Rule #1 of #10 - 10 Financial Rules

in life •  7 years ago 

Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-23 um 20.38.11.png

The next couple of weeks i'll will discuss the 10 rules of financial freedom.
Today is the first lesson starting.

1. Respect money and be indifferent towards it

There are some problems you need to know and they are all connected.

But I think, the most important thing is actually the way people view money.
There is two main problem in the way that they view money.

The first problem is, that people not really understanding the function of money and why it exist.
If you do not understand why money exists and its real function, you tend to have no respect for it.
It only exist for trading. Trading commodities, bonds, futures, your Coke, your Burger and some more stuff you may probably think that you need.

The second problem is the emotion towards money.
Having some sort of emotional barrier of money itself i. e. we're always told these messages like "Money is the root of all evil", "The more money you have, the more problem you going to have.".

Obviously they are only procalamted from people, who aren't wealthy.
Employees which are seek the meaning of life in liabilitys i. e. mortgages, consumer credits, etc.

Money makes the society work!

Think about it for a second.
It is obvious to think, that money is bad as everybody says.
Then why everybody goes to work to earn money?
Why don't you stay at home?
I mean, nobody wants to get treat badly.
So if money is bad and it treats you like that, so why did you get up early in the morning to go to work on every day?
Do you like it to treaten badly?

Just imagine a world without money.

Yes, for sure - money doesn't make you happy but it flattens you the way to it.

It makes you become happier.

We need it to solve the need of double coexistence for once.
People think, that wanting money is bad because of greedy behaviors.
If you want to help yourself and your family, so this is for me a postive way of greediness.
If you want to harm people because you have a lot of money and this is the type of medium in which you are able to do that, so that is a negative greediness.

It is nothing wrong with that

Capital markets work through it.
Unfortunately some people say, that the system is false because there exist people who are poor and people who own a lot of money.
But there is no better way to get to the rich site.

Nevertheless the system isn't perfect but there is no better alternative.

I would appreciate if you tell me what you think of that?!

Next week i discuss about defining assets and liabilities properly

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