Did Febrez Just Assume Our Scent?!

in life •  6 years ago 

I get a kick out of marketing, especially when a claim is so bogus you can tell that a bunch of suits sitting at a conference table have never gone outside. Case in point: Alaskan Spring by Febrez.


I understand what they were going for. The Sound of Music meets a parallel reality where pollen doesn’t exist because all of the trees are plastic.

In reality, an Alaskan spring smells like mud, salty water at low tide, decay, and a lot of dissolving nuggets of dog poop that everyone forgot about when the snow conveniently hid it all. Luckily, after a few days of rain, the world will begin to smell much better.

This will be the only muddy picture I post, mainly because every Spring we all get a good laugh at the ideas people get when they ask for some Alaskan Spring in their house.

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