in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

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2017 is gone.

Or better put, 2017 is almost gone!

A new year is approaching.
To many, 2018 will be a year of financial breakthroughs and blessings. Many ideas have been schedules for execution come 2018.

But some things are sure. It's not gonna be all rosy. It can as well be worse than 2017. You can as well live through 2018 without achieving your set goals. Its possible. Its equally possible that you could be more successful than you imagined.
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Let's not forget to cross examine 2017, pinpoint our mistakes that deprived us our set goals so we could avoid them. Let's also look back on our journey so far and discover a reason to never give up because 2018 won't be an all easy year.

You'll loose! You'll suck at something. Admit it. Nothing good comes easy. Even the brightest of all golds were once a dirty stone. The huddles shall come again. The road blocks, trials and challenges shall come again.

You'll fail! Your businesses might not flourish as it did last year. You may even go bankrupt. Admit the possibility of experiencing these. Its possible.

Do well to remember that living is risk taking. These are the risks facing every living being. The worst could happen even when we're praying for the best.
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But the true failure or loss is when we give up. Don't quit when the challenges appear. Don't give up on yourself. Don't blame yourself for your failure for too long.

Always be vigilant. Be an expectant of the worse. Don't let it meet you unready. Be smart! Be courageous ! Be wise! Always remember that the only way is FORWARD.

When it looks like there's no way, push on!

When it looks like the end its near, press on!

Don't hold back to risk taking. After all that's what you do while breathing.
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2018 could only be your year of fruitfulness, when you're ready to fight the dry soil.

Push on! Never give up!


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Yes future is uncertain but before walking into 2018 we must look at our mistakes and everything that stopped us from being successful and try to avoid them in future. we must should learn from our mistakes. what you say?

Quite encouraging


You're right, nothing good comes easy. As far as goals are concerned, I still have a great deal to go in achieving my long term goals, such as graduation, which is a few years away. As far as increasing my chances here at Steemit, I see it as something I work on everyday, not just as a part of a New Year's resolution as we enter into 2018. I understand the more time and effort I put in here the better I will fare in the long term! Happy steeming and may we all push towards accomplishing our dreams.


And I wish you success in you 2018 endeavours