here on earth, none of the things we seek for can determine our place of rest after earth. What then are we searching for in this meaningless life that cannot assure us an eternal home in Heaven.
We need to get things right my friend, it is God presence that gives meaning to life. Every lasting pleasure you want to enjoy is from the hand of God. It is only God that maketh rich without adding sorrow.

Except the Lord build the house the labourers build in vain, in the same way, except the Lord build your life, your labours will only amount to vain.
Seek God first, only in God is there meaning to a glorious life.

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Seek the kingdom of God first and other things will be added